Chapter 32 [Cousins]

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Date: 1st June, Tuesday

Tenma's POV

In today's practice me, Shuu and Hakuryuu got our training menu's. All of us had to finish all the routines on it. There was around 10 workouts. I managed to finish it all before sunset. It was honestly extremely tiring. If the ground was soft as my bed I would had passed out. Afterwards I hit the shower, since I needed to go to the hospital before I went home. I was too lazy to put on my school uniform so I just wore the white t-shirt which I usually wear underneath my jersey jacket and wore the pants. I told Aoi that I had to go somewhere and left her with Shinsuke. 

I picked up my younger brother from the river bank and went to the hospital. I checked with the reception to know where my cousin was. He was on the second floor room :207. We took the elevator to the second floor. I walked through the hallway slowly checking the room number and name. As I saw the room number, I approached the door and read the name. Matsukaze Tatsuki. I knocked on the door and waited for a response. Someone replied to come in.

"Pardon my intrusion " I said as I walked in. 

"Ah Tenma!" Katsuki said in surprise. 

"Tenma-kun, you're here!" Tatsuki said in excitement. I had not seen them in a while so I was a bit surprised at their appearances. I took an open seat on his left while Tenki sat on the bed. Tatsuki had broken his arm so he had a cast on.

"Wow, You guys have changed a lot." I said with a smile. Since we haven't seen each other for a while.

"Why do you look like the both of us?" Tenki said pointing towards Katsuki. I looked at him to have similar appearances like us except his hair was a bit darker and his eyes were a bit sharper than us.

"You look like their older brother." Tatsuki said while laughing. Katsuki just rolled his eyes. Katsuki is the older twin while Tatsuki is the younger twin. 

"Why did you grow your hair? You look like a girl." Tenki said towards Tatsuki. Tatsuki had grown his hair below his shoulders. "It's cute, plus I found it quite fun. There was a guy from another class who thought I was a girl and he confessed."

"Did he beat you up when he found out you were a guy?" Tenki asked.

"Of course not, who would want to punch someone cute like me?" Tatsuki replied making a cute face with his hand on his cheek.

"I would" Katsuki replied with no hesitation. "Honestly this is the reason Dad is disappointed in you." He added.

"Eh? Did you guys parents get a divorce?" I asked him.

"No, just disappointed. But mom is supportive." He replied.

"What do you think Tenma?" Tatsuki asked me winking at me with his tongue out.

"Ummm, you look fine. Anyway how did you break your arm?" I said changing the subject.

"Oh, I was decorating my room and fell of the ladder and broke it." Tatsuki explained.

"Twisted it" Katsuki correct him.

"Eeuhg" Tenki let out as he probably imagined the pain and process.

"Did your parents come to visit?" 

"Yeah they dropped by last night. I came after school cause he was crying here all alone."

"It's scary! You know that window was open and the curtains were just floating like the ones in horror movies." Tatsuki said as he pointed towards the window. Tatsuki is more of a scaredy-cat. He always slept with a night light on.

"Hey, I heard your next opponent is Hakuren. Good luck."  Katsuki said changing the subject.

"Oh I haven't learn about the opponent yet. I've been practicing. We have a new Trainer and he gave us training menus." I said. 

"I have joined the KFC." Tenki added.

"... What?" Both of them said in unison in confusion.

"Kids Football Club" I said pronouncing the initials.

"Oh. I thought he said the fast food." Tatsuki said.

"Hey, can buy me a milkshake packet?" Tenki asked me. I asked the the other two if they wanted anything for them before I went to buy something. Katsuki wanted a cola and Tatsuki wanted strawberry milk. I went to the vending machine which was by the door to the open terrace. As I was grabbing the drinks I overheard a conversation from the terrace.

"I WANT TO PLAY IN THE GAME, COACH!"I jumped a bit by a loud scream. I looked over to the terrace to see a guy with bright orange ruffled hair screaming at the adult while getting held back by another guy. "Taiyou Stop!" said the guy with brown hair and cyan eyes.

"You can't, Not in that condition" The man replied to him. When I saw the bright pink hair I recognized who the he was. 'Nosaka Yuuma? ' I thought "I CAN STILL PLAY!" The guy yelled stubbornly.

"Outei Tsukinomiya needs their captain. If you play, you might not be able to play ever again." Nosaka replied. 'he was the Coach of Outei Tsukinomiya?'  I thought.

"BUT-" He tried to talk back to him but Nosaka cut him off. "I am not letting you play, Taiyou. I made that decision and I'm sticking with it. If you focus on healing your leg than you will be able to play in the finals."

"What if we fail?" He asked.

"Are you doubting your teammates and me?" Nosaka asked the guy.

"no... I..." He said. "Taiyou we will win for sure. Plus we still have to fight 3 more teams to go for the semi finals. You have almost a month to heal." His friend replied.

"Even if I heal I won't be able to play against them." He looked down sadly.

"Taiyou you are dismissed from the team for now. Tosamaru take him back to his room." Nosaka stated and told the guy.

"Yes, Coach" He replied before carrying him by his shoulder.

I hid myself beside the vending machine as they walk into the hallway.  From the conversation itself it was obvious. The captain had injured himself, so he won't be there for the next 3 matches. But Outei isn't in the same block as us. They are in Block B, so if we keep winning the likely chance of us fighting against them would be in finals or semi-finals. From his voice he sounded really desperate to play. But if he pushes himself any further he may never be able to play.

I saw Nosaka walk past me towards the elevator, I quickly moved to the other side of the vending machine. He stood and paused for a moment to look back. He continued to walk towards to the elevator and got on. I sighed and grabbed the drinks. I also bought myself melon soda. I went back to the room and gave each of them their drink.

We continued to have a long conversation about the time back in Okinawa before Tenki and I had to go back home. It was going to be dinner time soon so we both left saying our goodbyes to them. 



I wanted to deliver some good news to you all. 

I am done with 1/4 match. Which means I have 2 more matches to go. This story is finally gonna be over soon.

And always don't forget to enjoy and vote.

Thank you for reading.

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