44. Is it really Obito?

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Inora came back to the hideout with a passed out Uchiha in her arms. She immediately laid him in the bed and got to work. As she was giving him the potion and connecting his IV back she heard a voice.

"Inora. Can you hear me?"

"Uncle Shikaku?" She asked to the voice she heard in her mind. It was from HQ. She had a special relationship with Shikaku. Being the fact that he was her father's right hand man when he was the Hokage, she always cared and respected the Genius of the leaf.

"Kakashi informed me about you having a lead on Kabuto. There has been many reports on the souls of the reanimated shinobi being set free from the battlefield. Was that you? Can you confirm what we assume?" He asked.

"No. It wasnt me. But I can confirm that the Reanimation jutsu has been undone. I was a witness. Kabuto Yakushi is immobile as of now." She replied.

"Thats a relief. I want you to join Naruto, Killer Bee, Kakashi and Guy. They have made contact with the fake Madara. Everyone will be joining soon." He said giving her the exact location of the jinchurikis. "Okay. I will be there as soon as I can." She said while finishing her checkup on Itachi.

He was fine and that was a big relief. The potion will slowly get to work. "I should go now Itachi. I promise I will be back once this mess is over. Dont you dare come running back once you are awake." She said knowing very well he wouldnt be able to hear her and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead.

Before she could leave something caught her eye. She was aware that even though the fake Madara was a predent dummy, he was strong that even her father struggled against him. So she did something she had been working on for quite a while and left hoping her little plan would work.


She ran as fast as she could towards the location Shikaku told her. Once she was within the distance of her sensory range she weaved signs teleporting herself to Naruto. She saw Naruto, Guy and Killer Bee bound by wood style.

"Wind style: Massive breakthrough"

The wood binding them was slashed into pieces freeing them. "I hope I am not too late." She said. She saw Guy badly hurt. But what shocked her the most was the presence of the reanimated Madara.

"What the hell is he still doing here? The reanimation jutsu was stopped." Inora exclaimed. "Your wind style jutsu was impressive. But you are a mere pest, this world is just about to end. Inorder to enjoy the little time we have left, we should really clear up the battlefield first." Madara said bringing forth his Susanoo. Inora sensed Kakashi's chakra a little far away along with the pretend dummy's chakra. She also felt an enormous amount of chakra being held inside a crimson barrier.

"You guys annoy me so much. I cant even think straight. So instead let me teach you a little something about me." Naruto said in anger. They saw his large Susanoo charging at them. Before anybody could react Naruto stopped it and another one of his shadow clones stopped the attack aimed for Kakashi. "I am not trash. I am not planning on becoming trash either. I will stop you. I will never let my comrades die." Naruto said his voice full of rage and determination.

"Hiradora" Guy launched his attack creating a massive air pressure punch towards Madara. Then there was a crack on the barrier holding the ten tails. "Looks like we have to worry about the ten tails. Let them handle the other guy, we need to make our move and go after that thing" said the 8 tails. "I will help Kakashi." Inora said teleporting herself to Kakashi only to find him being thrown by Naruto's clone towards the other guy and he sucked Kakashi inside his eye. "What the heck?" Inora asked in disbelief.

She saw the guy charging towards them. His real face looked somewhat familiar to her but she had to no time to think about it. "Lighting style: Piercing rod." She said and a white rod of considerable length was formed in her hands and she used it to pierce through his abdomen only for it to slip through. But suddenly he stopped moving and bled from his mouth.

Suddenly Kakashi appeared. Inora had no idea what the hell was going on. "Thank the Nine tails for me" Kakashi said. Then they all saw the 2 jinchurikis launching their attack at the ten tails and there was a huge blast. "I dont feel its chakra anymore." Inora said with her eyes wide. Is it over? "It is over" Kakashi said.

Inora saw the other guy distracted and she immediately launched at him catching him offguard. She launched attack after attack but he managed to dodge her. She then suddenly freezed sensing an enormous amount of chakra. "No way" she whispered and saw the guy smirk. "Yeah. The world is over." He said and left.

They saw the ten tails alive and growling and both Madara and his pretend dummy whom Inora didnt know (atleast for now) stood on top of it. The 8 and 9 tails stood behind Naruto, Kakashi and Inora. She saw Guy in a really bad condition and immediately went to heal him.

"Hey you Inora brat, dont waste your chakra. I can heal him and the others too." The nine tails said making her eyes widen. "Since when did you became buddies with the Nine tails?" Inora asked her brother shocked. "His name is Kurama. Its a long story." Naruto chuckled and they all jumped into Kurama's mouth.

"Who is that other guy Kakashi? He seems awfully familiar." Inora asked. "It is Obito." Kakashi said making her eyes widen like saucers. She had no clear memories of Obito since she was merely a 3 year old baby when he "died". But she had a lot of childhood photos with her father's team. She even had a photo of young Obito carrying baby Inora. She has heard tons of stories about Obito from Kakashi and her parents.

She admired him even though she didnt remember him much. The fact that he gave his life for his comrades inspired her from a very young age. She always noticed the look of sadness and guilt in her father's eyes whenever Obito was mentioned. That was what made her determined to become a shinobi, so that she could protect the people she cared about. But to think that he was very much alive and he was the reason behind her parents' death shocked her to no end.

Kakashi explained about how their Kamui time space was connected. "I cant... I just cant believe... is it really Obito Uchiha?" Inora asked still in shock. "Save that talk for later. Listen up..." Kurama said and explained a plan he came up with to take down the Ten tails. "Nine tails you are acting like a captain." Kakashi said in amusement. "Huh??? Got a problem with that?" Kurama asked. "No. Infact I feel kinda happy." Kakashi replied.

"Save that line for after we have won. Lets go." Kurama said and both the tailed beasts ran towards the Ten tails.


Both the beasts ran fast towards the enemy and suddenly saw the Ten tails' hand reaching them. Damn that was fast. Inora couldnt even sense that thing coming. Both Kurama and the 8 tails whose name Inora learned as Gyuki dodged it and attacked with a series of tailed beast bombs.

"Tailed beast bomb barrage."

But the Ten tails countered it with what seemed like a big bright ray of light. Both the beasts curled up into a ball using their tails. "Its on you guys" They heard Killer bee say. The attack was deflected and one of the tails of Gyuki was there. Kakashi and Naruto was missing. Only his clone was there. Inora immediately understood the plan.

Both Kakashi and Naruto were on falling at a rapid speed very close to the Ten tails and Kakashi released Gyuki through his Kamui. But Gyuki's attack was deflected with just a flick of its finger and it hit him instead. Inora saw one of its tails coming for Naruto. She immediately teleported to them and also reached Gyuki teleporting all of them to a safe distance before the tail beast bomb blasted.

Both the beasts suddenly disappeared leaving Naruto and Killer Bee. Looks like there is a time limit for that form.

Inora and Kakashi were panting heavily. They were kinda drained. Teleporting a tailed beast required a lot of chakra. So was the case with Kakashi, he literally transported a tailed beast in and out of his time space. They saw the Ten tails launch a beast bomb at them.

Inora took out her kunai to teleport that to elsewhere. "Inora. You are pretty drained. Are you sure you can handle it?" Kakashi asked worried. "There is no time to think about that." Inora replied but before she could throw her kunai the beast bomb was deflected from its path. Did it miss?

Thats when Inora noticed multiple chakras coming towards them. "Looks like we got reinforcements." She said.

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