23. Sasuke

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Inora was exhausted. She completed her mission perfectly as expected from the 'Crimson Flash'. But she had a few injuries. She took a short break resting her back against a tree and started healing her injuries.

Suddenly she felt a large beam of chakra exploding far away from her. The feeling made cold sweat run down Inora's back. It felt like a collision of 2 chakras. Her gut twisted. Something bad always happens whenever she feels that way. She decided to check it out. She slowly made her way to where she heard the explosion. The more she got near it, the more clearly she was able to sense the chakra. She felt 3 familiar chakras. It was Naruto,Kakashi and Jiraiya.

She immediately rushed there to find Naruto passed out with injuries. She marked Naruto before so she immediately teleported in front of him. "Naruto. Hey! You alright?" She tried waking him up but it was no use. He was badly hurt. She started healing him. She saw Jiraiya and Kakashi come towards them. "What that heck happened?" She asked while healing her brother. She was exhausted too but she concentrated on healing Naruto. "You look exhausted Inora. We should get back to the village and get you both to the hospital." The Sannin said. "Thats not what I asked old man." She said gritting her teeth. She couldnt understand why Naruto was there in the Valley of the End passed out with such injuries.

Naruto's healing abilities were always awesome so it didnt take long to heal him but he was still exhausted. "It was Sasuke." The masked man said. "What? Why would Sasuke do that? Where is he?" She asked weakly. Her chakra was drained. "He abandoned the village." said the masked Jonin, that was what she heard last before passing out.


"She is fine, just a little exhausted. She should wake up soon." She heard Shizune talking to someone. "Thats a relief. How is Naruto?" She heard Kakashi's voice. "Lady Tsunade is checking on him. Inora healed most of his injuries so he should be fine." Shizune replied.

Inora slowly opened her eyes taking in her surrounding. She was in the hospital and saw Kakashi near the window reading his Icha Icha. Kakashi saw that Inora was awake and gave her some water. She drank it and tried to recall what happened. She remembered the explosion and Naruto.

"How is Naruto?" She asked. "He is awake too. He is the room next to you." Kakashi replied. "I should go see him." She got up from her bed. "Hey. Wait. You should rest." She heard Kakashi but she didnt care. She reached his door when she heard Naruto. "I will keep my promise no matter what Sakura. That is my ninja way. I will bring Sasuke back."

Sasuke. She remember Kakashi mentioning something about Sasuke abandoning the village. Did he really leave? Where did he go? She opened the door and saw Shikamaru, Sakura and Tsunade. "Inora. How are you feeling?" Tsunade asked. "I am feeling fine Tsunade sensei. What exactly is happening here? Where is Sasuke?" She asked and saw everybody having a sad look. "Inora. Why dont we talk outside?" Tsunade said and they both left to the rooftop.

She couldnt believe what she was hearing. Sasuke left the village to go to Orochimaru? What in the world was he thinking? Did he really hurt Naruto that bad just because he tried to stop him?
She also heard about the other genin who was badly hurt. She slowly took in every information. Naruto must feel horrible not being able to bring his friend back. She decided to talk to him.

She saw Hana Inuzuka on her way to Naruto's room. "Hey Inora. How are you feeling?" Hana asked. "I'm feeling fine. I heard about your brother. Is he okay?" She asked. "He had few serious injuries but none of them were life threatning. Akamaru was the one who got hurt badly but both of them will be fine." Inuzuka said to the Namikaze. "I should go. See you later. Take care Inora." She said and left.

Inora entered Naruto's room when she heard Naruto's voice. "If I dont go after Sasuke immediately, Orochimaru will kill him and use him as his vessel."
"I was looking into Orochimaru's immortality jutsu. He cant reincarnate into the next body for another 3 years. Since Sasuke arrived late he used another body. Sasuke still has 3 years." Jiraiya said and looked at Inora who just came in. "So Sasuke really left?" She said looking sad.

She understood how Sasuke felt. He wanted to become stronger to beat his brother but the hatred made him choose the wrong path. She sat there with Naruto and talked to him in hopes of cheering him up. She saw the determination in his eyes. "I will become more strong and save Sasuke no matter what. I will kick those Akatsuki butts too." He said after Jiraiya told him not to go after Sasuke and threatened him to keep him confined in the village.

Inora smiled at her brother "I believe in you Naruto." She said him. Jiraiya sighed heavily shaking his head "I guess there is no stopping you. Be ready once you are out of the hospital." He said and left.

Jiraiya told Inora that he wanted to take Naruto under his care since Akatsuki was on his tail. She agreed immediately. Jiraiya is one of the reasons she learned a lot of things. Naruto will be safe with him.


A couple weeks later.

Itachi and Inora sat on the edge of the cliff eating dumplings. She explained everything that happpened to Itachi. "Naruto, Sakura and old man Jiraiya found Orochimaru's hideout but it was a trap. They couldnt find Sasuke there." She said.

She felt awful that she wasnt there to stop him. Itachi noticed her sad face. "Hey. Dont beat yourself up. He left on his own will. Nothing would have been able to stop him." He said. "Are you not worried Itachi? He is not in good hands. He only has 3 years. Who knows what Orochimaru will do to him?" She exclaimed. "Dont worry. Orochimaru needs Sasuke well and alive to make him his vessel. So he wont do anything to him for 3 years. Sasuke is not stupid, he will figure things out." Itachi said comforting her even though he felt extremely guilty knowing that he is one the main reasons behind Sasuke abandoning his village.

"You Uchiha are so stubborn." She huffed in annoyance. Itachi chuckled "But you still love me." He said and saw blush creeping her cheeks. "Idiot" she muttered trying to hide her red cheeks. "Happy birthday Inora." He said kissing her cheeks. She turned 19 today. It has been almost a year since they confessed and it always felt magical to spend time with each other.


"Take care of youself okay? Dont be stubborn all the time. Eat healthy. Make sure to get good sleep. Dont forget to drink water." Inora adviced her brother. Naruto was at the gates on Konoha ready to leave with Jiraiya. Naruto giggled "I feel like being adviced by a big sister. Dont worry I will take care of myself. I will become strong and bring Sasuke back." He said confidently. "Take care of him and yourself old man. Dont get caught sneaking on women's bath." She said to Jiraiya. "Hey! I do that only for research purposes." The Sannin said. "Your research is stupid Pervy Sage." Naruto huffed. Inora chuckled at them.

They bid their goodbyes and Inora saw Naruto and Jiraiya disappearing from her sight.

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