39. Prophecy

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"What is this place?" Asked a confused Naruto standing in front of the Uzumaki hideout. "It is an Uzumaki clan hideout. I found it from reading one of moms old diaries. Nobody knows about the existence of this place except me and Tsunade sensei." Inora explained and walked inside with a still confused Naruto.

Naruto let an audible gasp as soon as he saw what was or rather who was inside. "What the..?" He couldnt believe his eyes. It was Itachi Uchiha. "He is alive?" He asked with eyes wide as saucers. Inora explained everything to her brother.

"Sasuke took Itachi's eyes?" Naruto asked shocked. "I dont think he took it. It must have been Madara's plan all along. Sasuke must have decided to take Itachi's eyes after we met him." She explained. "Why didnt you tell Sasuke that Itachi was alive?" He asked still shocked from all the information. "I was about to, but stopped when I saw that Zetsu guy and Madara. Its a big relief that the Akatsuki still doesnt know about Itachi being alive. I dont want to put him in any danger." Inora explained. Naruto nodded understanding completely.

"So he hasnt woken up since then eh?" He asked looking at Itachi's sleeping form. "No. He hasnt. Most of his injuries are healed but I am not sure if he will ever wake up." She said feeling a little defeated. "You went through so much to keep him alive. Dont worry he will wake up soon." Naruto said cheering her up. "I truly hope so. I dont want you and Sasuke killing each other you know. I dont want anyone else knowing about this until the war is over." She said to which Naruto agreed.

"Who is this?" He asked looking at a photo. "Thats Shisui, Itachi and me. It was after me and Itachi became chunin, Shisui treated us to barbeque. We literally emptied his entire month worth of paycheck." Inora chuckled remembering those good old days. Before Naruto could respond they were suddenly in a different place which he recognised as Mount Meyaboku.


"What the heck?" Inora gasped taking in her surroundings. "Welcome Naruto boy and Inora girl. I used the reverse summoning on you. The great lord elder has summoned you both." said the Sage toad Fukasaku.

Inora took in the surrounding totally amazed. This was her first time in Mount Meyaboku. She saw her toad Roda and waved at him. Soon they were taken to a place where she saw a Giant old toad. "I have brought them." Lord Fukasaku said to the giant toad. "Hey there! Long time no see giant gramps sage." Naruto greeted him casually while Inora stood there awkwardly not knowing what to say.

"It was indeed I who summoned you. Ehhh... ummm... ehh.. what was your name again?" The giant toad asked looking at Inora. "I am Inora. Inora Namikaze." She replied. "Ah yes.. Inora.. I heard that you wanted to learn sage jutsu." He said. "Yes. I did say that. It would be an honour if you let me learn the Sage jutsu." She said politely.

"What is the reason for you to refuse it the first time I asked you?" Fukasaku asked raising an eyebrow at the redhead. "I.. um.." Inora struggled not knowing how to answer that question. She refused his offer back then only because she still needed to treat Itachi. "It was because of the Uchiha boy wasnt it?" The giant toad said surprising her. "How did you..?" She asked. "It had been centuries since the Uchiha had any contract with the toads. But there was this one Uchiha boy who signed a contract with your personal messenger toad. Eh... um.. what was his name." He said. "It is Itachi Uchiha." Roda said.

"I had a prophecy about you and this Uchiha boy." The giant toad said. "What is this prophechy?" Naruto asked surprised while Inora stood there wide eyed. "I saw you and the Uchiha boy covered in red. It looked like red wings." He said. "What does that supposed to mean?" Inora asked confused. "I am not certain. I couldnt see any further." He replied. "You can stay here and learn the sage jutsu. Fukasaku will train you." The giant toad said. "Thank you Giant sage toad. I am really grateful." She replied politely.

"I also have a prophecy for you. Eh.. um.. what was your name again?" He asked looking at Naruto. "Its Naruto Uzumaki. Come on gramps sage. Cant you even remember my name. What is this prophecy? Tell me." The giant toad said Naruto that he would be meeting some Octopus and will be fighting a boy whose power lays in his eyes. Both Inora and Naruto understood that the boy was Sasuke. Naruto said that he was prepared to face it.

Then the giant toad ordered another toad name Geratora to give Naruto the key to the Fourth Hokage's seal. Geratora suddenly expanded and opened like a scroll which Inora recognized after observing as her father's Eight sign seal's key. She can perform it too but this was the exact key for Naruto's seal. "That is the key to release it? The nine tails seal?" Naruto asked a bit hesitant after Geratora explained him about how Jiraiya wanted him to have the key after his death. "Are you having some doubts Naruto?" Geratora asked.

After a few conversations and a little motivation from Inora, Naruto finally placed his hands on the contract completing it. "Contract complete. Now its storage time. Come on Naruto open your mouth nice and wide." Geratora said which he did. "No. Open it wider. Here I come." The toad said and jumped into the blonde's mouth. After a bit of struggle the storage was also complete.

"Is there any clues as to where Naruto will meet this octopus?" Inora asked "Its not clear. But I know its an island, avoided by people, a creatures paradise. It seems like a pleasure resort to me. I believe thats the place the octopus will co-operate with you and you will recieve guidance." He replied looking at Naruto.

"I will be returning Naruto boy back to the leaf and Inora girl will stay here to train." Fukasaku said. "Naruto, I need you to inform Tsunade sensei about my stay here. Take Roda with you and give him to her. If I am needed there, tell her to inform me through Roda immediately." Inora said to her brother handing him her messenger toad.

And a while later Inora started her training to master the Sage jutsu.

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