56. White Lie

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Author's note:

There will be a few timeskips from this chapter onwards.

A couple more chapters left to go!

Inora opened her eyes after a wonderful sleep. Her eyes met a pair of black eyes staring at her. She sat up and saw Kakashi and Sakura gone. "What happened? Where are they?" She asked confused. "They went to check on Naruto and Sasuke." Itachi replied. "Why on earth didnt you wake me up? How long was I out?" Inora asked.

"I couldnt bring myself to wake you when you looked so cute while sleeping." Itachi replied making her blush. "Dam you idiot. This isnt the time to be flirting. I can still sense their chakra. Good to know they didnt kill each other." She said standing up. "Yeah. I hope Sasuke changed his mind." Itachi said making Inora sigh. "Dont worry. If he didnt, we will knock some sense into him." She said with a smile weaving handsigns teleporting with Itachi to Naruto and Sasuke.

Inora saw Sakura healing the both and they had lost their arm. She immediately twisted both their ears. "Both you brats couldnt keep it simple huh? Do you really have to go as far as losing you arm? I would have chopped your arm off if you just asked me. You didnt need to fight for an entire day for that you know." She said. "Ouch Inora that hurts." Naruto exclaimed rubbing his now red ear with the other hand. Inora started healing Naruto while Sakura concentrated on Sasuke.

"Itachi. I am sorry." Sasuke whispered to his brother who sat on his knees beside him. "Its okay Sasuke. I am glad you are back. I am the one who should apologise." Itachi replied. Inora rolled her eyes. "Can you both shut up with this apologising shit. Lets just go home shall we? I need a freaking shower. We all smell like shit." She said earning a chuckle from everyone.


Timeskip - A couple weeks later

Sasuke was released 10 days after his imprisonment because of Inora and Kakashi along with Naruto who argued back and forth for his release. Tsunade was shocked to know that Itachi was alive but nonetheless she welcomed him with open arms. He was staying in Inora's apartment for the time being.

Tsunade decided to do an open announcement about what happened with Itachi to prove his innocence. Everyone who knew the truth about Itachi were present in the current meeting they were having about the announcement Tsunade was about to make during the 5 Kage summit that was to happen a few days later.

Itachi didnt want anyone knowing about the Uchiha clan's plan to start a Coup and betray the village which Tsunade respected. "I dont understand whats so difficult Tsunade sensei. Just blame everything on Danzo. Its simple. That guy took Shisui's eye. So the story would add up." Inora said shrugging. "Yeah. I was thinking about the same thing." Tsunade replied.

"So this is what happened. Danzo disliked the Uchiha. So he killed Shisui Uchiha and stole his eye and used the Kotoamatsukami on Lord Third to order Itachi on killing his clan. Itachi being a loyal shinobi of the hidden leaf carried out the order given to him in exchange for sparing his brother Sasuke." Tsunade said cooking up a white lie.

"Perfect. Nobody would question this since everyone knows how much of an asshole Danzo can be." Inora said. Everyone present in the meeting agreed to play along. "Thank you for this Lady Hokage." Itachi said sincerely. "I should be the one thanking you. You prevented an all out Civil war. In addition to that you spied on the Akatsuki for us and also stopped the Reanimation jutsu. We owe you a lot Itachi Uchiha." Tsunade replied with a smile.

The meeting was dismissed but Tsunade asked Itachi and Inora to stay back. Sakura, Naruto and Sasuke left the Hokage's office while Kakashi stayed. He was to be announced as the next Hokage after the 5 Kage summit so he mostly stayed with Tsunade getting familiar with all her work as the Hokage.

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