2. Friends

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It was Inora Namikaze's fourth birthday. Kushina made lots of delicious food and a big cake for her daughter.

So far she was only close to three people besides her parents and they were Itachi Uchiha,Kakashi Hatake and the legendary sannin Jiraiya

Kakashi was basically Inora's babysitter and also like a big brother for her.

Itachi and Inora played together a lot and they were basically best friends.

Jiraiya was like her grandpa who she loves so much but at the same time he annoys the hell out of her

She was so happy to have them all at her house on her birthday party.

After celebrating, Itachi and Inora were laying on the grass by the river watching the stars. "It really is beautiful" exlaimed the Uchiha.

Over the few months spending with the red head he was amazed at her positivity and rational thinking despite her age. She had the same thoughts about war that he shared.

"I have never seen my dad so sad. He was devastated after losing his student in the war. Something like that should never happen again and I will make sure of it" he remembered her words.

Both of them just laid there star gazing until they were interupted

"There you are Itachi" said a boy who look a bit elder than them with black hair.

"Hey Shisui, what are you doing here?" The redhead blinked confused as to who this random shisui was.

"Oh. Shisui this is Inora. Inora this is Shisui"

"Inora? You mean Lady Inora Namikaze?"asked the elder boy.

"It is not lady Inora. It is just Inora and yes that is me. Nice to meet you Shisui"

The elder boy smiled,"Nice to meet you too Inora. Oh and your mom was wondering why you werent home yet Itachi. So I came looking for you."

"Oh. I should get going. See you later Redhead and once again happy birthday" Itachi smiled at her.

"Don't call me that you idiot and thank you for coming today."

"We will get going and happy birthday Inora" the elder Uchiha wished her.

"Thankyou Shisui.Bye."


"You are doing great. Concentrate a little more of your chakra on the souls of your feet Inora" instructed the masked mystery man.

"Yeah I get it Kakashi let me try once again" and within a few tries she mastered it.

Minato was observing them not so far proud of his daughter and happy that he made the right decision of assigning Kakashi to "protect" his daughter in the form of a babysitter. He knew it would help Kakashi to overcome the loss of his dear friends Obito and Rin

"You do realize I can sense your chakra right dad?" Minato was surprised to hear that.

"When did you learn that?" Asked a shocked Kakashi.

"I can sense chakra signatures nearby i still havent completely mastered it but I can sense it to some extent" said the girl shrugging her shoulders.

Minato chuckled, "I'm sorry to interrupt your training session Inora but I need Kakashi for a mission"

"What?! Thats not fair. I need to train and become better than you" she pouted.

"Really? Then how about I help you train?"
Inora was shocked to hear that was an understatement. He was always busy and he never got a chance to help her train so hearing those words from her father made her beyond excited.

Minato chuckled seeing her reaction, "Kakashi, Shikaku will inform you about the details of the mission. He is in my office."

Kakashi nodded and waved at Inora and took his leave.

"So? What are we going to work on?" Asked an excited Inora.

"How about we start with some basic shuriken practice?" The redhead stood there blinking for a couple of seconds and then smiled widely. "Okay sure."

"Wow! I didn't know you mastered the shuriken jutsu" said an impressed Minato.

"Well perks of being friends with the Uchihas" she shrugged nonchalantly but inside she was screaming with happiness that she could finally show her father how much she has grown.

"You mean Itachi taught you?" Minato asked. "Yeah I have also been training with Itachi and Shisui so.." she paused and shyly asked "Can you teach me the Flying Thunder God jutsu dad?"

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