Bonus 8: Murderer

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And now the million rio question to the great saviour who chose his village over his own flesh and blood and slaughtered them like animals. Who would you choose? Your precious son who freshly awakened those cursed eyes or your not so useful daughter who is on her death bed?" The person asked.

Itachi froze for a millisecond definitely not expecting that but soon regained composure as he stood calm and analyzed the situation. The lightning cage Shinji was trapped in seemed similar to the limelight jutsu he heard about of the 12 former Guardian Ninja of Fire Daimyo just in a smaller scale.

The difference was that the limelight needed 4 ninja having lighning release to perform it but this jutsu used 4 rods surrounding the target. Itachi knew he didnt need his sharingan to put him under a genjutsu. He could just point a finger at him and kill him right there but he wasnt having a good feeling about the state his son was in.

Itachi was aware that the person was wary of his sharingan which was still active but there was this confidence oozing off of him which made him wonder if he isnt alone. No one would be stupid enough to kidnap his son and invite him alone with no backup plans. Itachi cant by no means allow harm to fall upon his son. So he stayed silent observing for any opening he could use to his advantage and the same time get a clue on who the person is.

"Whats wrong? Cat got your tongue? You had no problem choosing Konoha over the Uchiha. I am pretty sure choosing either your son or daughter should be easy too. You are afterall a cold blooded murderer." The person spat when Itachi noticed something.


There were spiders, most definitely summoning animals observing his every move. It was just like he thought. There was someone else assisting whoever was hiding behind that cloak but he couldnt sense the accomplice. He has to be careful and buy time enough to figure out an opening.

"You went through all that trouble just to be generous enough of giving me a choice? How pathetic!" Itachi said with a smirk making the person freeze. Itachi noticed that despite the person's cocky demeanour, he seemed intimidated by him and he was going to use that to his advantage.

Even Shinji looked frozen for a second before he came to his senses. The redhaired boy was smart. Despite being in pain and on the verge of a panic attack, seeing his father definitely brought him a sense of relief. He picked on what his dad was trying to do which made a pang of guilt hit him knowing he was the reason behind putting his family in danger.

"Why you?" The cloaked figure growled.

Bingo! Just what Itachi needed.

The person took out a kunai and launched himself at Itachi making him smirk. But the person stopped midway with a chuckle.

"Would you look at that! Someone decided to join the party a little late." The person said when Shinji sensed a chakra. "Itachi?" The elder Uchiha heard a familiar voice. "Sasuke?" Itachi exclaimed.

The person laughed like a maniac and snapped his fingers making a jolt of electricity pass through Shinji making him scream. His lungs burned and his limbs ached. Blood pooled in his mouth as he coughed it out.

"I wouldnt move from that spot if I were you." Shinji heard the person's voice as he blinked a couple of times to get rid of his blurry vision.


Sasuke was supposed to be in Konoha for Naruto's ceremony but he couldnt make it in time. Was he feeling bad for that? Well.... No. He has better things to do outside Konoha but that doesnt mean he isnt happy for his best friend. He had things to report to him anyway.

Sasuke was on the outskirts of the Land of Fire in the usual meeting spot ready to send a messenger hawk to Naruto asking him to meet with him. Its not like he doesnt want to go to Konoha but duty calls. He has been investigating a case that involved grave robbery.

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