9. Chunin

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There will be few time skips in this chapter.

6 months later (Itachi and Inora are 8)

"Inora" Tomura came running to Inora panting heavily. "Woah what is the rush Nara. What happened?"

"I heard two Jonin talking about team 2. They said that they were ambushed during their mission and one of them died. I am not sure what happened but .. Inora wait" she immediately ran to the leaf hospital her breathing was ragged.

"Please be safe. Please be safe. Dont you dare die Itachi" she whispered to herself. She finally reached the hospital. She found Shisui. "Shisui" she shouted which caught his attention. Mikoto and Fugaku were also there. "Tell me Shisui. Itachi is fine right?. Nothing happened to him. For God's sake tell me he is fine Shisui."

"Inora. I need you to breath. Calm down." Shisui held her trying to make her breath properly. "No is Itachi alright?" at this point she started hyperventilating.

"Itachi is fine dear. Just a few minor injuries." Itachi's mom said. She was finally able to breath air into her lungs. Tears started spilling from her eyes. Shisui hugged her "Itachi is fine" he said her. "It was Tenma". She froze hearing that. She didnt personally know Tenma but he was a determined shinobi.

Inora saw Shinko not far away from them. Inora and Shinko were not exactly friends but they were familiar with each other. As soon as Shinko saw Inora she started crying. Inora immediately hugged her. "Tenma. Tenma is." She started sobbing.

"It is okay Shinko. Let go" Inora comforted her. "If this is what it means to be a shinobi, I really dont want to be one." Shinko cried in her arms. She understood her feelings. Inora herself has lost the people she loved. Death was always an inevitable part of being a shinobi. She stayed with her for a bit comforting her and went to see Itachi.


They both were just sat by the river stargazing. They didnt really talk much. Inora knew Itachi was never good at expressing his emotions. She was also aware that he was devasted by the loss of his comrade to the point of awakening his sharingan. But forcing him to talk about it will get her nowhere so they just stayed there finding comfort in each others presence and mere silence. Itachi was grateful to her for understanding despite communicating very few words.


A couple of years later (they are 10 years old)

The entire arena was in complete silence. All of them present were eagerly expecting the result of the final match between the two young prodigy.

"And the final match of the chunin exams is between Itachi Uchiha and Inora Namikaze. It will start after a 10 minute break." The proctor announced.

A month before.

"Do you really think we are ready to attend the chunin exams Namida sensei?" Sato asked. "It has been 3 years. You have more than enough experience and skills to pass the exam. But it is your decision whether you want to join or not. If you decide to participate you can only do it as a team." Their sensei said them.All of them accepted and gave their names for the upcoming chunin exams.

Inora stood far away observing her brother. Naruto was now 4 years old. She could see that everyone around him was treating him like a plague. It made her sad and angry at the same time. "I will become the Hokage you know" she saw him scream and run away.

She went after him and saw him alone crying. She couldnt watch it anymore. "Hey kid". Naruto was startled to see someone talking to him. "What do you want?" He asked angrily after wiping his tears. She was sad but she smiled at her brother's pouty face "Nothing. I just have many dumplings with me. I cant eat them all. Do you think you can help me finish them?" Naruto was shocked for a moment but then he smiled immediately "Sure. But I am only doing this because you asked me nicely" she chuckled at his words.

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