11. Return

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3 years later (14 years old)

"I guess this the end of the road for me" Shisui said to Itachi. One of his eyes was with Danzo another with his best friend Itachi. "If you meet Inora, tell her that I will miss her. See you Itachi. I leave the rest to you" and Shisui jumped off the cliff.

"Rest in peace Shisui"


Inora suddenly felt her heart growing heavy. "Are you okay? You seem pale? I thought you were eager to go back to Konoha" Jiraiya asked her.

"Ofcourse I am eager to go back. Its just I feel weird. Nothing to worry about"

She has been training hard for the last 3 years. The first couple years she was training under Tsunade and her assistant Shizune. She learned everything she was capable of learning about medical ninjutsu.

Both Tsunade and Jiraiya followed every trial and lead that could take them to Orochimaru but everything lead to a dead end. Tsunade gave up after 2 years. But Jiraiya was determined. Inora has been training with Jiraiya for the past year and now they planned on returning to Konoha. She would often write letters to Itachi and Kakashi. She also wrote letters to Shisui, Tomura and Sato. But she didnt write to any of them for the past 2 months. She wanted to surprise them by going back to Konoha.

They were staying in a small inn. She couldnt shake off the strange feeling in her heart. She felt like she lost something but couldnt figure out what.


A few days later.

Fugaku and Mikoto were on their knees. Itachi stood behind them with a katana in his hands and eyes filled with tears."Itachi. Promise me this. Take care of Sasuke." Fugaku said.

"I will" Itachi said with tears flowing down his eyes.

"Compared to yours our pain will end in an instant. Our philosophies may differ but I am proud of you my son"

Proud. His father was proud of him.

I will surpass my father and protect everybody I cherish and I will make them proud.

He remembered Inora's words from all those years ago. He wondered how she would react to the fact he annihilated his entire clan. Would he be a criminal in her eyes too?

This is for the best. 'This is what is best for Sasuke, Inora and the leaf' he thought to himself and slash.

Fugaku and Mikoto's blood splashed on him. His hands were shaking. He can mourn later. For now he has to deal with Sasuke.


The weird feeling in her chest has gotten worse. She didnt know what was wrong. She checked herself to see if something was wrong with her physically but she was fine. Still something was bothering her.

They were still a good 10 days away from Konoha. She finished her morning training and went back to the inn they were staying at. She saw Jiraiya looking like a ghost. He was reading a messenger scroll.

"A message from Konoha? Is everything alright?" Inora asked. Her gut feeling told something was terribly wrong by the pale look on his face.

"No" she whispered. "Thats not possible. There is no way an entire clan can be... No way Itachi would... what about Shisui.. Sasuke... No this is not true... it must be a prank" she started hyerventilating.

"Inora! Take deep breaths. Calm yourself down. We will go and find out what happened ourselves" Jiraiya tried to calm her down. They immediately packed their things and left.


As soon as she saw the gates of Konoha she rushed inside. She needed answers. She rushed to the Uchiha compound only to find it empty. She went inside and saw splashes of blood in many places she couldnt believe what she was seeing. She ran to Itachi's house. But it was empty just like the entire compound.

She needed answers. Hokage. The Hokage can tell her that this is all a bad joke. She ran towards the Hokage's office. She bumped into someone on her way. "Inora?" It was Kakashi.

"Thank god. Kakashi tell me what I heard was not true right? Itachi is not a criminal right? Everybody is alive right?"


"Answer me Kakashi"

"It is true Inora. Sasuke Uchiha is the only survivor." She froze hearing that.

"No that cant be possible. What about Shisui?"

"Shisui Uchiha commited suicide a few days before the massacre"

Inora started laughing. "Shisui? Suicide? You are freaking kidding right." She was only met with Kakashi's sad eye. It was getting difficult to breath. "Inora!" She heard Kakashi yell before she passed out.


Inora woke up in a comfortable bed. She looked around to see that she was in Kakashi's room.

"You are awake." Kakashi entered with a glass of water. She drank it. "I assumed you wouldnt want to be in a hospital the day you returned so I brought you here." Kakashi stated. She just nodded stating her thanks.

"I will prepare some food. You can use the bathroom to freshen up." He said and left the room. Her mind was racing with various thoughts but she was starving. So she decided to calm herself and think through everything patiently.

"This tastes delicious Kakashi. I should really take cooking lessons from you." She said in fake cheerful voice. "You really dont have to pretend in front of me Inora." Kakashi deadpanned.

Inora sighed "Thanks for all this Kakashi. But I really need some time alone."

"I understand. Dont worry. So far only I know that you are back"


She laid on the grass near the river, their meeting spot. She was looking at the ring Itachi gave her before she left. It doesnt fit her fingers anymore so she wore it in her neck. She wondered if Itachi still had her mother's pendant.

Shisui was never someone to commit suicide. Could it have been a murder? He was Shisui after all. There was no way he could have been killed easily. Why would Itachi kill his own parents? Why would he kill Izumi? What the hell happened in those three years?

After thinking for what felt like hours she came to a conclusion.

"He is not some egoistic clan killer. He is my best friend Itachi and I know him better than anyone. If he really wanted to wipe out the Uchiha that bad there was no reason for him to leave Sasuke alive. He cant kill Sasuke even if he tried to. He loves him so much to do that. There is more to the story than what it seems. I will find out what happened. More importantly I will find you Itachi Uchiha. Just hang in there. Your best friend will always be there for you just like you have always been there for me." She said to herself and got back on her feet with a determined look on her face.

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