31. Pain's Assault

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It has been over a couple weeks since Naruto left to Mount Meyaboku. Itachi has been slowly healing. Inora made sure to check on him everyday. She managed to get a hold of the rare herb to brew the potion. But he was still in coma.

She wrote a journal everyday as if she was writing to Itachi mentioning everything that happened in her life from the day she found him with Sasuke. She truly hoped that he would wake up one day and read the journal to catch up on what he missed while he was in such a deep slumber.

Everyday Inora checked the hospital records to find a potential match for an eye transplant surgery for Itachi but it was futile. She still couldnt accept the fact that his eyes were taken. She really wanted to go back to the dungeon she found Itachi in. But she didnt want to take any risks for now. With Konoha still in potential threat for an attack she didnt want to make any risky moves that could put her in danger.

Inora was on the way to the Hokage's office when she heard an explosion inside the village.

"What the heck?"

She immediately went on top of a house to inspect and saw someone summoning giant centipedes. There were kids over there. She immediately teleported there and took them to a safe place. How come they infiltrated without anyone noticing? She needed to inform this to the Hokage. She teleported to the Hokage's office and told her about what she saw.

"The one capable of such an attack without anyone noticing. It must be Pain. Inora, I want you to take the citizens to safety. You are the fastest ninja in Konoha. You are responsible to evacuate everyone to the safeplace in the Hokage's stone faces. Tell Sakura to take incharge in the hospital to treat the wounded. Leave the rest to the others." The Hokage ordered the redhead.

"Got it sensei." She bowed and was about to leave when she heard Tsunade telling about bringing Naruto back.

Inora immediately got to work. She grabbed her kunais and threw them at places where she saw many citizens running. She got to them and teleported them to the safeplace. "My kid is out there." A woman cried to her. "Dont worry I will find your kid."

She teleported back and saw a huge orange centipede going for a small kid.

"Wind style: Wind bullets"

It was shattered into pieces. She took the kid to safety.

She saw Sakura. "Sakura. Tsunade sensei ordered you to take incharge at the hospital." She informed the pinkette. She teleported with Sakura to hospital leaving her there. When she was outside she saw another one of those huge centipedes and Kurenai was at the hospital entrance. She immediately went near her and saw Shikamaru dealing with the huge thing.

"Be careful Kurenai." She said to her and nodded to Shikamaru.

There were explosions everywhere. As much as she wanted to kick the Pain's butt, she concentrated on evacuating the citizens.


She managed to get most of them to safety. She was sensing for any chakra nearby to help them and sensed Konohamaru's chakra. When she went there she saw him taking out one of the Pain's with the Rasengan. When did he? Nevermind. She went to Ebisu and saw him a bit hurt. "Ebisu. Let me take you to the hospital." She said. "No I am fine. You should help the others." He said. She saw Konohamaru rushing towards them. "You did well kid." She said ruffling his hair and went scanning for any chakra nearby.

She was a bit tired and saw Katsuyu climbing on her. "Lady Tsunade wanted me to share chakra with everyone" the slug said. She mentally thanked the Hokage and got to work. She felt Choza Akimichi's weak chakra. She went there and saw Katsuyu trying to heal him. But what made her froze was another person's lifeless body.

Kakashi Hatake.


"No. No. No. Not you too. Dammit Kakashi." She rushed towards him getting him out of the rubble. He was bleeding from his head. He didnt have any chakra. She tried performing CPR. Her eyes were becoming blurry due to her tears. "Inora. It is useless." The slug on her shoulder told her. "No. This cant be. He cant just die like this." She whispered with tears falling from her eyes.

"Inora!" She heard a voice calling her. She weakly lifted her head to see Hana Inuzuka with Sato. Sato was bleeding heavily. "He is bleeding Inora. He is..." Hana said panicking. She can worry about Kakashi later. She checked on him and placed the Katsuyu in her shoulder on Sato's injuries. "I am fine Katsuyu. Heal him." She said to the slug. "His situation isnt life threatening, he will be fine." She reassured her friend Sato's wife.

A little far away she saw huge summoning animals. It was the Intelligence division's head quarters. She went there and saw Ibiki and a few Anbu fighting them. She also saw Shizune, Ino and Inoichi. "Get them to safety" she heard Ibiki tell her. She teleported with them to a farther place. "Is everyone okay?" She asked them. "Yeah, Thank you" Ino thanked her.

Shizune informed them about how Pain uses some kind of chakra rod to bring the dead back to life. "The real one is not among them. That means the real Pain is hiding somewhere and using these bodies as puppets." Inora stated her thoughts. "Does that mean there is 6 others hiding in the shadows controlling the 6 Pains?" Inoichi asked. "There is no way to know that" Shizune replied. Inora suddenly sensed another chakra, before she could react one of the Pains got Shizune. It looked like her life was sucked out of her and her lifeless body fell to the ground. And then he suddenly dissapeared.

Inora couldnt believe it. She gritted her teeth in anger. Why on earth is Naruto still not here? She summoned Roda "Inform Naruto Uzumaki about the attack and bring him back." She said to her toad and it vanished.

She saw one of the Pains in the sky. Something felt terribly wrong. She took Ino and Inoichi and teleported on top of Fourth Hokage's stone face. Ino gasped loudly at the scene happening in front of her. The entire village was shattered into pieces. He did that in one move. How powerful is he? What happened to Tsunade? "I need to go check on the Hokage. Stay on guard." She said to the father and daughter and went to find Tsunade.


"Tsunade sensei!" She found the Hokage amongst the rubbles. The mark on her forehead was gone. She used every bit of her chakra to make sure everyone stayed alive. "Tsunade sensei. Are you alright?" Inora asked concerned. She lost too many important people. She cant lose her too.

Inora felt Naruto's chakra. It was different. Sage Jutsu. He did it. He mastered Sage jutsu. She saw Tsunade gritting her teeth in anger and going towards Pain. She tried stopping her but it was futile.

"I am the Fifth Hokage. How dare you trample upon the jewel, the dreams of my predecessors? I wont forgive you. I will settle this now as the Hokage." Tsunade said. Inora saw one of the Pains charging towards them. She was on full alert to engage but suddenly he was taken down by Naruto in one shot.

Inora saw Naruto standing in front of her. Tears filled her eyes. She felt like looking at her father and old man Jiraiya. "There is no need for the Leaf's Hokage to bother herself with the likes of them." He said.

Inora closed her eyes to make a wide area chakra scan with wharever chakra she had left. If the real Pain is not among them, he has to be somewhere near. It was really faint, but she felt it. The same chakra, a little far away from the village. "Naruto, the real Pain is not among them. I can feel him far away in the direction of Northwest." She informed him. "Inora. Take Granny Tsunade to someplace safe and make sure nobody gets in my way. I will settle this once and for all." He said to the redhead. "Got it." She replied.

She completely believed that if there was someone who can defeat Pain, it is definitely Naruto.

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