25. Team Kakashi

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Inora was on her way to the Hokage's office when she bumped into someone running and they both fell hard. It was a woman carrying a scroll. "I'm sorry are you alright?" Inora asked her. "Yeah. I guess." She tried standing up but fell again. "I think you sprained your ankle. Let me check." Inora said. "There is no time for that. Can you give this message to the Hokage? It is an urgent message from the Sand about the Kazekage." The woman handed Inora a scroll. She immediately took it and teleported herself infront of the Hokage's office.

"Tsunade sensei. Its an urgent message from the Sand." She said handing the scroll to the Hokage. She saw Naruto, Sakura and Kakashi there. "What is it?" Naruto asked. "Its the Kazekage. He has been taken prisoner by the Akatsuki." Inora couldnt believe it. Gaara was strong. How did they manage to kidnap a Kazekage from his own village?

"Team Kakashi. I am assigning you a new mission. Go to the Sand at once and assist them with whatever backup they need." Tsunade said. "Do you really think thats a good idea Lady Tsunade?" Shizune asked hesitantly. "We have no other option. There is no time to form another squad." The Hokage replied. "Let me go with them." Inora said. "No. I need you here in the village." The elder woman said. "But sensei.." Inora was interrupted. "They were strong enough to knock out the Kazekage. We dont know when they will come for the leaf. I need you here Inora" Tsunade said sternly and she nodded understanding her point.


"Be careful Naruto. I know your skills have grown but dont act recklessly on impulse. Make sure to bring Gaara back safely." Inora said to her brother. They were standing at the gates on Konoha to leave for the Sand. "You three better come back in one piece." She said looking at Kakashi. "Dont worry we wont let you down." Sakura said. And they started their journey.


4 days later.

Inora was pacing back and forth in the Hokage's office. "What do you think happened? Is Naruto okay? Was Gaara rescued? Did something happen?" Inora rambled. Just then the Hokage recieved a message saying The Kazekage was fine and Team Kakashi and Guy were on their way back. "Thats a relief." Inora sighed.


3 days later.

Inora was in the hospital helping the medics since she didnt have any mission. A medic came rushing to her "Its Kakashi." She rushed there and saw Kakashi completely drained. She immediately got to work.

"He is fine. He overused his sharingan. He needs to take it easy for a few weeks." Inora said to Naruto and Sakura who came to visit him. Naruto and Sakura were explaining to Tsunade about what happened in the mission. Apparently they managed to get rid of 2 Akatsuki members Sasori and Deidara. Inora couldnt believe that they met Itachi on their way. It has been a while since she met Itachi but he did warn her about Akatsuki making a move soon.


"Tsunade sensei! Why is a foundation member a part of Team Kakashi? I dont understand" said a furious Inora who just entered the Hokage's office. "It was Danzo's request and the elders recommended him. I dont know what he is upto. I need you to keep a close eye on Danzo, Inora. I am sending Tenzo under the name of Yamato as team Kakashi's temporary captain." The Hokage explained.

Inora sighed. "I really hope this spy of Sasori isnt a trap. I will make sure to keep an eye on Danzo. Keep me updated Tsunade sensei. I will take my leave." When she was about to leave. "I want you come to visit Kakashi now along with Yamato. You need to know something." The Blonde informed. Inora nodded and left to see Tenzo or Yamato. He was one of those people few she completely trusted and he was among the very few who knows the truth that Naruto is Inora's brother.

Inora saw Yamato with Naruto, Sakura and another boy whom she assumed was the one recommended by Danzo. She saw Naruto and Sakura werent too happy with their new teammate. After they talked, Inora went to Yamato.

"Hey Tenzo" she said to the man. "Its Yamato now." He replied. "How did the introduction go?" She asked curiously. "Not so good. Looks like it will be more difficult than I thought." He sighed. "Dont worry. They will warmup to you soon. We need to go to the hospital to see Kakashi." She said and they both left to the leaf hospital.


"Why am I only knowing about this now old man? Naruto almost killed you in the training and you thought it was wise to keep that information from me?? " Inora asked angrily. "Calm down Inora. I know you would freak out, which is why I didnt tell you." Jiraiya explained. "Naruto has my grandfather's necklace. So Yamato here should be able to keep him under control." Tsunade said. "He didnt hurt you right?" She asked Kakashi who was in the bed. "No. I used the seal Master Jiraiya gave me before he could transform with 4 tails." The masked man explained.

"Be extremely careful Yamato. This mission could very well be a trap." Inora said to him. "Dont worry I will take care of this. Your brother will be fine." He reassured her. And they all left.


Inora was silently sitting at the roof of Danzo's house watching him like a hawk. "What are you upto now Danzo? Isnt Shisui's eye enough for you?" She whispered to herself. He didnt seem like doing anything suspicious but she didnt take her eyes off of him even for a minute.


Team Kakashi was back from the mission and she heard what happened with Sasuke. 'Poor Sasuke. Hatred is making you blind and making you lose sight of what is important. I hope you can see that before its too late.' Inora thought to herself.

She was now hiding in the basement of the foundation listening to Danzo and Sai's conversation. She came to know that Danzo sent Sai to assasinate Sasuke and keep a close eye on Naruto but Sai apparently failed the top secret mission he was given. She gritted her teeth in anger.

She teleported outside before anyone could notice. She was about to inform this to Lady Tsunade when she saw Sai coming out. She immediately teleported behind him holding a kunai to his throat. He stood there frozen not expecting it. "You even try to put a scratch on Sasuke or Naruto, you wont live to see another day." She warned him. "I didnt want to kill Sasuke. I wanted to know what this bond Naruto talks about so proudly." He said quietly. She slowly took away her kunai confused. "You want to know about the bond between Naruto and Sasuke?" She asked. "Yes. Both Naruto and Sakura were ready to risk everything for him even though he betrayed them. I want to know what is so special about this bond." The young boy said giving her a fake smile. Even though his smile was fake, his words were genuine.

"A bond is a feeling that connects people even if they arent together all the time. No matter how far they are they can always feel each other and think about each other all the time. A bond is about trust, friendship and love. Its difficult to break a strong bond you hold for another person." She explained to Sai who was attentively listening to her every word. "Do you have such a bond with Naruto?" He asked. "Yes. I do. My bond with Naruto is much stronger than anything. He is a brother to me. My family. And I would do anything for him." She said ruffling his hair. "You are a kind hearted kid. I hope you find the correct path in life." She said and left.

The bad assumptions she had about Sai where all gone. He was just a kid who couldnt understand people and feelings because of a certain monster and he was desperately trying to find his human self back.

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