43. Idiot

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"I will stop the reanimation jutsu. I will leave Madara to the 2 of you." He said making Naruto snap his head towards him.

"I will stop it Itachi. You have done enough for the village. Leave the rest to me. I'll handle it." Naruto said producing a clone but it seemed like he was at his limit. "Looks like you overused the nine tails chakra mode." Killer bee commented at Naruto who lost his bright cloak after producing an extra shadow clone. "Dont try to do everything by yourself." Itachi said to the young jinchuriki.

"Listen. I will put an end to this war all by myself." Naruto said panting heavily. "I admit, you are stronger than before. You have much more power but as a result you seemed to have lost sight of something extremely important. If you forget about the others who cared and helped you, you will become arrogant and egotistical and eventually you will become just like Madara" Itachi said while Naruto stood there stunned slowly taking in his words.

"However powerful you are, dont take it all on yourself. Because if you do, you will surely fail. Even when Inora tried to stop me, all I did was act on my own trying to solve things but you know how it ended. Becoming Hokage isnt about getting people to acknowledge you, only those already acknowledged will ever become Hokage. Never forget your friends." He continued.

"Naruto, I swore an oath to that Iruka fella. Simply put, I have to protect you. You cant do this alone bro. If I am alive, I am with you where you go you know." Killer bee said. "You are right. I just got caught up and forgot about that. I thought I had to do it all alone." Naruto said realising his mistake.

"Itachi, now that you are awake you need to talk to Sasuke and..." Naruto started only to be interrupted by the Uchiha. "No Naruto. I read Inora's journal and I know about the prophecy given to you. I always tried doing things on my own and failed. So I leave that for a comrade to handle. You have Shisui's soul, something he truly wanted to pass on. I truly believe you are the one who can handle Sasuke." He said sincerely.

"It seems you are not only a powerful shinobi but a wise one too." Killer bee said to Itachi. Naruto looked at him with so much respect and determination. "Are you sure about going after Kabuto? You just woke up. Inora will be mad if she knew this." The blonde said a bit hesitant. "I am fine Naruto. Inora wrote that I have a second chance and I am truly willing to take it for her. I give you my word that I will be back as soon as I am done." He said reassuring the jinchuriki.

"You better be fine Itachi. You should have seen Inora that day. Damn she was scary. She threw away me and Sasuke like we were nothing. She will literally kill me if she comes to know about this." Naruto said remembering Inora's angry face while talking to the elders. "Killer bee, watch over Naruto." He said leaving them and rushing towards Kabuto Yakushi.


The battle field was filled with sounds of clashing kunais, cries of people and smell of blood. Those reanimated shinobis along with White Zetsus attacked the Third company. Everyone was busy fighting. But it was slowly coming to an end. Only 3 more reanimated shinobis along with a few bunch of white Zetsus were left when Naruto entered the battlefield. Everyone was informed by the HQ about the jinchuriki's participation in the war. Inora was not really pleased to know that but she knows it could turn the tide of the battle.

"Inora!" Naruto's clone that joined the third company called out to her. "There is something important I need to tell you." He said. "What is it?" Inora asked a bit nervous not really liking the urgency in his tone. "My original met with Itachi and it seems like he is going after Kabuto to stop the reanimation jutsu." He said making Inora's eyes widen. A lot of emotions crashed her at once.

"Did you just say Itachi?" Kakashi asked with an eyebrow raised at the pair of siblings. Inora composed herself pretty quickly. "Kakashi. There is no time to explain everything but I want your permission to leave the battlefield." Inora said making Kakashi look at her with shock evident in his eyes. "I cant let you go alone without proper reason Inora. You are the second in command." Kakashi said.

"Listen. Itachi is alive and he is going after Kabuto now. But he is in no shape to take him on alone. I have marked Itachi, so if I get there we could stop the reanimation jutsu." Inora explained as briefly as she could. Before Kakashi could respond "I need you to trust me on this one Kakashi. I will everything explain once all this is over." She said with pleading eyes.

Kakashi sighed heavily looking at her. "Fine. I trust you. You better come back alive, Inora." He said making her smile. "Ofcourse I will." She said and rushed towards the direction Naruto's clone pointed out.

After running for a good 30 minutes Inora stopped. She took deep breaths and closed her eyes scanning for Itachi's chakra but she couldnt sense him. She sat down and calmed herself a bit and gathered nature energy. Within a couple minutes she unlocked her sage jutsu. She tried sensing him again and was able to pinpoint his location. By the looks of it he wasnt alone. Inora immediately weaved handsigns teleporting herself to the now alive Uchiha.


The sight in front of her eyes kinda surprised her. Both the Uchiha brothers were standing with their forehead pressed against the other. Kabuto who just looked like a white snake stood there like a statue which she figured that he was under some sort of genjutsu. "I will always love you." She heard Itachi say to Sasuke."It has been a while idiot." Inora said alerting the brothers of her presence. "Inora!" Itachi whispered and immediately began to cough badly.

She immediately went near him and started checking on him. He was coughing out blood. She noticed that he used so much chakra after just waking up making the disease in his heart spread a little causing him to cough up blood. "Damn you Uchiha. Couldnt you just wait until I got back? You really wanted to come out and push yourself when you just came back from the dead eh?" Inora asked gritting her teeth in anger.

He was slowly losing consciousness but he managed to say those words before he blacked out. "I love you redhead." Sasuke watched the scene unfold in front of him. He didnt miss to notice the look of endearment on his brother's eyes as soon as he saw the redhead kunoichi. He came to realise that whatever Inora told him that day wasnt a lie.

Itachi needed the special potion brewed for his disease and some rest. It was in the hideout she treated Itachi in. She stood up with the passed out Uchiha in her arms ready to teleport to the hideout only to be stopped abruptly by the younger Uchiha. "Is he okay?" He asked.

"He will be." Inora replied shortly weaving hand signs to teleport only to be interrupted again "Where are you going?" He asked making her grit her teeth. "I dont have time to answer you Uchiha. If you are not aware, we are in the middle of a fucking war. So if you let me go I need to treat him and get back to the battle field. If you really need answers come back to me once the war is over." She spat roughly and completed weaving signs.

"You are not the only one who loves Itachi." She said before teleporting with the man she loves.

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