Bonus 1: Jealousy

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Author's note:

Hello guys...

As promised, I am now focusing on writing some bonus chapters for this story. I would like to thank everyone who read and supported the story.

It is just crazy to think that this story has now over 100k reads and I have over 60 followers. Thanks to all of you.

I read all your motivating and entertaining comments. Do leave your comments and thoughts on the bonus chapters too.

I am still not sure how many chapters I will write but I will assure you it will be worth your time.

So.. lets get started.


The entire village was gathered in front of the Hokage building to attend the inaugration ceremony of the Nanadaime Hokage, Naruto Uzumaki. Shikamaru, Kakashi, Inora and Konohamaru stood on top of the building waiting for Naruto who was getting late for the most important day of his life.

Inora saw Hinata rush towards them with the Hokage Haori in her hands surprised to see Naruto wasnt there yet making Inora curse loudly. "I will go check on him." She said as she weaved hand signs teleporting herself to Naruto only to find him passed out cold.

"What in the?" She gasped as she checked on him. "This is.. gentle fist technique.. but how?" Inora wondered completely surprised knowing very well her brother wont be awake for the remainder of the day when a scream caught her attention. It was coming from upstairs and she recognized the voice to be Boruto.

Inora rushed upstairs only to be met with Boruto who was backed into a corner trembling for the fear of his life along with an angry looking Himawari who now had byakugan. "This is troublesome." Inora sighed understanding what happened to her brother. "Aunty Inora! Save me! I promise I wont mess with her again." Boruto screamed as his eyes met the red head's.


Inora didnt know whether to laugh or to feel bad about what was happening. Becoming a Hokage was Naruto's dream eversince he was a little kid and he couldnt even attend his own innaugration ceremony. Inora sighed as she saw Konohamaru transformed as Naruto standing on top of the Hokage tower. She glanced at everyone gathered to see them having a big smile on their faces which made her smile too.

Just knowing Naruto was there for them made the villagers feel safe. He was a Hokage to them in their hearts eversince he fought Pain. Naruto was nothing short of a hero to all of them. But only those close to him knew how much he worked hard to get to where he is now. Inora was really proud of his brother. He achieved his dream at long last.

"You see him! That is my uncle." Inora heard the proud voice of her eldest son, Shisui Uchiha. The 10 year old Uchiha along with his best friend Yara Hyuga has been attending Ninja academy for the past 2 years under Shino Aburame. He was nothing short of what everyone would call a true prodigy. Always excelling at everthing thrown at his way.

Inora would never admit out loud but she spoiled her eldest son too much. She could never bring herself to be angry at him and Shisui was smart enough to use that to his advantage. He was a proud yet arrogant brat who at the same time cared for those he loved unconditionally. Shisui never gives up an oppurtunity to show off his skills or flex the crimson eyes of his.

Shisui just life his father and uncle was not an exception as he was always flocked by his fan girls at the academy. They called him the 'Uchiha Prince'. Despite it being annoying, he always managed to show off making them drool over him only for a fierce Hyuga to punch him in the gut and remind his place.

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