17. Selfish

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"They actually became genin. I cant believe this, I'm so happy. Sasuke was really close to getting the bells from Kakashi. His talents have grown significantly. He will be strong like you in no time Itachi." Inora was rambling to Itachi as usual. He was happy to know that his brother became a genin. He never really asked anything about Sasuke to Inora but she knows how much Itachi cares so she always gives him update about his little brother.

"That Mizuki guy tricked my brother. But it led to him graduating the academy. He actually created over a 100 shadow clones Itachi. It was unbelievable." Inora continued. Itachi smiled looking at her. They havent been able to meet often ever since the day they kissed. It has been a year but nobody dared to mention about it ever again. It was like it never happened just like they agreed and everything was back to normal.

"Hey Itachi! are you even listening to me?" She asked with an eyebrow raised at him. "Yeah. I am happy to hear that Inora. Kakashi is a good man." He said.
"That is true. The fact that Kakashi is their incharge puts me at more ease you know. He maybe a lazy goon but he knows what he is doing. They sure are in good hands." She agreed. "I wonder if Naruto and Sasuke will get along." She said.

"Rivalry is something that will help you grow more. Even though we got along well we had a competition between us everytime we sparred. That is one the many reasons for our growth." Itachi explained. "Yeah I cant disagree on that. You were a true genius and I trained hard to catch up to you." She replied.

Itachi chuckled "Your strong will and positive attitude was something I always admired" he said tucking a strand of her red hair behind her ear.

Suddenly the air around them became thick with tension. They couldnt break the eye contact nor were they able to move even if they tried.

Inora was unable to bear it anymore. It would be a big fat lie if she said she never thought about kissing him again but she knew better than put their friendship at risk. But now it was becoming too much. She decided to make the first move. She leaned a little closer and saw Itachi's eyes widen a little.

Itachi couldnt believe it. It was happening again. She was close and he was feeling dizzy but he was completely aware of his next action. He cupped her face with one hand and connected their lips. It wasnt soft like their first kiss, it had a bit of passion and desire mixed with some gentleness.

Itachi knew the ending of whatever this is isnt going to feel as good as he feels now. He was aware that he is now a criminal, a murderer , the infamous clan killer but every minute he spends with Inora made him forget his reality. She was his ESCAPE from the cruel reality that was waiting for him in the Akatsuki hideout. He knew it was selfish to feel this way but he couldnt care less at this point. He was a man who always thought about the welfare of those around him. He always acted for the good of someone else. Atleast for once he wanted to act for his own self. For once in his entire life he felt the need to be selfish.
Inora was his selfish choice.

She felt his tongue grazing her bottom lip and opened her mouth to give access. Her heart was beating like crazy. She felt like it was going to pop out soon from how fast it was beating from the moment their tongues collided.

Inora was no fool. She was completely aware that the one whose tongue is down her throat was considered to be an S rank criminal in her village and if someone was to find out that they have been meeting for the past 2 years, she could be considered an accomplise or worse branded as a traitor. She knows the consequences of her actions. Just because her village considers him to be a murderer doesnt mean she would give up on one of the most important people in her life. It may seem selfish. But she chose to be selfish when it comes to Itachi.

The lack of oxygen made them break the kiss. Both of them breathing heavily. The desire was clear in their eyes. Inora slowly kissed him all over the face. His cheeks, his eyes, his forehead, a small peck on his lips. He reached out for her hair and untied her high pony tail. She looked absolutely breath taking in free hair. He cupped her jaw and started placing small kisses on her neck.

He felt her breath hitch when he kissed a particular spot. He applied a little more pressure. She let out a small moan and it stirred something in him. He let out a low growl and laid her on her back on the cold floor of the cave and hovered above her. It was a little uncomfortable but they couldnt care less at this point.

Inora's hand slowly removed the zipper of his black robe with red clouds. He resumed to assault on the same spot and he could see the bruise forming on her neck. He slowly removed the kunai pouch hoisted on her thigh and his hands reached out for her Anbu vest. He looked at her for permission and she gave a small nod. While he was busy removing her vest she started kissing him from his jaw to neck and hands completely removing his robe. He was wearing a simple Uchiha T shirt and some pants.

As soon her vest was removed she pulled in him in for another kiss. It was rough, full of heat and desire. Within a few minutes both of their top was on the floor beside them. Itachi broke the kiss and started kissing from her neck slowly moving downwards. The small whimpers and moans escaping from her lips gave him a big ego boost. Suddenly the reality of the situation came crashing to him. She saw him looking at her with hesitation.

"Itachi. We can stop if you dont want to go any further" she said softly. Itachi sighed and pressed their foreheads together "That was supposed to be my line redhead." He said.

"Are you sure about this?" He asked quietly. "Do you really want your first time to be with me?"

"I couldnt think of anyone else besides you Itachi. I want this. The real question is whether YOU want this?" She replied shyly.

He pressed his growing bulge on her center. She gasped loudly. "I guess that answers your question. Doesnt it?" Itachi said smiling making her smile too.

Soon the remaining piece of clothing were discarded and both of them became one, lost in complete pleasure by giving their virginity to each other.


Itachi was the first to wake up. He saw her curled up in his arms with his robe on covering both of them. He slowly removed her hair that was covering her face. It was night time already. He was able to see the moonlight from the cave. He saw her slowly opening her eyes. She blinked a couple of times and smiled.

They dressed up and sat at the edge of the cliff in the moonlight watching the stars twinkle. There was a comfortable silence.

"I really hope this doesnt make things awkward Itachi. Your friendship means much more to me." Inora said quietly. "I dont regret it, if thats what you are asking. This doesnt change anything Inora" he replied smiling softly. Inora sighed in relief. They just sat there for somemore time.

"I should get going Itachi. I must be in the village before dawn." Inora said looking at him feeling sad to break such a peaceful moment. "Its okay. I understand. We will see soon." He said poking her forehead.

She gave a small peck on his lips "Take care idiot." And left.

He just sat there thinking about what happened in these few hours.

It didnt take him long to figure out that his feelings towards the redhead is not just gratitude, affection, friendship or attraction but something more.

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