54. The Sage of Six Paths

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Itachi woke up in the hideout and something didnt feel right. So he decided to go check on the leaf village because he was aware that Inora would be mad if he took off to the battle field. Just when he was about to reach there he noticed the moon turning to look like a sharingan. It didnt take him long to realise that the Infinite Tsukuyomi has been activated.

Veins started to sprout from the ground. He brought forth his Susanoo to protect himself from getting under the powerful genjutsu. He reached the village standing on top of the Hokage mountain and saw everyone wrapped up like a cocoon. Suddenly he saw Inora fall on top of the Fourth Hokage's stone face and trying to cut those veins that wrapped around her. "Did we lose? Is this over?" He heard her voice. He used his Susanoo to cut those veins and grabbed her gently holding her in his embrace.

"Inora! Are you okay?" He asked her. He noticed that she was covered in her own blood. She slowly raised her head and smiled as soon as she recongized him and hugged him. "Itachi!" She whispered before losing consciousness. Itachi was no medic but she looked pale. He carried her bridal style and flew to the hideout using his Susanoo.


Inora slowly opened her eyes taking in the surroundings. She felt like she was flying. And the next second she landed on the ground still in someone's arms which she recognized as Itachi. "Itachi?" She called him. "Inora! Are you okay? You seemed to be bleeding." He said worried.

Inora noticed that they were standing infront of the Uzumaki hideout. "Take me inside." She said which he did. She removed her top once she got inside and saw that her wound she took to her heart was healed. Her jutsu was undone after healing her last injury. She had no internal injuries but she did have external ones but nothing serious. She weakly tried walking to where she kept the Otsushi crystal only to be stopped by Itachi.

"You will be caught in the Tsukuyomi if you step out of this Susanoo." Itachi warned. So she dragged Itachi along with him taking out the Otsushi crystal. She used almost all the chakra she had stored but some was still left. She weaved hand signs absorbing every last bit of chakra. "What happened Inora?" Itachi asked. "I will tell you once we get there. We need to go to the battlefield." Inora said. "You are in no condition to fight." Itachi deadpanned. "I am aware Itachi. I will switch to sage mode on the way. There are still people who can help us defeat Madara. We cant let him win." She said remembering that those veins never affected the 4 Hokages.

Itachi sighed knowing she was right. There was no way he was going to let the entire world live in a genjutsu. "Okay. Lets go." Itachi said carrying her bridal style and setting out of the hideout. Inora saw him bring forth giant red wings from his Susanoo and started flying towards the direction she pointed. He didnt want her to waste any chakra teleporting.

I had a prophecy about you and this Uchiha boy.
I saw you and the Uchiha boy covered in red. It looked like red wings.

She remembered the Giant sage toad's prophecy.


Inora switched to sage mode. As they were getting near. She was able to sense Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura and Kakashi's chakra along with a powerful chakra. Just when she was about to weave hand signs to teleport to them the chakra signatures vanished making her gasp. "Whats wrong?" Itachi asked. "I sensed them just now but their chakra signatures suddenly vanished. Did something happen? How come they vanished suddenly?" she said panicking. "Stay calm Inora. We will analyse whats going on once we get there." Itachi said calmly. His voice somehow soothed the anxiety building inside her.

Inora briefly explained about how Obito was the one pretending to be Madara and how the real Madara used him to become the Ten tails jinchuriki and also explained that only Sage jutsu works against him. Itachi was shocked to learn that but he composed himself pretty quickly.

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