Bonus 10: Reanimation

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"There is someone else there." Mikoto said as she wrapped her arms around her Grandkids protectively as she looked at the trees. Before anyone could blink giant chains appeared capturing Mikoto along with Shisui and Shinji.

Despite all of them having their sharingan activated, no one was able to sense the one responsible. "This is.." Fugaku muttered surprised as he saw the chains wrap around his wife and the kids.

Shinji screamed in pain as the chains wrapped around him tightly and dragging him in the ground. Before anyone could react a loud crash was heard towards the direction Mikoto, Shinji and Shisui were being dragged.

Then, the chains surrounding them disappeared as they saw a flash of red. Soon there was a figure standing in between both Shisui and Shinji who were then englufed in a hug.

"Mom!" Shisui exclaimed as he recognized the familiar redhair. "Thank goodness!" She said with a warm smile as she placed her palms on top of both their foreheads as it glowed green healing them. Shisui didnt have any injuries but Shinji did. But everything was back to normal as soon as Inora healed him.

"That was Kushina's chains. Was she brought back too?" Mikoto asked as her eyes were set on the direction she heard the loud crash. It was then Inora took notice of the others. Her eyes wandered from Mikoto to Fugaku to Shisui making her sigh heavily.

"She isnt the only one." Inora said as her eyes locked with Itachi giving him a nod and then noticed the tied up former Anbu who was gaining consciousness. "Mom! Is Mito.. Is she okay?" Shisui asked making her smile at him. "She is fine dear. She is not in any danger. Just some rest and she will be good as new." Inora replied as she weaved signs forming a barrier around all of them there except her.

"Are you sure about this?" Sasuke asked once he noticed the barrier. "Yes. I will handle this." Inora replied as she looked towards the trees as she saw a familiar figure walking towards them.

"Who the fuck do you think you are? You think you can control me? You are a fucking bastard ya know. Come at me directly you asshole." Everyone heard the voice of a woman who was cursing the caster of the Reanimation jutsu. The elder Shisui chuckled making the younger Shisui look at him and then gasp once he took notice of another redhead.

 The elder Shisui chuckled making the younger Shisui look at him and then gasp once he took notice of another redhead

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"Thats... Grandma Kushina." Shinji said wideyed. "Mom! I would prefer if you dont curse in front of my kids." Inora said calmly as she looked at her mother. "Inora! I knew it was you. Your rasengan didnt work. I just regenerated at record speed ya know." Kushina said pointing her finger at her daughter and then took notice of the ones inside the barrier.

"Wait... Did you just say kids? OH MY GOD! I am a Grandma! Did you hear that Mikoto? Holy pancake batter! How many grandkids do I have?" Kushina asked completely forgetting the fact that she is a reanimation and she just tried to kill those grandkids a mere minute ago.

Suddenly those chains emerged from her back and came at Inora. "Hey! I was talking to her. Shit! I cant control myself." Kushina cursed in frustration as she saw her daughter dodging the chains.

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