50. Losing Hope

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"Sage jutsu is actually working." Naruto said landing beside the rest of them with Inora. "What is this Sage power?" Sasuke asked. "Those are attacks that uses Nature energy." He said explaining Sasuke about Sage mode. "You both remind me of me and elder brother back in the days." Tobirama said to the sister and brother with an amused look on his face.

"Except the cussing part." Lord second deadpanned. "You both did great. I cant believe you both learned Sage jutsu like Jiraiya sensei. But you cuss too much for your own good Inora." Minato said looking at his daughter. "Oh come on dad! He was being a freaking asshole." Inora shrugged. "My point proven." Minato said squinting his eyes at his daughter. "Fine. I will try not to cuss anymore." Inora sighed. They all saw Obito floating again and red flames erupted from his back to protect him from any attacks.

"It clearly worked but look he has recovered already and its guarding his back." Tobirama said. Suddenly Obito made a tree emerge from the ground that had 7 flower like thingys to spit tailed beast bomb. "There truly is nothing that is worth saving in this reality. This whole world is already dead." Obito said.

"There are 7 of those bombs. Even if we teleport each, there will be 4 left. This is impossible." Tobirama said looking at those flowers ready to launch the tailed beast bombs.

"Put up an earth style wall. I will use deep forest emergence to launch and guide them towards the ocean." Hashirama's clone said. "I wont let you." Obito said erecting a barrier around everyone to make sure nobody escapes.

"You cannot save anyone now." Obito said while those black thingy covered him to protect him from the explosion. Naruto looked at Inora and she nodded understanding what he was trying to tell. "Dad, I have an idea. So will you give me a fist bump?" Naruto asked and they did a fist bump while Minato transferred chakra to his son. "So what is your plan Naruto?" Sasuke asked. "Let him concentrate Sasuke." Inora said.

Naruto explained the plan to Minato and soon everyone was covered in orange chakra cloak. "Inora now." Naruto said and all three of them stood in a circle holding hands. Jugoo landed near Sasuke telling him to use the Reverse summoning to get out of the barrier. "I havent given you two any of my chakra yet. Get over here." Naruto said making the Uchiha scoff. "What is your chakra going to accomplish?" He asked. "There is no time Sasuke. Hurry now." Inora urged.


Soon all of them were out of the barrier. "You really did this before?" Minato asked his daughter panting heavily. "Yeah. Since Naruto's chakra connected everyone, I did once but it was kinda difficult. But along with you, it was easier to teleport everyone." Inora said watching the explosion that went of inside the barrier. "You both sure are better at teleporting than I am." Tobirama exclaimed. "But how?" Sasuke asked while Tobirama explained him.

"Is that right Naruto?" Tobirama asked. "Huh? Is that what it was?" Naruto asked dumbfounded by his explanation. "Nevermind." Tobirama sighed. "Old man second, you sure know a lot about my shadow clones." Naruto said with a smile. "I came up with that jutsu. So its my jutsu." Tobirama yelled making Inora chuckle at her brother. She saw her father looking at her and Naruto and tearing up. "Dont get emotional on us old man." Inora joked hoping to cheer him up and wiped his tears. Minato chuckled "I am happy to see how much both of you have grown." He said genuinely.

Naruto concentrated more chakra entering into deep tailed beast mode bringing forth Kurama. "I feel power welling up inside me. Come on lets go." Naruto said jumping. "Naruto! Shouting and showing off is all well and good. But done tell me you have forgotten that nothing other than sage jutsu works on him." Tobirama said making Naruto stop. "Thats right!" Naruto exclaimed panicking making Inora facepalm herself. "You are a bigger idiot than my elder brother." Tobira sighed making Minato sweat drop.

Minato entered deep tailed beast state and stood beside Naruto while he switched to Sage mode. Inora did the same too. Minato and Naruto together created a massive rasengan by adding Sage jutsu. "Inora get ready, we will distract him. Now old man second." Naruto said and Tobirama teleported both father and son towards Obito. Obito blocked their attack with those black thingy creating a blast. Obito jumped backwards distracted by the fact that they were able to break his defence while Inora used the opening. "Dont get too distracted Obi..." she said in sing sang voice teleporting to him. "Lighting style: Rasen explosion." Obito was slightly caught offguard but he still managed to block her attack for most part.

Inora teleported back to Naruto. "He predicted our attack. Using teleportation jutsu wont be enough." Tobirama said. "All we need to do is rip that black thing." Naruto said. "But how?" Minato asked. "How about a tailed beast bomb?" Inora suggested and they created a tailed beast bomb by adding Sage jutsu. Obito floated in air and suddenly the Ten tails came out of him.

"What the? Did he just spit that thing out?" Inora asked looking at the scene in front of her. "Be careful. I have a bad feeling about this." Minato warned. The barrier got suspended and a huge tree emerged from the ground and huge roots spreaded out. The impact caused everyone to fall back. Inora felt her chakra drain. "This thing is absorbing our chakra. We need to move now." She said to the others but the veins got Naruto. It was about to get her when she amplified the chakra she had to teleport to Naruto. "Windstyle: Breakthrough." She managed to get him out and teleport beside her father. Tobirama teleported all of them near Sasuke.


Inora gasped at what she saw. Many were dead. They looked as if the life was sucked out of them. The veins drained their chakra killing them. Naruto gritted his teeth in anger. Inora felt drained. She concentrated gathering more chakra from the seal connecting her to the Otsushi crystal. The Crimson markings in her body slowly expanded further giving her the chakra she needed to go on.

"Shinobi are all done for. There is no need to keep going. If you dont resist, I wont kill you. Regret will fill you unless you stop and do nothing." Obito said floating in the air. "If we do nothing, we will all be saved?" One of the Shinobis questioned shaken by what happened a mere minute ago. "Thats right. No more fear, death or enduring pain. You will be entering a dream." Obito replied. "Dont give up. If you are put under a genjutsu, you are as good as dead." Hashirama shouted at the shinobi who were slowly losing hope.

"This giant tree is closely connected to Obito like an extra limb for extracting chakra. We shouldnt be careless." Hiruzen said. "Such words of weakness. How unlike you Sarutobi sensei." Orochimaru said landing with another 2 people. Inora glared at him. "Orochimaru." She whispered. If looks could kill, he would have been dead by now.

"Orochimaru! You are quite late. And the 5 kage?" Hiruzen asked. "I saw to their healing. If they dont chicken out, they should be coming." Orochimaru replied making Inora scoff loudly. "My my! What an amazing chakra amplification." Orochimaru said looking at Inora bringing out his tongue. Inora rolled her eyes at him. "I would love to know the details of your jutsu Inora Namikaze." He said with sly smile. "You wish you damn snake." She replied sharply and looked at the other 2. She saw Karin and another one whose chakra seemed familiar.

"Are you a Hozuki?" She asked the boy. "Yeah. I am Suigetsu Hozuki. How did you know?" He asked a little flirty. Inora gasped a little. "You are Suigetsu? Mangetsu's younger brother?" She asked making his eyes widen. "Oh yeah. You did fight my brother once didnt you?" He asked. "Your chakra is similiar to your brother's. I fought him yesterday too. He was reanimated. He wanted me to tell you that he was sorry for not being with you when you needed the most." Inora said making his eyes soften. "Oh!" He replied barely above a whisper. "Thanks for telling me that." He said sincerely.

Then they all heard Hashirama's voice through Ino's jutsu. He explained about the tree and how they had 15 minutes left until that flower bloomed. Most of them felt like they lost the war. They were on the verge of giving up. Naruto's eyes were flowing with tears while he gritted his teeth in anger. One of the roots emerged to capture the rest which was cut off by Sasuke using his Susanoo.

"Naruto! Are you going to give up? Because I am not." He said making his way towards Obito.

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