30. Old man Jiraiya

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Inora saw Kakashi and Naruto at the entrance of the Hokage's office. Team Kakashi , Tsunade, Shizune were all there along with an old looking toad. Inora immediately recognized him as the sage toad Jiraiya used to talk about. She didnt understand what was going on. "So they are Jiraiya boy's students is it?" The old toad asked. "Yes. This is Naruto Uzumaki and Inora Namikaze. One of them could be the child of prophecy you talked about." Tsunade said.

Child of prophechy? She remembered Jiraiya talking about it. What does it have to do now? Where is he?

"Whats with the old geezer frog? Who is he?" Naruto asked confused to which Tsunade scolded him to show some respect. Inora saw everybody having a sad look on their faces. She couldnt understand what was going on. "A boy? You call the pervy sage a boy? Who do you think you are, you old geezer frog?" Naruto yelled. The toad laughed at him. "I havent a heard a more fitting name for Jiraiya boy."

"Where is he?" Inora asked interrupting the old toad. You must be the great sage toad Fukasaku old man talked about. What are you doing here exactly? Where is old man Jiraiya?" Inora asked feeling a heaviness in her heart.

"You seem to know a lot about Jiraiya boy. I am afraid Jiraiya boy has died in battle" the toad said and Inora felt her breath caught in her throat. She felt dizzy. She heard him talk about some Akatsuki leader but she couldnt make it out clearly. All of them except Naruto and Inora were discussing the details about Jiraiya's last mission. She was about to faint when Kakashi caught her from behind.

Her heart felt heavy. She couldnt bear it. She still hasnt completely accepted the fact that she saved Itachi who was a mere few minutes away from death and now to hear that Jiraiya is dead, she couldnt think properly. Everything around her felt like spinning. She managed to steady herself a bit.

"So he is no more? Is that what you wanted to say? Is that why I was summoned here Tsunade sensei?" She asked her voice dangerously low and face emotionless. It was getting difficult to breath. "Inora..." Kakashi started. "Save it. I am no child of prophecy sage toad. I am just a normal child who wanted to make her parents proud and save the people I care about. But it seems like I am failing over and over." She said and teleported to Inora and Itachi's old meeting spot not caring a bit about what the others had to say.


She stood by the river trying to breath properly. Tears were flowing from her eyes. "First it was Itachi. Now it is you. Why?" She screamed falling on her knees letting everything out. "It hurts. It hurts so bad." She whispered crying.

You and Naruto had grown so much right before my eyes, I feel so content.

She chuckled through her tears remembering his words.

You have truly grown a lot Inora. I am sure Minato and Kushina would be proud of you and so am I.

"Are you really proud of me old man?" She whispered looking at the sky. She didnt know how long she spent there crying but the sun was starting to set and it was slowly getting dark. She was recalling her every memory with Jiraiya.

"Take care of him and yourself old man. Dont get caught sneaking on women's bath."

Hey! I do that only for research purposes.

I am doing great. I am going to release my new book on the Icha Icha series.

She remembered all the time they spent with each other. She couldnt stop the tears from falling. She felt another chakra coming towards her. It was Kakashi. "I waited near your apartment but then I thought I would find you here." He said.

Both of them sat there silently watching the stars. Kakashi knew how much this affects her. He was also aware that Itachi's death had an effect on her too. When Inora saw her shadow clone's memories, she saw Kakashi coming to check up on her often knowing she would be upset due to Itachi's death. If only he knew the truth.


"What exactly happened?" Inora asked slowly. Kakashi sighed knowing she didnt pay any attention to what they were saying in the Hokage's office. He explained everything about Pain and the coded message Jiraiya left behind. "The Rinnegan? I thought it was a myth." She exclaimed.

"He died an honorable death Inora. He wouldnt like to see you all upset like this." The masked man said. "Yeah. I know. It will take some time. But I will be okay. Thanks Kakashi." She said sincerely. She felt a bit better after talking to him but she had no intention of returning to her apartment. So she decided to check on Naruto.


She knocked on his apartment door. "Inora." He said after opening the door. His eyes were red and face was a bit puffy from crying. She didnt look any better either. "Umm.. can I come in?" She asked hesitantly.
"Sure." He said letting her in.

They sat on his bed silently not knowing what to say. "Are you okay?" Both of them asked at the same time. "I have been better." Inora answered truthfully. "I really wanted him to watch me become the Hokage." He said looking down. "He will always be watching you Naruto." She comforted him.

They sat there talking about all the stuff Jiraiya used to do. Both of them didnt feel like sleeping so they just stayed there talking all night. It felt really nice talking to him. They both felt a lot better. Inora really wanted to tell him everything. She wanted to tell that he is not alone and he has a sister. But she couldnt bring herself to do it. She was afraid that he might hate her for keeping it from him for so long.


Naruto was sprawled on the couch while Inora was sleeping on the bed. They had no idea when they slept, all they remember is talking about Jiraiya all night. A knock on Naruto's apartment door woke them up.

It was Shikamaru. "Hey Inora. I thought of visiting you next and I'm glad you saved me the trouble of searching you." He said and showed them a picture of the clue Jiraiya left behind. "Do you think you can make out anything from this picture?" He asked.

They all stood there in the Decryption department inspecting the clue. Naruto told about a certain number looking like a letter.
"Didnt his new book start with that letter? The one Kakashi always reads." Inora stated her thought. Kakashi stood near the window with the same book and soon they decrypted the message.

"The real one is not among them."


They were all in the Hokage's office discussing the coded message with the Sage toad Fukasaku. The body of one the pains that Jiraiya managed to send back was undergoing an advanced autopsy. It would mostly take more than a week to complete it to get any information.

Fukasaku offered both Inora and Naruto to come with him and train the Sage jutsu. As much as Inora wanted to go, she cant leave Itachi alone. She still needs to check on him. So she politely refused after Naruto accepted the offer.

And just like that Naruto left to Mount Meyaboku in hopes of becoming strong enough to defeat this Pain.

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