49. Ten Tails Jinchuriki

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"What exactly makes you think the war is over, my fellow traitor?" Obito asked making the 3 of them gasp. Suddenly the Ten tails began to shrink or more like Obito started to absorb that thing. Inora took both her father and Sasuke and teleported beside Naruto. Gamakichi jumped to a higher place to prevent themselves from getting absorbed.

"What is going on?" Minato asked looking at the ball like thingy that formed after the Ten tails disappeared or got absorbed. "Is the Ten tails changing form again or something?" Sasuke asked. "No. Thats not whats happening. Obito repelled Madara's manipulation and he has been weaving the signs necessary to do this right from the beginning...." Naruto said making Inora gasp. "That means he became the Ten tails jinchuriki." Inora completed her brother's sentence when the ball like thingy cracked revealing a completely unharmed and different looking Obito.

Hashirama used his diety gates to keep him in place only for it to be turned into dust. The God of Shinobi gasped seeing such display of immense power. Suddenly red hands sprouted from his back and ripped the crimson barrier made by the 4 Hokages.

Obito landed a few feet away from Gamakichi who had Sasuke, Naruto, Inora and Minato on top of him. "Enough Obito. Stop this now." Minato said. "He looks too weird dad. Something is not right." Inora said looking at the white haired Uchiha in front of them. The rest of the Hokage joined them landing infornt of the Giant toad.

Then the Senju brothers launched at Obito but half of their reanimated bodies got destroyed. "Fourth. Saru. Now." Tobirama said. "Minato get away now." Hiruzen instructed. Minato understood what was going on. He immediately teleported Gamakichi and those who stood on him a bit far away from there.  Obito was restrained by Hashirama's woodstyle while Tobirama used several explosive tags to blow him away. There was continuous explosions but Obito didnt even have a single scratch on him.

Hiruzen was engaging Obito. "Hey cant you teleport Grandpa third with your jutsu too?" Naruto asked his father and sister seeing the 2 fight while Minato explained how the jutsu works. "Dont panic Naruto." Inora said. "The Hokage are reanimations. They intentionally attack head on knowing very well they wouldnt die to analyse the enemy's powers. So stop worrying and analyse the battle." Sasuke said to Naruto. They saw Obito literally blowing off Hiruzen's top half.

"I'll go create an opening." Minato said stepping forward. "I'll come too." Inora said joining him. They all saw Obito coming towards them but suddenly he began to bloat or more like expand. He fell down with a thud and looked immobile. "I see. The Ten tails hasnt completely sinked with its jinchuriki yet. This is our chance" Minato said and the father-daughter duo ran towards him. "Its been a while but its time for my Rasen flash super circle dance haul stage 3." Minato said making Inora groan. "You and your weird jutsu names never change." She mumbled to herself.

"Gamakichi pull up." They both heard Naruro's voice. Gamakichi was tossed away while Naruto fell. Obito passed underground with only his upperbody like a snake. When they were distracted Obito's lower body kicked the both of them sending the daughter and father flying away. Inora stood up only to see Naruto and Sasuke in Obito's hold. He was about to blow their heads off with those weird black thingy. Inora teleported to both of them and got them out of his grasp.

"I really thought we were done for." Naruto said while Minato joined them. Obito started to expand further. "We have to take him down when he is still unable to use his body. Inora stay with them. I will create an opening and you 3 will hit him together." Minato said running towards the expanding Obito.

Just when Minato was near him, Obito stood perfectly normal. It was as if he managed to become himself and get the Ten tails under control. "Its about time sensei." He said coolly. He had black spheres floating around him and a black road in his hand. Minato charged with his kunai which Obito blocked with his rod making the kunai break. Obito ripped Minato's right arm off of him.

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