5. Recovery

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She felt conscious. She tried to open her eyes but couldnt. Her throat felt dry. She could hear voices around her. She steadied her breathing to hear clearly. It was Kakashi and Jiraiya.

"It is my fault. I should have never left her out of my site." Kakashi said feeling terrible that he again lost someone he cared about and the fact that Inora could have died made the feeling worse.

"It is not your fault Kakashi. She is a strong kid. She will pull through. Dont worry" the Sannin comforted the masked man even though he himself couldnt believe the fact that one of his best students lost his life.

They felt her slowly open her eyes. "Inora" Kakashi sighed in relief. Her throat was really dry. She could see that she was in a hospital. But she couldnt recall how she got here.

She asked for water. After drinking the water she looked and saw her left arm was covered in a bandage and she had scratches here and there and she felt extremely drained. She looked around the hospital room. "Why isnt mom here. Is she busy too?". She looked at both of them for answers confused as to why they look stunned.

She noticed the look of despair on their eyes. That is when the memories of her parents death came crashing. "Oh". Thats all she said. Both of them stood there not knowing what to say.

After a few minutes Jiraiya decided to speak"Inora -" "Where is Naruto?".

"Listen Inora" she interrupted once again. "Where is Naruto?" Her voice stern and face void of any emotion. "He is here and perfectly fine" she heard the Third Hokage's voice entering the room carrying a baby.

She couldnt hold him because of her injured arm. She peeked at Naruto who was sleeping peacefully in Lord Hiruzen's arms. She sighed in relief knowing that her brother was safe. "What happened?" She asked the old man.

"We found you passed out near Naruto when Minato's barrier disappeared. Your chakra was drained and you had injuries. Minato and Kushina ..."

"They are dead. I know. Mom said she was going to seal the nine tails in herself and die. But dad used the reaper death seal and sealed half of the nine tails chakra in Naruto. I asked him to seal the nine tails in me. But I had pretty much no chakra so that wasnt an option" Inora explained her face emotionless but voice strained.

"How did you get there? Kakashi said you were with him?" Jiraiya asked carefully. She stared at him for a couple of seconds. "I used Dad's teleportation technique."

All three of them stood there in shock after hearing what she said. "You should rest and replenish your chakra. You were out for a week. We are here for you dont worry Inora. You and Naruto are safe."

"Naruto is safe" she said to herself and took the much needed rest for both her body and mind.


I know I didnt spend much time with you like you wanted me to. Please forgive me for that. You are the first one in this entire world to call me Dad. Thank you for being our daughter. I will always love you and Naruto no matter what


You are going to become the strongest kunoichi of all time. I have no doubt in you Inora. I love you so much. Take care of your brother for us will ya


Inora. She heard a familiar voice.

"Inora" she jolted awake drenched in her sweat.

"Hey its okay. Here drink this" she gulped down the water that was given to her.

"Thank you Itachi"

Itachi was surprised to hear that. This was the first time she spoke to anyone in the past week after the day she woke up. Kakashi , Jiraiya, Shisui and Itachi often came by to check on her but she never spoke a word to anyone. She didnt even shed a single tear

Kakashi's friends Guy, Asuma, Kurenai and Anko came by once to keep her company but she remained with the same emotionless face.

Itachi smiled, "I know this is late but Happy Birthday Inora" he said with a plate full of dumplings.

Inora stared at him. First time in an entire week tears started falling from her eyes. Itachi immediately hugged her tight. "It is okay. Let go Inora". And she did exactly that. She cried in his chest for what seemed like hours.

Kakashi sighed in relief standing outside near her hospital room window. Even though it broke his heart to see her cry. It was better than seeing her stone cold face void of emotions. He was grateful for Itachi staying by her side.

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