4. Nine tails attack

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It was night time and Inora was walking along with Kakashi and Guy. Guy was rambling to Kakashi for a match claiming that he was his Eternal Rival and Kakashi as usual dismissed it with a lazy attitude.

Inora on the other hand was excited to meet Naruto. "Just a little more, I will be able to meet him" she whispered to herself. And she felt Kakashi suddenly stop walking.

"What is wrong Kakashi?" Inora asked. "Do you feel something strange?" He asked.
Inora paused and concentrated a little. She felt a chill run down her spine. She heard Guy yelling that the only thing that was chill was Kakashi's attitude.

Then all of a sudden there was an explosion and there it was the NINE TAILS.

Inora stood there frozen. Her mind couldnt register what was happening. It went overdrive thinking about her parents and Naruto. She vaguely heard a jonin telling Kakashi and Guy that the Third Hokage ordered everyone to gather in guard room

Inora suddenly remembered the safehouse. "They must be there. Mom and Dad must be there" she whispered to herself. By the time Kakashi turned for her, she was long gone.

She cannot get there in time. She was terrified that something might happen to those she loved. She remembered the basics of the Flying thunder god jutsu. She knew her father marked her mother. If she tried she could get to them.

Inora stopped and took a deep breath. She remembered everything her father taught her and concentrated all the chakra she had. She felt herself being pulled.

"Mom! Are you okay?" Inora asked eyes filled with tears seeing her mother's weakened state. Near her was a cute blonde baby boy with blue eyes just like hers. "Naruto" Inora whispered tears falling off her eyes relieved to see them safe.

"Where is Dad?" She asked her mother. "He went to stop the Nine tails dear. Dont worry we will be fine" Kushina gave her daughter a soft smile. Inora smiled back weakly. Performing the jutsu took a toll on her. Her eyes were burning and head was spinning.

"Are you okay dear? How did you get here?"
Kushina asked concerned seeing her daughter like this. "I was scared that something happened to you so I used the Flying thunder got jutsu to get to you" Inora whispered.

Kushina was stunned for a moment and then smiled softly "We are fine dear. Here try holding your little brother". Inora's eyes lit up after hearing that. She gently held Naruto in her arms. Her heart felt warmth after seeing him sleep peacefully in her arms.

All of a sudden there was another explosion and they all were outside the safe house and it was crushed to pieces. "Dad!" Inora exclaimed. She saw the Nine tails not so far away from them. Her father said something about erecting a barrier and suddenly Kushina released chains from her body and held the Nine tails in place.

She started coughing and Naruto started to cry in Inora's arms. "I will take the nine tails with me to my death" said Kushina. Inora head was spinning she couldnt catch everything she said. "Dont. Dont do this Mom. There has to be another way. Tell me Dad. There is another way isnt there?" Desperation was clear in her voice.

"Kushina there is no need for you to die." Inora felt a relief but soon her breath became ragged as she heard her father say about the Reaper death seal.

"No no no. Dont do this please. Dont leave us like this." Inora started crying with Naruto close to her chest.

Minato held her chin to make her look at him. "Listen to me honey. I know I didnt spend much time with you like you wanted me to. Please forgive me for that. You are the first one in this entire world to call me Dad. Thank you for being our daughter. I will always love you and Naruto no matter what" tears where flowing from Minato's eyes. "Please dont. Please." Inora whispered.

He said that he was going to seal half of the nine tails inside Naruto. "Dad please. Make me the Jinchuriki. Then we can all go back home. Dont do this please." Inora balled her eyes out

"I cant seal the Nine tails in you honey. You are running low on chakra" He smiled softly. "It is going to be okay honey" Minato gave a soft kiss on Inora's forehead and kissed Naruto's cheeks and performed the hand signs for the Reaper death seal. Inora turned to look at her stunned mother.

Kushina started arguing with for using the reapers death seal. Inora couldnt hear anything properly. Her ears were ringing. Her chakra was close to depletion.

Inora felt her father take Naruto from her and put him in some of sort of ritual mat. She blinked her eyes several times. Once she got a clear view she saw the Nine tails trying to attack Naruto. Her eyes widened and she jumped in and covered him without thinking.

She felt blood splash over her. She raised her head to see most horrifying scene that would haunt her all her life. It was the Nine tails' nail it pierced through her Dad and Mom and its very tip penetrated her arm covering her brother.

She felt no physical pain at the moment. Her mind was unable to bear the thought of losing the two most important people of her life. She screamed in agony. Their hearts broke seeing their daughter like this.

She saw her father performing a sealing sign on Naruto and giving the key to one of his toads. She started crying. "Do you really not care about us. Do you really want to die that bad?"

"It is okay dear. You are going to become the strongest kunoichi of all time. I have no doubt in you Inora. I love you so much. Take care of your brother for us will ya?" Kushina said and started to advice her children to take care of their health and studies. Inora remembered that she was turning six in a few days and going to start academy soon but she wont be having her parents near her.

"Inora. Do you have any chakra left?" Asked Minato. "A little bit Dad". Minato made sure to seal Inora's chakra in Naruto too. "It wouldnt be fair if we leave you out in our reunion now will it?" Minato chuckled. "Take care of yourself and your brother Inora. And I truly believe you both will grow to surpass me one day." He smiled softly. "EIGHT SIGN SEAL"

"MOM! DAD! NOOOO" and everything went black

Author's note:
I feel so emotional right now.
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