Chapter 34 [Double Wing]

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Date: 5th June, Saturday

Tenma's POV

The second half started with our kickoff. So we set the strategy in and follow with Shindou giving out commands. Hakuryuu had passed the ball to Shindou, who passed it over to Kirino. Shuu and I stood behind Hakuryuu and Shindou and Hamano stood behind Tsurugi. As Kirino passed the ball overhead to Tsurugi who started to approach the opponent's side while dribbling. As expected Hakuren got into positions to stop us with HT, Absolute Barrier. Tsurugi started to pass the ball towards Hakuryuu and the moment he got the ball he passed it back to Tsurugi. Since Hakuryuu reaction was quite faster than Tsurugi, he completely missed the ball. The ball went out the field.

Although as simple as it sounded this was gonna be hard setting it up. The match continued on like this for around twenty minutes. We were slowly adjusting to the momentum to pull it off. Tsurugi got used to Hakuryuu's speed and was able to pass back without looking. During that time whenever Hakuren got a free ball, Sangoku and the defenders made sure to protect the goal.

After another throw in from Hakuren, #10 took the ball and approached the goal suddenly. Before anyone could stop him, he released his avatar. "Gousetsu no saia" He called out his avatar's name. "Icicle Road!" He used a HS to break through our goal. Sangoku was frustrated that he wasn't able to stop that shoot. The score finally changed with Hakuren in the lead.

Time was running out, we had to break through and score 2 more goals to get in lead. With one more time trying out the strategy we were ready. As we practiced, we started the kick off. Tsurugi and Hakuryuu immediately started with the passes. The midfielders and I proceeded to follow them from behind. As their passes started to get faster the midfielders got in front of them and covered them. As the passing of the ball grows quicker, yellow flames begin to form around the us in the shape of two adjacent arrows or wings, eventually covering us entirely.  

The Hakuren players who performed HT, Absolute Barrier could not figure out which side the ball was approaching from. They guessed a side where the ball and blocked the right side. Tsurugi's side which was blocked didn't have the ball but Hakuryuu did. As soon as we broke through Hakuryuu used his HS, White Hurricane and scored a goal.

Everyone on the team cheered and came to hug Hakuryuu.

"That was amazing" Kurumada praised us.

"We finally completed the Hissastu Tactics." Hamano said.

"So What are you guys gonna call it?" Amagi asked.

"Something like twin arrows?" Kariya suggested.

"How about Double wings?" Kirino suggested instead.

All of them agreed with Kirino as he suggested the name.

Even though we figured to break past there HT. We only had a few minutes remaining before the game ended. As soon as Hakuren kicked off, we stole the ball from them and went to use HT, Double Wing. Hakuren once again used HT, Absolute Barrier but yet again we broke through. This time they blocked the left side, but Tsurugi was the one who had the ball instead. He was perfectly in an open area and released his avatar. He used HS, Lost Angel and scored a goal. The goalkeeper was able to pull of his Hissastu Catch but unfortunately it could not block Tsurugi's attack.

As the match continued, we defended the goal to not let them score any more. After a few minutes the whistle blew as the match was over. We all celebrated for a moment before lining up to head back to the lockers.


I waved bye to Aoi as we parted ways to reach our home. I arrived at the manor to be greeted by Tenki. He was standing at the entrance with a smug smile on his face. As I was removing my shoes I asked him. "What's up with you?"

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