35. Feelings

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"Sakura what did you just say? Cause I dont think I heard that right." Naruto said stunned. "What I said was I love you Naruto." Sakura said with a blush on her cheeks. Inora was confused as hell. She knew that Sakura was crying for Sasuke just the other day. What the hell happened now? Why on earth is she lying?

"And you also need to know Sasuke doesnt mean anything to me anymore. I was totally crazy to like him in the first place." She said. "If this is some kind of joke, its not funny at all Sakura. What happened?" Naruto asked realizing something was not right.

"Its nothing really. I finally realized my true feelings. I cant continue to love a rogue shinobi who is a criminal. I am not a child anymore, I need to face the reality. Thats why you dont need to care about the promise you made me. You can stop chasing after Sasuke." She said and hugged him "Sasuke just keeps running farther away from me but you are the one who was always there for me. I finally see it. Sasuke just adds more to his crimes and breaks my heart. He is now more of a stranger. But you are always close by my side giving me comfort. And I truly.. " she continued only to be interrupted by the jinchuriki.

"Quit it Sakura. This joke of yours isnt funny at all. I hate people who lie to themselves. So just stop it." Naruto said with slight anger in his voice. "You think I am lying to myself? If you dont like me just say it to my face instead of making excuses." She replied. "I came all the way here to take you back to the village. You are a jinchuriki and the Akatsuki are after you. Stop chasing after Sasuke and worry about yourself for once. The promise you made me doesnt stand anymore." She said.

"This isnt only about the promise. Sasuke loves his family so much that he couldnt forgive what happened." Naruto said. "Then why did he join the Akatsuki after killing Itachi?" Kiba asked "Thats not how it..." Naruto started
"Naruto!" Kakashi interrupted reminding him not to say a word anymore. "It doesnt matter if there isnt any promise. Rescuing Sasuke is what I want to do." Naruto deadpanned.

After a moment of silence Sakura left with the others without uttering a word. The three of them stood there thinking about what the heck just happened and was interrupted by Sai's clone.

Sai explained everything that happened. Naruto was shocked to know that all his friends decided to get rid of Sasuke themselves. Both Kakashi and Inora sighed understanding the situation. "What exactly is Sakura planning?" Inora asked. "I'm not sure. But I think..." Sai started. "Sakura is planning on killing Sasuke herself." Kakashi finished it for him. Both Inora and Naruto froze after hearing that. Before anyone could say anything they were interrupted by Temari, Kankuro and Gaara.


Shocked was a massive understatement. She couldnt believe that Sasuke attacked the summit facing all the Kage. She was aware that he must have gone for Danzo. She was also shocked to know that Madara visited talking about his project called the Tsuki No Me and declared a war on the 5 great nations.

"That damn geezer used Shisui's eye like that. Unbelievable! But what can you expect, he is an asshole afterall." Inora muttered. "I am not that eager to become the Hokage. This still needs to be discussed in the village." Kakashi said. "We dont have time. Madara declared war on us." Temari urged. "Dont worry, you can proceed with the assumption of Kakashi as the Hokage. It wont take much convincing in the village to accept him. We cant afford to respond slow especially if the Akatsuki were to strike first" Inora said. Kakashi nodded understanding while Naruto stayed silent the whole time. Inora was aware how much this entire thing was affecting him.

"Naruto, this also a war to protect the eight and nine tails. As the Kazekage I will make sure to protect you. If Sasuke were to stand against us as an Akatsuki member, I will show no mercy." Gaara said looking at Naruto. "I am afraid the only thing Sasuke sees right now is darkness. You said you wanted to become the Hokage. If you want to be a Kage, you need to do what has to be done as Sasuke's friend." The Kazekage continued by placing a hand on the jinchuriki's shoulder.

"We said everything we came here to say. We will proceed with the assumption of Kakashi Hatake to be confirmed as the Hokage. We hope there wont be any confusion in the communication." Temari said to which Kakashi nodded approving. The 3 of them were about to leave when Gaara spoke again.

"I consider you my friend. In the past it was just a word to me but after meeting you I realized whats important is the meaning of that word. What does it mean to you? You must decide for yourself what you can do for Sasuke. Think hard on that." He said and left with his siblings.

Inora looked at her brother. He looked devastated. She didnt feel any better either but she managed to pull herself through. "Naruto.." she said trying to talk to him only to be interrupted by Kakashi. "He needs to figure this out on his own Inora. Let him be." He said.

Kakashi sighed heavily thinking about the current situation. "I will send my Ninja hounds to the village to inform about the current situation. Inora you will take Naruto back to the village and I will go and bring Sakura back. She is no match for Sasuke." Kakashi said looking at the redhead. Before Inora could protest "Dont even think about it Inora. You are going back to the village." He said sternly.

Naruto suddenly started to breath heavily. He clutched his chest and fell on his knees. He was hyperventilating. Inora rushed to him "Hey Naruto. Take deep breaths. Come on. Look at me. Deep breaths." She said to her brother who was curled on the snow covered ground trying to breath properly. That was what he heard before passing out.

Inora gently laid Naruto on the bed "Take care of him and get back to leaf once he is awake. I will bring Sakura back." Kakashi said to Inora and left before she could say anything.


Inora sat with her back against the wall thinking about everything. "I am so sorry Itachi. I dont know if I can protect Sasuke with everything thats happening." She whispered and a lone tear fell from her eyes. "You really loved him eh?" Naruto asked bring her back from her thoughts. "Naruto! You are awake. How are you feeling now?" She asked rushing near him and placed a hand on his forehead. "You are still burning. You still need some rest." She said gently pushing him down on the bed.

"Were you and Itachi friends too?" He asked quietly. Inora sighed. "Yeah. We were friends since we were 4. He was always there for me whenever I needed him. He was the one who stood by me all the time after mom and dad died." She whispered. Tears filled her eyes thinking about everything.

"Even after everybody told that he was an egoistic clan killer, I never gave up on him. I always believed in him no matter what. And I know you wouldnt give up on Sasuke too. If there is someone who can actually stop him. Its you Naruto. You know that I marked Kakashi right? We can catch up to him soon. Eat this porridge and gain some energy. We will leave soon." She said surprising Naruto. She smiled at him "I have to make sure Sasuke is okay atleast for Itachi's sake." She said.

And soon they were on running on the direction towards which Inora saw Kakashi go.

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