24. Naruto Uzumaki is back

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Author's note:

This story has been ranked 2nd in #itachiuchiha as on 10th October 2022. I dont know for how long it will remain the same but I am really happy. More interesting chapters are coming ahead so keep reading.



"Do you think he will join us today or is he going to hide in his house with his wife as usual?" Tomura huffed impatienty. Inora chuckled "He said he will join us. You are just jealous that he has a wife and you are still single." she said. "What? I am not jealous. I am perfectly fine being single. Being in a relationship is such a drag." The Nara sighed. "You sound exactly like Shikamaru. Is everything a drag for you people?" she raised an eyebrow at her dark haired friend. "He is my cousin after all." He shrugged.

It has been a year since Sato got married to Hana. Hana insisted on a simple marriage. Only a few clan members, family and close friends were invited. Never in her life did Inora see Sato this nervous. It was a beautiful marriage and they were just made for each other. Kiba warmed up to Sato and they were in good terms.

Inora became close to all of Naruto's friends in the past years. Inora was Shikamaru's new shogi partner besides Asuma and his father. She trained a lot with Lee and Tenten. She helped Sakura and Ino with Medical Ninjutsu when Tsunade was busy. She always accepted Choji's challenge for a ramen eating contest. She also trained with Neji and Hinata a few times when she went to the Hyuga compound to visit Namida sensei who lost a limb in her mission a couple years ago. She was basically a big sister to all of them and was really happy when all of them became chunin 6 months ago, Neji even became Jonin.

"Hey guys I am here." Sato said joining them. "Finally. I actually thought you were gonna ditch us again." Tomura said. They were chatting and enjoying their meal together after a long time.


"Hey love birds!" Inora called out to Shikamaru and Temari who were talking and they both blushed. Shikamaru cleared his throat, "Hey Inora what is it?"
"Just wanted to ask how is the preparations for the chunin exams going?" She asked. "Its going fine." He replied. "How is Gaara and Kankuro? Its a been a while since I last saw them." She asked the blonde. "They are doing great just busy with all the Kazekage stuff." Temari replied. "Okay guys continue your work. See you later."

She went to the gates of Konoha and saw Izumo and Kotetsu. "Hey Inora! What brings you here?" Kotetsu asked. He had a massive crush on Inora and asked her out once but she politely refused. "Naruto should be here any minute." She said beaming widely. "What?? Naruto is coming back?" Just when he asked that Inora saw 2 figures approaching the gates. She immediately teleported in front of him and scared the shit out of her little brother who didnt look so little anymore. "Woah. Dont scare me like that Inora." He said catching his breath. She immediately embraced him in a big tight hug. "You are finally back. I missed you so much." She whispered. "I missed you too" Naruto said hugging her back. The Sannin stood there watching the reunion between the sister and brother.

Naruto stood on top of a post watching the village. "How are you old man?" Inora asked the Sannin. "I am doing great. I am going to release my new book on the Icha Icha series." He said. She facepalmed herself "You better not have spread your perviness to Naruto old man." She warned him. She saw Sakura, Konohamaru, Moegi and Udon. Naruto came down seeing Sakura and they were talking when Konohamaru showed his new sexy jutsu to Naruto. Inora immediately twisted the young genin's ear. "What did I tell you about using that pervy jutsu Konohamaru?" "Ow ow ow. Stop it big sister Inora. It hurts." He shouted in pain. Naruto chuckled "I am not that scorny little kid anymore." he said. Both Inora and Sakura were shocked to hear that coming from Naruto. "Come on Konohamaru you can do better than that I have this new pervy Ninjutsu.." before Inora could react Sakura punched the hell out him. She was becoming more and more like Tsunade. She was a fast learner and she learned everything she could under 2 years from Tsunade and Inora.


"I have perfect opponents for both of you to test your skills." Tsunade said to Naruto and Sakura. And Kakashi appeared near the window. "Kakashi sensei! You havent changed a bit. I brought something for you. The new book of pervy sage." Naruto said and handed his sensei a book. Kakashi's eyes were basically popping out with excitement. "So Kakashi sensei is our opponent?" Sakura asked. "Dont forget me." Inora joined them. "We are fighting 2 Jonin?" Sakura asked surprised. "Well you did train under a legendary Sannin so show us what you got kids." Inora challenged them. "Naruto just came back. You should take some rest, we have plenty of time." Kakashi said and poof. He just wants to read that damn book.

Inora spotted Jiraiya and Kakashi walking together. "Hey! So you did run of to read the book." Inora raised an eyebrow pointing at the book in his hand. Kakashi just rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Akatsuki are about to make their move, it wont be too long." Jiraiya said and that made both of them listen to him attentively. "We still dont know their ultimate objective but we do know they are after the Nine tails spirit inside Naruto. We dont know what is coming so its better to be on guard." The sannin warned.


Kakashi and Inora joined Naruto and Sakura. "How long were you going to take?" They both yelled at the same time. Kakashi had 2 bells and gave one to Inora. "You take the bell from either one of us within dawn, you win." Inora said. "Shall we get started? This time its serious." Kakashi said and revealed his sharingan and Inora took out her special kunais.

Naruto threw shurikens at Kakashi and Sakura launched at Inora. They elder team was blocking their attacks and suddenly both of them disappeared. Inora teleported herself on a tree branch watching their next move. She saw them looking around for the elder team. She teleported herself back of Naruto and was about to point a kunai at him when Sakura punched the ground and split it open. Inora lost balance and immediately jumped few steps backwards. "Found you Kakashi sensei." Sakura smiled.

"Shinobi battle skill rule 1: Taijutsu." Inora heard Kakashi and Naruto launched at her. "Shadow clone jutsu." He said and there were multiple Narutos. "Bring it on." Inora said and threw her kunais teleporting and taking out his clones. From the corner of her eyes she saw Kakashi trying not to get hit by Sakura's monster punches. Suddenly both of them in the young team switched opponents and Inora was dealing with Sakura.

"Shinobi battle skill rule 2: Genjutsu" Kakashi casted a genjutsu of Sasuke and Sakura immediately released it. "Old tricks wont work on us sensei" Naruto said and launched at him with rasengan.

"Shinobi battle skill rule 3" Kakashi said. "Ninjutsu" Inora joined and they both weaved hand signs together. "Fire style: Fire ball jutsu." Kakashi launched a fire ball at them. "Wind style: Wind vortex" Inora said at the same time as Kakashi. Naruto and Sakura managed to escape their attacks. "Earth style: Head hunter jutsu." Kakashi managed to grab Naruto's legs from underground but it was a shadow clone. "Water style: Water dragon Jutsu." Kakashi said. "Lightning style: piercing rod." Inora said at the same time. They were swept by a current wave of water.

"They arent called the Copy Ninja and Crimson Flash for nothing." Sakura sighed. "Yeah. They are fast." Naruto replied.
"What do you think they will do now?" Inora asked Kakashi. "I dont know but we cant let our guard down. I really want to read this book. Its so tempting." Kakashi said. Before she could reply there were a bunch of kunais with paper bombs thrown at them and they both were separated. "They managed to separate us. What is their plan?" Inora said to herself. "I know the final plot twist of Make out Tactics Kakashi sensei." She heard Naruto's voice. "Shit. Dont fall for it Kakashi." Inora ran towards him. She reached there to see Naruto with the bell and Kakashi stood there with his hands over his ears and eyes closed. Suddenly Sakura came out of nowhere while she was distracted taking her bell. "We win." They both said.

"You both did great." Tsunade said joining them. Shizune and Jiraiya was also there. The sun was slowly raising and they were unaware of the danger slowly approaching

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