Chapter 8 [Seeds]

498 19 4

Date: 21st April, Wednesday

I turned around to see Tsurugi who scared me for a second.

"Hey, what are doing here?" I asked.

"Nothing much just trying to find a vending machine with a good soda" he answered.

"I see. Hey, that one has good coffee" I said while pointing to the vending machine near the staircase.

"Thanks but i don't like drinking coffee at school."

"Afraid of a tummy ache?" I teased smiling.

"Maybe, or i never tried it before" He said before walking away.

I waved him goodbye and headed to my classroom. I went back to my seat and start finishing my lunch which i had not eaten yet.

After all classes, i headed to the locker room to change in to my uniform instead of heading straight to the club. I met the team at the outdoor field. I was surprised to see the second team there.

"Tenma!" Shinsuke came and jumped for a double hi-five to which i responded.

"whats going one?"

"Today, we are gonna be practicing against you guys"

"Oh cool"

"And guess what im gonna be on defense"

"Thats Great lets see which team will be winning"

We fist bumped before heading back to our teams. Everyone was pretty psyched for the match. And so was i. I wanna see what the second team is capable of. Especially since they defeated the second team of Gassan Kunimitsu.

Everyone headed to their position. I was re-position to the front with Tsurugi and Kurama on the side. I could tell that shinsuke was surprised seeing me as a forward instead of a midfielder. One the whistle blew the match started.

(The # numbers represents the opposite teams movements)

10# passed to #9 and headed towards me. I kept my eyes on him before i noticed he was going for a back pass. So i sprinted forward and took the ball when he passed. I dribbled across the field to meet up with the midfielders.

"Matsukaze!" Tsurugi called out so i passed the ball over head. He caught the ball and headed for the goal. I looked around the team to find an opening so i quickly sprinted through. I made sure to sink low so they won't notice. I called out Tsurugi's name to draw the attention of others.

Tsurugi got ready  to pass but he passed over to Shuu, who was joining in today's match. As i stood around Shinsuke came to mark me.

"I'm not gonna let you score!"

"'Im not scoring i'm distracting"


"TENMA-KUN" Shuu called out as he shot the ball in to the air. I reacted quick as i jumped up high catch the ball with my chest and land down. I faced the goal and sprinted as fast as i could and shot the ball in to the goal. The surprised goal keeper couldn't react quick.

I shot my first goal.

"I did it... I DID IT!"

I kept jumping up and done. Shuu came and hi fi-ved me. "I knew you could do it"

"Thanks Shuu"

"So what are you gonna name it?"

"Name it? Oh the Shoot!" i thought for a second before calling it Mach Wind. Since it was stroked with a huge gale.

And like that practice continued.

In the end we won, plus it was a practice match no one was keeping score. And with a usual trip i headed to the locker room to change. After changing i met up with Shuu outside the locker room.

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