33. Naruto's Plea

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It has been a month since Pain's attack on Konoha. Neither Itachi nor Tsunade showed signs of waking up. Everyone has been working hard on rebuilding the village. Ever since Naruto knew the truth about who he is, Inora told him everything about what happened on the day he was born. She also showed him photos of her childhood with their parents. She still remembered his face when he first saw Kushina in a photo.

"Woah, she looks beautiful just like you Inora, I think you look exactly like her while I look a lot like dad dont you agree?" Naruto said happily looking through the photos of Inora's childhood. "Yeah. You look a lot like dad, but your personality is a lot like mom." She chuckled. "When did this happen? How do I not remember this?" Naruto asked looking at a photo Inora managed to take when Naruto was 2 years old without anyone's knowledge. It was a photo of 8 year old Inora carrying a 2 year old Naruto. "You were a 2 year old snotty baby. Whenever I come to visit you, all you do is pull on my hair." Inora said with a scoff earning a giggle from Naruto.


Inora was beyond furious when she came to know Danzo became the Hokage. She knew it wont be long before he goes for Sasuke. All of this is getting out of hands. She really didnt know what to do. She was looking for Naruto when she saw two Cloud shinobi attacking Naruto, Sakura and Sai. She immediately teleported in front of them holding a kunai to their throats.

Both of them gasped in surprise. "What are you Cloud shinobi doing here? State your business." Inora said sternly. "You are the Crimson Flash" the guy from the Hidden Cloud said. "I am. Now start talking." She said pressing the kunai dangerously close to their throats. "We overheard them talking about Sasuke Uchiha. We need all the information we can get on him." The woman said. "What do you have to do with Sasuke?" Inora asked confused with kunai still on their throats. "He assaulted the hidden cloud and kidnapped our master." The guy said making Inora slowly withdraw the kunai in shock. They immediately jumped a few steps backwards.

"No. Thats a lie" Sakura said. "Sasuke Uchiha is a member of the Akatsuki who took our master. We dont even know if he is dead or alive. Lord Raikage sent us here to collect information. Even your Hokage gave us permission to get rid of him. We need to know everything we can about him." The woman said in anger. Sakura started crying while Inora stood there frozen trying to process the information she just heard. "Is your master a jinchuriki?" Naruto asked breaking Inora from her trance. "I am a jinchuriki too. The Akatsuki are hunting all the jinchuriki. Forget about Sasuke, you shoud go and rescue your master first."

"Are you really sure about this?" The guy from the hidden cloud asked. "I will come along and help you rescue him. I will tell you everything I got on the Akatsuki." Naruto said. "Naruto.. I dont.." Inora started only to be interrupted by him "Let me handle this Inora." He said looking at her. She nodded knowing very well there is nothing she can do to convince her stubborn brother.


Inora stayed with Sakura for a bit trying to comfort her.
'Why would Sasuke join the Akatsuki? He hated Itachi with everything he got. There is no reason for Sasuke to join that organization unless.... No. There is no way he knows the truth. Right?' Her mind was spiralling with a lot of questions. She was walking mindlessly when she saw Sai with Naruto who was beaten into a pulp along with 3 cloud shinobi

She immediately rushed to him "What the hell do you think you are doing?" She hissed at the 3 hidden cloud shinobi. "Inora, it was my choice." Naruto said weakly. "I am Samui of the hidden cloud. I apologise for what happened." The blonde woman said. "Karui and Omoi lets go. We got the approval to access the intel the leaf has on Sasuke and Akatsuki." She said to the other 2 and they all left.

Inora and Sai brought him to a tent and Inora started healing him. Sai explained what happened between the Cloud Ninja and Naruto to Kakashi, Yamato and Inora. "I am going to see the Raikage and convince him to forgive Sasuke." Naruto said. "The five Kage summit starts soon and you dont have the first Hokage's necklace anymore. Last time cannot repeat again. We were lucky that your sealing formula triggered itself and stopped the transformation." Yamato said disapproving him while Inora stayed silent the whole time and concentrated on healing her brother.

"I met the Fourth Hokage." Naruto said which shocked everyone except Inora. "He was the one who stopped me from turning into Nine tails." He explained. "What does he mean? The Fourth Hokage is dead." Yamato said confused. "He sealed some of his chakra along with mine in Naruto before he died. He knew a situation like that might arise. We had a little family reunion." Inora explained. Naruto told them about the masked guy and was deadset on going to meet the Raikage. Kakashi believed that it must be Madara Uchiha and asked Sai to report the information to Danzo.

"Dad believed that this endless hatred can be stopped. He said that he had faith in us to find a solution. I am going with Naruto whether you like it or not. If the hidden cloud goes after Sasuke, this cycle of hatred can never be stopped." Inora said determined. "Dont worry, Yamato here will handle things while I will tag along with the both of you to see the Raikage." Kakashi said.


Kakashi, Inora and Naruto were following the 3 hidden cloud shinobi to meet the Raikage who was on his way to the Five Kage summit. They saw them meeting with the Raikage.

"Show yourselves you hidden leaf dogs." Said one of the shinobi who came with the Raikage. The three of them went and stood in front of the them "We need to talk right now." Naruto said determined.

"Kakashi Hatake and Inora Namikaze. Are you here to run an errand for the Hokage?" The Raikage asked. "No sir. We came here for a favour. Naruto Uzumaki here would like to petition you. I really hope you can hear him out." Kakashi replied. "Alright boy. Start talking." The Raikage said looking at Naruto.

Raikage just walked past them after hearing Naruto ask him not kill Sasuke. Naruto fell on his knees and begged him not to start another cycle of hatred which was again ignored by the Raikage. "Lord Raikage." Inora said making him stop in his tracks. "I know you hold a great amount of respect for my father. He was a man who priorotized peace before anything else. Even when the Cloud shinobi dared to betray the alliance and tried to kidnap the Hyuga heiress, noble sacrifices were made from the leaf to avoid conflicts and preserve peace. I really hope you didnt forget any of that. If I were you, I would reconsider this whole thing." Inora said looking at him. "No matter what. We will dispose Sasuke Uchiha. You can hold your ground afterwards." The Raikage said.

Even after Kakashi tried to pursue him, the Raikage just dismissed him and told Naruto that bowing to another person is not what makes a person a shinobi and left with the others. "Thats enough Naruto. Raise your head." Inora said looking at her brother who had tears in his eyes.


All three of them stayed in an inn near the Land of Iron to take rest before returning to the Leaf. Inora suddenly felt a strange chakra. Before she could react Naruto blasted a rasengan towards the chakra. Inora stood beside Naruto in a protective stance and Kakashi was behind the intruder who stood in the roof with the Chidori.

It was him. The guy with the Orange mask.


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