37. Eyes

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The Konoha 12 minus Sasuke along with Inora were gathered to talk about what happened with their missing member.

"Sasuke did that?" Shikamaru asked.

"Thats unbelievable!" Shino exclaimed.

"I want you guys to let me handle Sasuke." Naruto said.

"You want to fight Sasuke alone? Do you honestly think we would all go along with something like that?" Tenten asked angrily.

"Like Tenten says Naruto, we cant always let you do what you want all by yourself. The reason is because this is a big problem for the whole village." Shino explained.

"Look, I am not being selfish." Naruto said. "You said you would go into details when we got back but I never expected you to say this. All of us here made up our mind to eliminate Sasuke. You cant do this alone." Kiba huffed in annoyance.

"Whats bothering me is your silence Inora. You know how much of a threat Sasuke is right? What do you think about this whole thing?" Shikamaru asked.

"Sasuke was greatly weakened after fighting at the five Kage summit. You could have taken him down easily. Why didnt you that then?" Neji asked looking at the pair of siblings standing in front of him.

"Madara Uchiha was there, it wouldnt have gone easily if we tried besides.." Sakura said only to be interrupted by Kiba "Thats no excuse. Come on Naruto you are strong arent you? You took down Pain all by yourself and You are the Crimson Flash of Konoha"

Inora exhaled heavily having enough of this shit. She just wanted some sleep. "Listen guys. I understand your concern. I know Sasuke is a great danger to the leaf as of now. But you dont know everything that happened." Inora said.

"What happened? What did you find out?" Choji asked.

"I really wish I could tell you everything but there are more important things for us to deal with." She said.

"What do you mean?" Neji asked.

"Madara Uchiha declared war on the 5 great nations and we will be preparing for war with Kakashi as the Hokage. If Sasuke is to stand against us, I truly believe Naruto is the only one who can handle him. If you are still not convinced, I will give you my word that if things dont turn out well , I will kill Sasuke myself." Inora said sternly surprising everyone.

"Inora!" Tomura came rushing towards them. "There you are, I've been searching for you everywhere." He said breathing heavily. "What is it Tomura?" She asked. "Lady Tsunade is awake." He said.


It has been a couple days since the five Kage summit and with Tsunade in action, necessary preparations were being made for the war. Inora managed to do a little research on this Madara Uchiha. She has been thinking about something for the past 2 days and finally decided to act on it. She was going to checkout the hideout she found Itachi in.

Inora was good at a lot of things. And one of them was infiltration. She knew it was a risky move. But if she could find any information that could help them in the war, it would be worth it. She really didnt want to explain anyone about how she managed to mark an Akatsuki hideout with her jutsu formula, so she decided to go alone.

She took a deep breath standing in her apartment (which was restored after Pain's attack by none other that Yamato) ready to teleport to what possibly could be a lion's den. She weaved the hand signs after completely masking her chakra and finally reached the dark dungeon.

It was empty. She didnt sense anything strange. There was no way that this place could be their main base. She sensed for any chakra and froze when she felt Sasuke's chakra coming from behind a door. Sasuke was there. She could tell him that Itachi was alive. She entered the room silently, she didnt let her guard down. Sasuke was on a bed sleeping. The smell of anesthesia filled her nose. Anesthesia? Why would Sasuke take anesthesia? It seemed like he was given a sleeping drug too. It took a few seconds for her to realise it.

He went through a surgery. She was able to feel it. It was Itachi's eyes. Sasuke was transplanted with Itachi's eyes. She gasped quietly. Sasuke's eyes were there in a table opposite from him stored in a jar. He did that to gain the Eternal Mangekyo she read about. She felt a chakra coming towards them which she recognized as Zetsu.

She had no idea if this was going to work but she grabbed Sasuke's eyes as fastly and silently as she could after replacing it with a fake and erased any trace of her presence and teleported back to her apartment.


Inora prepared for an eye transplant surgery for Itachi. She was going to place Sasuke's eyes on Itachi. She had no fucking idea if that would work but it wont harm to try right? She didnt get any useful information going to that hideout but atleast she found a way to bring back Itachi's eye sight.

She gently wrapped the bandage around Itachi's eyes after the surgery. "Can you believe it? He really had your eyes Itachi. I dont know how this is going to end. I really dont want Naruto and Sasuke to kill each other you know. I know you dont want it either. So please wake up soon Itachi. I miss you so much you know." She said looking at him while her eyes got glossy.

She looked at the photo frame she placed at a table near Itachi's bed. It was a photo of both Itachi and Inora taken during her 4th birthday party. "Do you remember this Itachi? It was only a few months since we became friends. I took you near the lake during the night for stargazing. That was the day I met Shisui too." She chuckled remembering that day. She looked at her pendant that Itachi left on the day he went to fight Sasuke. "I am not taking back my pendant until you are awake to take back your ring that I am still wearing."

She sighed knowing he wasnt going to reply to her. "I need to go Itachi. I did leave a shadow clone in my place but still I need be there and help the others to prepare for the war. Dont worry I will visit you tomorrow. See ya idiot." She said placing a gentle kiss on his forehead and teleported back to the village.

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