45. Cruel Reality

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"I cant believe he shook of my Byakugan aided mind transfer jutsu in just 2 seconds." Ino said a bit frustrated.

"But it was enough to shift the aim of that thing. So good work." Hiashi Hyuga said.

"Naruto, are you doing okay?" Asked a worried Hinata. "Yeah" Naruto replied with a smile.

"Just because Hinata is here doesnt mean you have to act tough Naruto." Kiba said with a smirk.

The Aburame clan gathered first.
"Beetle jamming jutsu."

Then it was the Mist shinobi.
"Hidden mist jutsu."

All the shinobis of the allied forces were gathered there within a minute. Then the Sand shinobi used Wind style to clear the mist showing the enemy the strength of the Allied shinobi forces. Inora used this time to switch to Sage mode.

"You see we are not alone anymore, we brought something with us. Its called the Allied shinobi forces jutsu, the world's most invincible super duper ninjutsu you know. A jutsu that tops your Infinite Tsukuyomi, remember that." Naruto said smirking.

"The allied shinobi forces jutsu? Isnt that a bit of a stretch?" Madara mocked. "We are gonna stop the both of you with this jutsu." Naruto said with confidence.

"You are wrong. Why wont you realise its completely meaningless to stop us here? This jutsu of yours will crumble to dust after the war. There is no victory no matter how much you struggle. Get it through your head already, hope doesnt exist in this world." Obito said looking at Naruto.

"Says who? You? You are nothing but a pathetic excuse for a shinobi. Cant you see, we created something that never happened in the history. THIS IS HOPE." Inora said standing beside her brother, her eyes sending daggers to the man whom she admired when she was young. "There is no point in arguing. How about we just settle this thing?" Madara asked kinda bored.

"This world is not gonna end." Naruto said. Shikaku relayed the strategy he came up with to all the shinobis present there. With the help of all the 5 nations they managed to immobolize the Ten tails and the rest launched their attack on both Madara and Obito.


Just when they were about to take out the brains of the enemy, the Ten tails emerged. It looked much huge than before. It stood on 2 legs and looked gigantic. Everybody was thrown away from the impact it created. They all saw the beast preparing to launch a tailed beast bomb. Inora immediately got to work. She threw her kunai and teleported that large mass of chakra to the ocean while earth style users managed to make it loose its balance.

Then it started launching beast bombs randomly. It started destroying cities within the range. Inora immediately understood what was going on. She managed to teleport 2 more bombs that were headed in the direction of destroying the villages nearby but she couldnt stop the one aimed for the HQ. Shikaku managed to tell everyone the final act he came up with to stop the war.

She teleported beside Naruto and fell on her knees panting heavily. "Inora you okay? What the heck just happened?" Naruto asked confused. "Its my fault. I couldnt do it. I should have been faster." Inora said still breathing heavily. Tears brimmed her eyes thinking about Shikaku and Inoichi while Naruto stood there stunned. One of the Ten tails' hand came sweeping everyone on its way.

"Eight Trigrams: Palm rotation." Both Neji and Hiashi managed to dodge it. "Blaming yourself isnt gonna get you anywhere. This is a battle field and we are at war. People die but if we are defeated and lose this war, everyone will die." Hiashi said sternly. Inora stood up slowly knowing this wasnt the time to get emotional.

"Listen Naruto, your power is crucial to the plan so until we are able to execute it" Neji said while Hinata joined the 2 hyugas. "We must protect you." She completed her cousin's statement. "Know this, the Hyugas are the mightiest among the leaf." Hiashi said , all 3 of them taking a fighting stance. Naruto sat down to gather Nature energy.

Suddenly the Ten tails released sharp pieces of wood from its hands at high speed. The 3 hyuga used palm rotation. Just when they stopped Inora launched her attack "Giant triple rasengan." She said aiming 3 rasengans. "Thanks Neji." Inora whispered falling on her knees. She was at her limit, her Sage mode vanished. She saw Naruto a few feet ahead of her launching a few Rasenshurikens.

Naruto also fell on his knees, his Sage mode chakra disappearing while Hinata stood near him to protect him. One of Ten tails hands came sweeping again. "Eight triagrams: Air wall palm" Hiashi managed to dodge it but a focused attack was aimed at Naruto which caught Inora's eyes. She saw both Hinata and Neji ready to block the attack from reaching Naruto.

She gathered whatever chakra she had left and teleported infront of Naruto pushing the Hyuga cousins aside. "Wind style: breakthrough." She managed to deflect most of it. But one of them hit straight at her vital point. Naruto's eyes widened seeing his sister pierced by a wooden rod.

"Get the medical team, hurry there is a critical injury." Naruto screamed while Neji, Hinata and Hiashi stood in shock. "It is okay, Naruto." She whispered weakly. "Inora!" Naruto exclaimed while Hinata kneeled beside the siblings with tears in her eyes. "You are a fool Naruto. Hinata loves you and you never realised it." She said with a chuckle. "My brother can be a little dumb Hinata. Dont give up on him." She said to the Hyuga heiress and slowly closed her eyes.

Naruto felt Inora slumping in his arms lifelessly. "No Inora. Not you. Please, not you." Naruto whispered looking at his sister's lifeless form. "Naruto! Didnt you say you wouldnt let any of your comrades die? Now look around you and try to say that again. Not only your comrades but the only family you had left is gone." Obito said while Naruto held his sister with shaky arms.

"I said try to say those words again. As the bodies of those you love grow cold in your arms, take in their deaths." Obito continued attacking the jinchuriki with his venomous words. Everybody in the battlefield couldnt believe their eyes, the Crimson Flash of Konoha laid motionless in the jinchuriki's arms. Kakashi just stood frozen not being able to take in the information.

"This is hope. Isnt that what your sister said? Now look at her, all her stupid ideals and hope only brought her gruesome death. This is the cruel reality. The only thing thats left at the end of this good for nothing reality is your worst nightmare which you know very well, solitude. Now come join us Naruto." He said.

Naruto didnt know what to do anymore. His mind was blank seeing Inora's lifeless eyes. He closed his eyes letting the tears fall when...

Author's note:

Oops! Sorry guys.

I just couldnt kill Neji. I love his character too much to kill him. So I just decided to kill Inora ;)

Keep reading to know what happens and do share your thoughts :)

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