21. Confession

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She felt so many emotions right now. She couldnt think clearly. She saw Kakashi in the hospital bed passed out cold. Why? No matter how hard she tried she couldnt come up with an excuse for Itachi's behaviour.

Did he really come to kidnap Naruto? Why would he hurt his own brother? He literally casted the mangekyo sharingan on both Kakashi and Sasuke. She felt hurt, angry, betrayed. Not once did she ask Itachi any question about the massacre. She trusted him more than she trusted anyone.

Kakashi went through 72 hours of torture inside the genjutsu. Asuma was hurt too. Inore felt bitter. She still had a small amount of hope that Itachi didnt do all this without a proper reason but it was slowly fading the more she saw Kakashi and Sasuke's passed out figure.

She made up her mind. She wanted answers and she was going to get them one way or the other. If Itachi wasnt going to talk, she will make him talk.


It has been a few days but neither Kakashi nor Sasuke showed signs of waking up. Inora was going nuts. She wanted to go and punch the hell out of Itachi but she didnt want to leave Kakashi and Sasuke until they woke up. "You should eat something and get some rest Inora." Guy adviced. She sighed heavily. He was right she really needed to eat. "I will stay here. You should go get some sleep." Guy offered. She thanked him and went to her apartment.

She stood in front of her mirror after taking a shower. She saw bags under her eyes and she looked really tired. But she wasnt able to sleep no matter how hard she tried. "What would you do if you were here Shisui?"

She summoned Roda "Tell Itachi to meet me at the usual place tonight." She said to the toad and it vanished. She got dressed and decided to eat something to gain her energy.

Itachi received the message from Roda. He was aware that the redhead was probably furious after what he did. Kakashi was like family to her so he could totally understand why she would be angry. He wasnt sure what he was going to tell her to explain his actions but he decided to meet her either way. Something in him told that this was probably the last time he would be able to meet her like this.


She waited impatiently tapping her foot. "Damn you Uchiha. Where the heck are you?"  she said angrily. And she saw the man with black robe and red cloud pattern. She immediately teleported infront of him punching him right on his face. Itachi was caught offguard but he certainly wasnt surprised. He tasted blood in his mouth. She punched him again and again and again and he let her. She stopped after a few satisfying punches.

"Why?" She whispered. "Why was the Uchiha clan under Anbu's surveillance?"

Itachi blinked confused. When he decided to meet her he played a lot of scenarios in his head as to how she would react and this was definitely not among them. How did she know about that?

"I need answers Itachi. I know you had a reason behind everything you did and I was patient enough to wait until you was ready to tell me yourself. I know how hard it gets after losing people you love. That is why I didnt want you to be alone. I wanted to let you know that I would be there for you no matter what. But now my patience is wearing thin. I trust you with my life Itachi but I wont stand still watching you hurt the people I care about."

Trust is such a simple word but it contains immense power. She trusts him. Even after all he did , she trusts him. Even though she knew he was after her brother she said that she trusts him. Did he deserve such a trust? Was he really going to betray the only person who treated him like a human?

All those bottled up emotions started surfacing. Itachi couldnt breathe. He heard Inora saying something but couldnt make out what it was. Tears started flowing from his eyes. He felt weak and vulnerable but that didnt worry him because he was with someone he trusts.

"Take deep breaths. Breath in. Breath out" he heard her voice. It calmed him a little. His breathing was slowly returning to normal. He blinked his blurry eyes and saw another set of eyes looking at him with extreme concern. His injuries from her punches were healed and he was breathing normally. "Are you okay?" She asked quietly. "No. I am not." He said, his voice cracking. She hugged him and he immediately clung onto her. "I was never okay ever since you left."  He whispered taking in her scent. "It is okay. Let go Itachi." And he did exactly that.

Years of pent up emotions. Shisui's death. Danzo's pressure. Him murdering his clan. His parents death. Sasuke's cries. Him joining Akatsuki.

Inora has never seen Itachi this vulnerable but she didnt let him go. She just sat there rubbing his back as he cried. It broke her heart to see him like this. "I had no choice" she heard him say. "What?" She asked. "I didnt have a choice" he said again.


Shocked was a massive understatement. She remembered all those glares she received whenever she went to the Uchiha compound. The Uchiha didnt trust the village because the village didnt trust them. Everything made sense now. Itachi was bearing this burden alone for all these years. The only reason that Konoha is still in existence is Itachi. Her heart clenched thinking about everything he went through. Even after doing all that for the village he still works as a spy in the Akatsuki. She wondered if anything would have turned out differently if her father was still alive.

He was now calm feeling a bit better getting all that out of his chest. "I'm sorry I wasnt there for you Itachi." She whispered eyes filled with tears. "Its not your fault Inora. It was either my clan or my village. It was either die along with my clan or save the village, spare Sasuke and prevent another war. There was no other choice." He said. "I wanted Sasuke to become strong so I made sure that he hates me before I left. He needs to become strong to protect himself. I didnt come to the village for your brother, I came to warn Danzo not to lay a finger on Sasuke." He continued. Danzo. She gritted her teeth thinking about him. She never really liked Danzo, he always gave her creeps. He is the main reason behind Shisui's death. "Shisui said that he will miss you." He said. Tears started flowing from her eyes. They just stood there hugging finding comfort in each others arms.


Inora no longer felt anger. She completely understood why he did what he did. He is not a criminal, he is a leaf shinobi who saved the entire village.

They both sat there in comfortable silence stargazing, no words were needed. Itachi felt better that there was someone who trusts and understands him. He looked at the woman beside him, ever since they were kids there was no one who understood him better than her and lying to her has always been utterly useless. Just looking at her stirred several emotions in him. "Is there something on my face?" She asked. He blurted out the words before he could stop it.

"I love you Inora."

She sat there frozen not sure if she heard that right.
Love. When did she become this dumb? Ofcourse it was love, all those weird feelings she felt whenever she thought about Itachi. Inora finally realised that she was in love with the Uchiha who is now looking at her with slight nervousness. She smiled widely making her eyes crinkle.

"I love you too Itachi."  she said and connected their lips. That night they made love completely lost in each other forgetting about the world outside their little meeting spot.

Itachi was aware that this relationship was going to cause so much pain to both of them in the future. So he wanted to cherish every moment while it lasted. He conveyed his love through every touch, every kiss marking her as his. She was in absolute bliss unaware of the cruel heartbreak awaiting not so far away from now.

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