32. The Truth

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Inora took Tsunade and teleported her to the safeplace in the Hokage's stone faces. Everybody there gasped to see her like that. She looked old. Every bit of her chakra was drained. Inora checked on her. "You did what you had to protect the village sensei. We will take care of the rest." She said with tears in her eyes. She was in a comatose state.

"What is happening? We felt the entire ground shaking?" One of the villagers asked panicking. "If the Hokage is in this condition, are we all going to die?" Another asked. "She gave everybit of her chakra to make sure everyone stays alive. She did her job as the Hokage. As of now Naruto Uzumaki is engaging the enemy. There is nothing to worry. Everyone else is safe." She reassured them.

One of the medics came rushing to Tsunade. "We will take care of her. There are still some injured people out there." The medic informed her. She saw many medics coming to see if there were any injured there. She teleported outside and brought any injured person she saw back to the safeplace to treat them.


She was running low on chakra. She saw Tomura, Sato and Hana. "Hey Sato. How are you doing?" She asked the Inuzuka male. "I am fine Inora. The bleeding stopped." He reassured her friend. "I cant believe the entire village has been destroyed like this." Tomura said. "Is that the Hyuga kid? Kiba's team mate Hinata?" Hana said looking towards Naruto's direction.

Inora's eyes widened seeing Naruto pinned on the ground with those black rods and Hinata was fighting Pain alone. Inora always noticed Hinata's weird behaviour towards Naruto. She knew that the Hyuga had a massive crush on her brother. But to think she would risk her life for him.

Inora immediately teleported there and caught Hinata who was about to fall on the ground. "Inora. Take her and get away from here." Naruto said desperately. Inora saw Hinata bleeding. "Are you okay?" She asked her quietly to which she nodded. "Inora Namikaze, the Crimson Flash of Konoha. It is nice to finally meet you. You also trained under Jiraiya sensei and that makes us siblings." Pain said. "You are no sibling of mine. No student would kill their own sensei for their selfish needs. You are just a stuck up asshole who cant get past your stupid obsession with what you believe to be peace." Inora said gritting her teeth.

"Not even Jiraiya sensei was able to find the true solution for peace. So this is what will happen. Everyone shall know pain. Dont get in my way Inora." The orange haired male said looking at her. "I dont give a damn about what you say. You are not getting your hands on my brother. I will protect him with everything I got." She said looking at him right in the eyes.

Inora looked at Hinata and they both nodded. Inora threw her kunais at him teleporting and trying to get a solid hit on him while Hinata ran towards Naruto. He used his jutsu to pull both of them which made Inora and Hinata collide together. Both of them were bleeding. "Dont do this. Get away from here." They heard Naruto's voice.

Inora teleported to Naruto knocking a couple rods that was stuck on him. She felt herself being pulled. She teleported on back of him "Rasengan" she hit him with her jutsu with whatever chakra she had left. She saw Hinata crawling towards Naruto in hopes of freeing him from the rods. "I would expect nothing less from Jiraiya sensei's student." He said. Inora looked shocked. How the hell? She saw Hinata being thrown away. "Hinata" Naruto screamed.

She gathered her chakra and teleported herself infront of Naruto to free him. Before she could react a rod pierced through her stomach from the back. Blood pooled in her mouth. "I will always love you Naruto. You are my brother afterall." She said weakly before falling on her knees.


She felt herself laying in her own blood. "She is bleeding heavily." She heard Neji's voice. She tried opening her eyes but couldnt. No she cant die like this. There is a lot she want to tell Naruto. She thought about Itachi. She cant leave him like this. She forced herself to open her eyes and she saw Naruto trying to open the seal. She looked at herself and saw no injuries. She was inside Naruto's pysche and he was about to release the seal. She went to stop him when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned around and gasped loudly.

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