53. Infinite Tsukuyomi

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"Inora! You okay?" Kakashi asked the redhead. He noticed that the red markings that spread throughout her body has become thin. It was barely visible but her jutsu was still active. "I will be." She said sitting down and started to gather Nature energy.

She felt Madara's chakra heading straight towards them. "Kakashi! Madara is..." before she could complete her sentence Madara snatched Kakashi's sharingan making her eyes widen. She immediately threw a kunai at him to teleport.

She teleported above him "Lightning style: Rasen explosion." Hitting him perfectly pinning him on the ground. Her sage jutsu vanished leaving her open for his attacks. He stood up taking a good amount of damage from her last attack but before he could charge at her Sasuke pierced his abdomen with his chidori cutting him in half. But Madara managed to use kamui and transported his upper half to the time space.

"What in the? How did he?" Inora exclaimed falling on her knees panting heavily after seeing his upper body disappear. And then Sakura suddenly appeared out of nowhere. "Why are you popping up here Sakura?" Sasuke asked the pink haired kunoichi. "She was in the time-space plane. Sakura, what happened there?" Kakashi asked. "Kakashi sensei! Your eye." She exclaimed getting near him to check on him.

"It happened in a flash but Madara stole my sharingan." Kakashi explained. "What happened to Obito?" Inora asked. "I saw Madara, he looked pretty beat up. But then I blinked and I was back here then that means we are in serious trouble now. Obito had reached his limit and couldnt move.." Sakura explained what happened when she was in the kamui time space with Obito while Inora concentrated gathering whatever chakra was left in the Otsushi crystal.

"I see, so thats what Obito said huh?" Kakashi said. "We have no idea when they might emerge, so stay alert." Sasuke warned while Naruto joined them. "So what did you do about his shadow?" Sasuke asked the jinchuriki. "My shadow clone and I immobilized him with six paths rod." Naruto replied. "I believe this would be the perfect time to explain what happened to you both when you were almost dead." Inora said knowing very well that they have suddenly grown much stronger. "I met Six paths super gramps and he gave me this power to help seal Madara." Naruto said. "Six paths super gramps?" Inora asked confused. Sasuke sighed heavily explaining about their meeting with the Sage of six paths briefly making their eyes widen in shock.

"Hey there Sakura. Let me see." Naruto said getting near Kakashi and placed his palm on his injured eye and it turned normal making the others gasp. "What? But how did you do it" Sakura asked shocked. "So let me get this straight. You met the Sage of six paths when you both were almost dead and he gave you access to Shadow and Light chakra powers to help you seal Madara. Is that right?" Inora asked still processing the information. "Yes. Now I told everyone stay alert." Sasuke said in slight annoyance. "What? But this is the first time I am hearing about it." Naruto said and team 7 started bickering. Inora took this time to switch to sage mode.


"Sasuke, what is your current dream? I am aware that Itachi is alive and the fact that you are here means you probably met him. But why exactly are you here helping us?" Kakashi asked the Uchiha. "Itachi is alive?" Sakura asked wide eyed making Inora sigh. "Listen I know you are upto something. But I want to let you know that Itachi has a future in the leaf and he would be happy if you are a part of it." Inora said looking at Sasuke who remained silent.

"I feel that it might be fate that the former team 7 is reunited like this. If you dont want to tell us thats fine but we were all once part of Team 7 is an irrefutable fact." Kakashi said. "In front. He is coming." Inora said alerting the others. "You havent forgotten the lesson from trying to steal the bells have you?" Kakashi asked. "Ofcourse not. The answer is teamwork right?" Naruto replied while Madara and Obito along with Black zetsu appeared in front of them.

"Then you all die together can also be considered team work right?" Madara said with an annoying smirk on his face. He had both the rinnegan and his lower body has already regenerated. "Obito!" Inora exclaimed. "Sorry but Obito is no more. It seems that he was hoping to have his mistakes rectified and be redeemed. He was praying his heart like a child that he could just leave the future to you all. How convenient that would have been for him dont you think? Like a spoiled brat." Black zetsu said making Inora grit her teeth in anger.

Inora saw Sakura activating her 100 healing jutsu. "I will be the diversion. Follow me." She said running towards Madara. Naruto and Sasuke ran behind her. Madara pierced a rod through her abdomen. But she still raised her fist to punch him only to be stopped by what seemed to be an invisible wall. Naruto and Sasuke launched at Madara only for them to be thrown back by something unseen. Inora was able to sense it in her sage mode. "Is this the shadow you were taking about?" Inora asked Sasuke to which he just nodded.

"Naruto!" He called. "Yeah. I know already there is more of them out there." Naruto replied. "Enough of this." Madara said and levitated above. Suddenly the ground began to shake and crumble. It started floating and gather together to form meteorites. "This is six paths power?" Sakura exclaimed looking at those giant rocks that formed above their heads. "They are way bigger than Pain's and there is a lot more of them." Naruto said. "Forget about whats above. His shadows are here on the ground." Sasuke warned.

Madara sent those large rocks towards them. Naruto created a few shadow clones to deal with Madara's shadows while Sasuke brought forth his Susanoo to destroy the rocks. Inora marked Madara the last time she attacked, so she gathered all her chakra teleporting to him.

"Lighting style: Triple Rasenexplosion."

Before she could hit him, he pierced her right through her heart with the black rod. "You are strong, I will give you that but I wont let you stop me when I am this close to achieving my dream." Madara said. She used whatever energy she had to throw a kunai at him and teleported to hit him with her jutsu while he kicked her in the stomach which sent her flying.

She was falling from the sky at rapid speed bleeding heavily. She saw the massive blast from her jutsu but still the moon turned to look like a sharingan. It didnt take long for her to realise that Madara activated the Infinite Tsukuyomi. All the red markings completely disappeared from her body and gathered near her chest healing her with whatever chakra she had left.

Veins started to sprout from the ground and wrapped around her while she was still falling. Inora tried getting out of it but it was no use. She was slowly losing consciousness but before that she weaved hand signs teleporting herself from there.


She laid there breathing heavily. She recognised the place she teleported herself to. It was on top of The Fourth Hokage's great stone face. Veins started to wrap around her again. She tried cutting them off with her kunai but it was futile. She had no chakra left to perform any jutsu. "Did we lose? Is this over?" She whispered to herself slowly closing her eyes when she was yanked from those veins. A pair of arms wrapped around her waist holding her close. She opened her eyes and all she saw was red.

She was inside something red. And those veins didnt seem to reach where she was standing. "Inora! Are you okay?" She heard a familiar voice calling out. She raised her head to see someone holding her close to their chest looking at her with worry written all over the face. She smiled looking at the one who saved her and slowly hugged the person back.


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