42. You are awake!

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The reanimated shinobis disappeared as soon as the sun set. They were alerted by the HQ about the appearance of Madara on another battle field. "Do you think they are planning a surprise attack?" Inora asked Kakashi. "It is a possibility. I want everyone capable of standing to do the guard duty. Others can tend to your injuries" he instructed the others.

A lot of them had lost their lives. Inora concentrated on healing those who were on the verge of death and instructed the others to go the medical camp set nearby. There were many whom she couldnt save but she can cry about that later. For now she concentrated on treating those who needed immediate medical care.

Inora managed to seal Mangetsu Hozuki after a long fight. His last words still echoed in her ears. "My death wasnt an honourable one but I'm glad I was reanimated and had you as my last opponent. I feel content. You are a wonderful shinobi Inora and you have my utmost gratitude and respect" he said with a smile on his face.

She also managed to seal Fuguki Suikazan, the former wielder of Samehada. It wasnt easy, but she managed to get him in Sage mode. It was tiring and she was a bit exhausted but still she concentrated on healing those who required her attention.


"You should get some rest Inora. Rest of them has only minor injuries, they can get checked in the medical camp by Sakura. You should preserve your chakra." Sai adviced the tired looking redhead kunoichi. "Yeah. Maybe you are right." She said and instructed the rest to get checked in the medical camp and swallowed a couple of foodpills to get some energy.

She sat there with her back against a tree and her eyes closed. Anyone may mistake her for sleeping but she was completely awake constantly checking the surroundings for any foreign chakra. She felt someone approaching her. It was a Mist shinobi.

"Um..Ms.Inora?" He called her hesitantly. Inora slowly opened her eyes looking at him. He looked about the same age as her, maybe a little older. She recognized him, he was a part of Maki's sealing team. "Yes? Is there anything you want?" She asked carefully looking at the man infront of her who seemed really nervous for some reason. "Umm.. not really. I just wanted to talk." He said nervously. "What is it?" She asked.

"I.. I saw how you fought. You are really amazing. I mean, I have heard rumours about the Crimson Flash but seeing you in action was awesome. The way you handled Hozuki was really cool. No one had ever been able to take him out but you did it. And on top of that you look really beautiful." He rambled. Inora was kinda caught off guard by his rambling. She didnt quite understand why he was telling all this at the middle of a war.

He saw the confusion in her face. Before she could say anything, "I would really love to court you if I make out of this war alive." He said with blush on his cheeks. "Oh..! I really appreciate your honesty but I am afraid I cant accept." She said politely. "Is this because I am a Hidden mist shinobi?" He asked disappointed by her answer. "No. No. Thats not the reason. Please dont take it that way. I have someone else waiting for me." She explained.

"Ah.. I see. I should have known that someone as pretty as you would have a boyfriend. He sure is one lucky man. Sorry for making this awkward. I will leave now." He said and left soon. "Mmm.. that guy sure got some balls." Inora heard another voice as soon as he left. Inora rolled her eyes "Dont tell Sato about this. He will tease me till I die." She said to her Nara friend who looked at her amused.

"I cant make promises. You really didnt have to lie about having a boyfriend. You could have been honest." Tomura said shrugging. Inora stayed silent making him raise his eyebrows at her. "So you do have a boyfriend? Dont tell me you are actually dating Kotetsu?" He asked. "What? No. I am not. But maybe. Maybe not." Inora smirked looking at the Nara who was visibly getting irritated. "Women are troublesome." He muttered and left for his guard duty.


He slowly opened his eyes. His eyes felt kinda weird and a little itchy. He slowly sat up taking in his surroundings. He saw an IV attached to him. He was really confused as to where he was. He tried remembering what happened and his encounter with his brother came to mind. "Did the Akatsuki bring me here?" He whispered confused and saw a couple of photo frames in a table nearby.

Everything became clear as soon as he saw the photos. "Inora...." he whispered looking at the photos. There was also a bottle of water which he drank since his throat felt really dry. He noticed a small journal in the table. He took it and opened, his eyes still felt a little weird but he was able to see better than before. He blinked a couple times reading the words written in the journal.

My idiot Itachi,

I am writing this so that you could know about the things that happened when you were in your deep slumber.....


There were so many emotions swirling through him after he finished reading it. First of all he felt really terrible for putting Inora through so much. He wasnt surprised to learn that Sasuke took his eyes but what made him choke on his water was the fact that he is now having Sasuke's eyes. No wonder he was able to see clearly now, he was on the verge of going blind after the last fight with Sasuke.

He was really disappointed to know that Sasuke came to know the truth because of that damn Madara. Now even the current Hokage knows everything. He understood that he woke up in the middle of a war. He really wanted to help the shinobi alliance win this war. He took Inora's pendant which was on the table and wore it on his neck and he decided to step out to see whats going on.


After a couple hours of walking through a direction which he thought might be the battle field, he sensed a familiar chakra. He saw Nagato sucking out the souls of both Naruto and the other jinchuriki. He immediately brought forth his Susanoo saving both of them. All of them were surprised to see him. "Itachi you are awake!" Naruto exclaimed in the hands of his Crimson Susanoo.

"What is happening here?" Itachi asked looking at Nagato who was regenerating even after Itachi blew him with his Susanoo. "It is the reanimation jutsu. Many people have been brought back by Kabuto to be used in the war." Naruto explained. "Arent you Itachi Uchiha? Why is an Akatsuki member helping us?" Killer bee asked confused. "Dont worry Octopops. He is a friend." Naruto said reassuring the other jinchuriki.

"Planetary devastation." Nagato said and a small ball went to sky and soon other stuff was pulled around it with an amazing force. Naruto explained about the jutsu and he panicked. "Stay calm and analyse the situation Naruto. We should use our strongest jutsu to destroy the core." Itachi said calmly.

The were able to destroy the jutsu and Itachi pierced Nagato with his Totsuka blade. After an emotional conversation between the sibling students, Itachi sealed Nagato away.

"I will stop the reanimation jutsu. I will leave Madara to the 2 of you." He said making Naruto snap his head towards him.

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