Bonus 11: Happy & Content

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Author's note:

This, my dear friends is the longest chapter in this entire book.



The young Shisui made his way towards Fugaku and Mikoto making them look at the boy who resembled Itachi a lot. "I.. do..  do you hate my father for what he did to you?" Shisui asked in a quiet voice but everyone heard it.

Itachi's breath hitched and Sasuke immediately looked at Inora who gave him a nod which told him that both his nephews are aware about what happened to the Uchiha.

Fugaku looked at the boy in front of him as a rare smile made its way to his face. He placed his hand on top of his head and looked at Shinji who was also looking at them for an answer.

"No, I dont. Your father is a great shinobi. He did what was best for the village while I was narrowmindedly concentrated on the good of the clan." Fugaku spoke. "Did you really wanted the coup to happen?" It was Shinji who spoke.

"Not really. But it was my duty as the clan leader to adhere to the needs of my clan members. In doing so, I forgot that I am first a leaf shinobi. Despite everything that happened, both Itachi and Sasuke are my boys and I want nothing but happiness for them. And I am glad they found it after all they went through." Fugaku said sincerely while Itachi and Sasuke tried everything to keep their tears at bay.

Fugaku then looked at Naruto and Inora. "I truly hope you can be the kind of Hokage who everyone can depend on despite the difference of opinions and methods. I know the both of you played an important role behind the men my sons have grown to become and I am eternally greatful for that." Fugaku said making their eyes widen.

"Dont say such words Fugaku-san. If anything we were the lucky to ones to have them in our life." Inora said making Naruto nod. "I will never allow anything like what happened with the Uchiha happen ever again. The shinobi world will never drown in a never ending cycle of hatred again." Naruto spoke with determination making everyone smile.

"Itachi!" Fugaku called out to his son. "Make sure my eyes reach my grandson when he is in need of them." He said making Inora and Naruto's jaw drop to the ground while Sasuke had his eyes widened.

After the war, the Sharingan in possession of Obito was retrieved and kept in the safe possession of Anbu. Fugaku and Mikoto's eyes were among them. Itachi knew his father decided it due to Shisui's Mangekyo making him nod while he looked at his father in nothing but respect and love.

"That will be my gift for you." Fugaku said as he patted Shisui's head and turned to look at Shinji. Fugaku then weaved handsigns summoning something. Soon 2 daggers and a sword appeared in his hands. It was the twin dagger used by Fugaku in his prime which had the Uchiha symbol engraved in them and the sword was Mikoto's.

"You said you had a twin sister didnt you?" He asked Shinji making him nod. He then gave his twin daggers to him making Shinji look at him wide eyed. Mikoto looked at them with a smile and then took her sword out of Fugaku's hands and gave it to Sasuke. "This is for my grand daughter." Mikoto said with a smile as Sasuke accepted a gift for his daughter.

"Woah! You never let me touch your sword once Mikoto. But look at you now." Kushina cooed making an irk mark form on Mikoto's forehead. The redhead then looked at her daughter. "I need you tell you something about your daughter." She said seriously which caught everyone's attention.

"Wha.. Mito is safe right?" Shinji questioned immediately. "Oh! She is fine. Though her chakra seems weak and recovering at the moment, I can still sense the depth of her chakra from here." Kushina said. Kushina's sensory skills are far superior than Inora's. So its no wonder she was able to sense Mito even though they were several miles away from Konoha.

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