Chapter 30 [The Reason]

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A/N : I have something to say but I will say it after the chapter. Enjoy.

Date: 29th May, Saturday

Tsurugi's POV

I sneezed as I finished my drink.

"You good?" Haru asked as she was offering my towel. "Yeah" I said taking the towel to wipe my nose.

"Seems like someone is talking about you, Mr. Popular"

"And I see no one is talking about you, Ms Lone wolf" I replied to her. "You" She murmured.

"Alright, looks like we are behind by a lot." Coach spoke in a serious tone. "I hope none of you underestimated the frontiers because this is gonna be tough"

He wasn't joking though. This was a lot more tough than the districts. We were behind by two points. The score was 0-2 with Gassan Kunimitsu in the lead. This wasn't good. I have tried to get past their defense but they were unbreakable. Damn it.

Since the first half they had a HT, Tactics Cycle. We haven't found anyway to break through yet. Once we find a way to break through we can gain the upper hand. But where is it? How do we break through it?

"How are we gonna win this game?" Hayami said. 

"If only Tenma and Shuu were here." Hamano said.

"What are you saying?" Kirino asked. 

"I mean, Tenma and Shuu were actually pretty fast and better than us." Hamano replied. That wasn't a lie. Tenma and the other two were pretty amazing. As expected from SEEDs who went through rough training to achieve their goal of being the best. They were mostly holding themselves back as they didn't want to expose the fact that they were actually SEEDs to the team. That training I did with Tenma was also quite weird at the time as well. He was able to release a small amount of the avatar from the match against the Coach's team, was that by accident?

"On the other hand with the three of them have an avatar, so we would had scored 3 goals by now." Kariya added.

"Are you saying we need only those guys to win the match?" Shindou asked as he walked up to Kariya.

"Eh, that's not what I mean-" Kariya said in  panic and stepped back.

"Do you think we can just win relying on them all the time? If we keep relying on someone better than us, how do you expect to improve ourselves?"

That's when I realized what Coach had done. He dismissed the other three because they were better than us. If we had them on the team, everyone would be constantly relying on them for victory and we would never improve. 

"The reason Coach dismissed Tenma, Shuu and Hakuryuu was because they were better than us." Sangoku answered. "If they were on the team we would had won easily but, if we can't win without them on the team then what's the point of us?"

"Sangoku-senpai's right. We have to win this game without them at all cost." Kirino agreed.

"But how are we gonna do that?" Hayami said.

"Masaki-kun!" Haru called out to Kariya who was drinking his water bottle. He spit out the water in his mouth by surprise. Probably because Haru called him by his first name. No one here has ever called him out by his first name though.

"Wha-What?!" He responded stuttering. 

"You have a pretty good body balance right, Masaki-kun?" She asked him while leaning towards him. "Huh?" he let out. I grabbed her by the collar pulled her away from him. "What are you trying to do?" I asked her.

She grinned and answered. "I think I saw a break through. You see when they were all getting into a straight line formation, there is a moment of like 10 seconds where someone could go through them and grab the ball. In order to go through that timing you would need a pretty good body balance to dodge your way through."

Everyone was amazed by her observation. With Coach and everyone being in an agreement, they counted on Kariya to break through. Because of Haru we might have gained an advantage. We can win this now. I stared at her for moment admiring her but I looked away as she was about to turn her head, noticing my stare. I turned around and just  kept drinking from my water bottle.

Tenma's POV

Since Tenki's match ended early, I went home immediately and turned on the Television to see what was going on in today's game. I tuned in to the last minutes where the scores were tied 2-2. I watched as Tsurugi was moving up and getting a pass from Hayami and got the ball. He moved up past the defense and released his avatar and shot his HS, Lost Angel. The tie was broken and the final whistle blew with Raimon's victory.

"YES" I screamed with excitement. These guys actually won the match with out the three of us. Wait- with out the three of us? Was that what Coach was trying to do? The three of us had a lot of training so we were pretty much better than the whole team. I did notice that the team had been a bit slower than me. I just thought they were just tired from the game.

I turned off the TV and went to the dining room to eat dinner. I was quite hungry as I hadn't eaten anything since afternoon. As I sat down at the table I received a text message from Aoi.

Aoi: We won the game.

: Really that's good to know. Can't wait to join for practice on Monday.

Aoi: See you on Monday. Good night.

: Good night.

As I put away my phone in my pocket and Aki-nee put the food on the table. Tenki came after taking a shower and took his seat next me. Mom sat across from us and was smiling. It's been a long time since we had dinner together as a family. We had some conversations during dinner, about school, friends and the town. Reminiscing the old days when we were in Okinawa, playing around the inn and swimming in the ocean. Damn now I wanna go swimming. Can't wait for summer vacation to start. I kind of want to go back to the inn, and go in the hot springs.

"What are you thinking about?" My mom asked as she interrupted my thoughts.

"Oh, I wanna go back to the inn for summer vacation." I told my mom.

"Oh my. I thought you will never come back to the inn." My mom said smiling.

"I mean it's been a  long time so I kind of miss it" I said.

"Of course, you should come. Oh And bring your friends too. If they have a great time there maybe they will come back with their families. I'll make sure to get a discount for them." She added.

"Sure, Ill keep that noted." I replied. It would be fun to have vacation with my friends.

After having dinner, I brushed my teeth and went to bed.


A/N (PS: It's a bit long)

I had first released this book back in 2020, and eventually gave up on the book. But someone wrote a comment on the latest chapter that I had released and wanted more. So I decided to come back to finish it 2 years later.

Now here am I publishing the 30th Chapter, and writing the 40th Chapter. I'm sure of you wanna ask why am I haven't release the other chapters if I am writing the 40th chapter.

Well the reason is : Writer's block. 

I try to write everyday but sometimes I don't have any motivation to do so. Instead of making you all wait forever without knowing when will I release the next chapter. I kept some chapter written ahead so that way even if I lose motivation I will still have some time till I release them.

Currently you can see these release dates on  'Matsukaze Tenma POV' Chapter

Anyways I hope you all enjoyed the chapter, and thank you for reading. 

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