Chapter 19 [Haru the Coach]

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Date: 17th May, Monday

Tenma POV

The weekends flew away so fast in a blink of an eye. Monday has begun and I'm just laying here exhausted from the training. I yawned as sat up on the bed. Slowly opening my eyes because of the sunlight. 'I should get thicker curtains maybe' I thought. With one more yawn I stretched my upper body and also cracked my neck a bit. Taking the blanket off me I walked to the bathroom to hit the showers.

When I was done, I put my uniform and went to eat breakfast. Grabbing my lunchbox after having breakfast I went out the manor. As I walked outside the gate, Aoi was there waiting for me using her phone. She put away it away as she saw me.

"Good morning" She said with a bright smile. I returned the energy back to her. "Good Morning to you too."

We both headed to the school walking beside each other; talking about the match against Teikoku. It was quite impressive of Shindou to have an avatar. And the chained shoot between Hajuryuu and Kurama was amazing as well. Time passed fast as i realized we were already in school walking towards our classroom. Shinsuke greeted us in the classroom. Seems like someone woke up early for class. As we took our seats the teacher walked in and started the class.

During classes I got a text message from the anonymous number.

Anonymous: I think its time for you to shine. You're next opponent is Kaiou Gakuen. Good luck!

I put away my phone after replying.

: Okay.

I put my attention on the teacher for now.

When the lunch time came around I received a message to my eleven band from Coach.

'Everyone please meet me in the clubroom.'

What's going one? What happened all of a sudden to call another meeting? Questions popped in my head that I couldn't figure out. I told Aoi about it and she said she'd tag along. Shinsuke as well since he also wanted to know what could be going on.

When we reached the room everyone was gathered there. Some out of breathe.

"Gulping down all those food was a terrible idea" Hamano said in between breathes. I guess some of us was really hungry.

"So, I don't know if everyone is here or not but here I go. I gotta go to the airport today. Some friends of mine are finally coming back from overseas so I gotta go meet them. I am leaving  Tsumugi Haru in charge of the team's practice. Now then I gotta catch the train so bye. Good luck on your training everyone." He explained , announced and ran away from here.

As all of us just stood there as we had witness a scene at high speed.


"He left me in charge?" Tsumugi said in shock pointing at herself. "I can't stay here I have to go meet my idol" She added as she stomped on the ground. "Stupid Coach My idol is gonna land here...Oh ooooh" She said as she seemed to have connected the dots.

"He went to meet Inazuma Japan.  They are returning from Spain today" She said.

"You mean Coach Endou's old friends?" Shindou asked.

"Okay that excuse seems valid but, YOU'RE TELLING ME I ATE MY LUNCH IN SPEED FOR NOTHING??" Hamano yelled in anger.

"He really said he gotta dip" Hakruyuu snicker as he said.

With a long sigh everyone headed back to their classroom. Today's practice could go really bad or well. Tsumugi did seem like she understood the game so lets see what she has in store for practice. Just when we had our lunch, the bell rang so I put my lunchbox aside and faced the board for the class was about the start.

Just after we finished the class we headed back to club room. I walked into the locker room with Shinsuke and changed into my uniform. Both of us headed separate ways as our practice venue was different. I had practice in the field outside as while Shinsuke had it in the stadium.

It was not a good sight when I went to the field. Tsumugi was wearing a tracksuit; the sleeves and pants were rolled up. She was holding a baton and wearing some shades. The team was there standing in a line  facing towards in attention stance. All of them were tensed. As I joined she took a sharp glare at me and yelled.

"OI MATSUKAZE YOU'RE LATE TO PRACTICE PRACTICE!! WHAT'S YOUR EXCUSE?" she walked towards me and was standing a few inches away from my face.

"I was just-" I started to speak but got cut off by her.


"Huh?" I blurt out confused. She asked for excuse yet she cuts me off.


"Push up? But this is a-" I tried to speak but yet again.

"MAKE THAT TWENTY PUSH UP FOR TALKING BACK?" She added while cutting me off.

"But-" I spoke again but.

"YOU WANNA DO THIRTY THEN?" She warned me.

I started to shake my head but someone spoke.

"YES" Kariya shouted.


"WHAT? But i didn't-"  I spoke again to tell her it wasn't me but yet again.

"FORTY MATSUKAZE!!" She shouted.

I got on the ground and started doing push ups while counting in my head.


"Four" I said as she said that. I started counting out loud.


"SIX!!!" I yelled as I did a push up.

"GOOD JOB Keep at it till you do 40" She said as she walked away. Yeah today's practice is not going to go well.



Author's note
I've been a bit busy these days and having a writer's block so going for a 2 weeks hiatus.
I'm really sorry, I'll try to be back as soon as I can.

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