Bonus 7: Choose

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Author's note:

The story is at 150k reads! I am happy. Thanks to all my readers.


Shisui was back from his academy and reached his house only to find it locked. He noticed that his uncle's house next door was also locked making him sigh. He promised to train with Yara after school and he needed to change and grab his weapons pouch.

He always had a spare key on him but he forgot to bring it with him today. He took off to the training grounds knowing well his siblings would be there but his heart dropped to the pit of his stomach when he saw his passed out little sister on his way to there.

"Mito! Mito! Wake up dammit." He reached her in panic and noticed blood coming from her mouth. His sharingan springed to life subconsciously as his heart raced. It didnt take him long to notice that his brother was missing. He looked around and found no traces of his redhaired sibling but his crimson eyes did notice the footsteps most likely of his brother and it stopped right where Mito laid unconscious.

He wasnt sure what to make of it but he knew his sister needed medical attention since she showed no signs of waking up and he was by no means a medic to identify whats wrong with her. He picked her up and rushed to the hospital.

He took her to the Anbu hospital since it was quicker to reach than the Konoha general hospital. He knew that the Anbu unit doesnt treat general civilians or shinobi other than Anbu but he couldnt care less.

He rushed inside as a guard tried to stop him. "Mom! Mom! Where are you?" He shouted. "Kid! Civilians arent allowed in this hospital." The guard rushed after Shisui. "Shisui?" The Uchiha heard a familiar voice. "Aunt Yumi! Mito .. she..." the Hyuga immediately noticed the passed out blonde in his arms and rushed to him.

"What happened?" She asked calmly. "I dont know. I came from school and saw her passed out and bleeding in the training grounds. Shinji is also missing." Shisui spoke in between his breath panting heavily.

Yumi's hands glowed green as she checked on the blonde Uchiha and gasped. "She is poisoned and needs immediate medical attention." Yumi said as she ordered the nurses to bring Mito to a ICU immediately.

Shisui looked wide eyed as he saw a couple of nurses rushing and placing his sister in a stretcher and taking her inside a room. "Where.. where is mom?" Shisui asked Yumi. "She is an important surgery kid. I am afraid disturbing her now isnt a wise decision. Dont worry, you brought her right on time before things could get worse. Mito will be fine." She reassured the 10 year old before she entered the room Mito was taken in.

"Hey kid! I need you to calmly tell me what happened." An Anbu who was present there asked Shisui since he was watching everything that happened. "I need to find dad. Shinji... Shinji is missing." Shisui said as he rushed to the Anbu HQ ignoring the Anbu who was calling out to him.


"Dad! Let me in dammit!" Shisui struggled against an Anbu who was preventing him from entering his father's office. "He is having a meeting with the vice commander and instructed not to be disturbed. I am sorry kid but you have to wait." The Anbu said as he tried stopping the kid from rushing in as Shisui considered using his sharingan on the Anbu.

Soon the door opened revealing Sai. "Shisui! What are you doing here?" The Yamanaka asked. "I need to see dad right now. Shinji is missing and Mito.. Mito she..." Shisui said as his eyes got glossy.

"Come in." Sai said and nodded to the Anbu who then released Shisui making him rush inside Itachi's office. "Shisui!" Itachi said a bit surprised. "Dad! Shinji he is.." the young Uchiha started but was interrupted.

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