Bonus 2: A Cloaked Figure

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Author's note:

All the pictures I use are from google. I dont own any of them. All credits to the real owner.

Shinji Uchiha was a quiet yet really smart kid. He was really observant and perceptive. If his hair was longer, it would look as if Inora had become a kid again. Thats how similiar they looked. But their personalities were extreme opposites.

Shinji wasnt a kid of many words. He spoke and acted only when necessary. He was socially awkward. His chakra reserves are so huge. Among the 3 Uchiha siblings, Shinji was the one with the most chakra. His chakra reserves are large and will definitely improve as he grows and gets stronger.

Even since he was a kid, Shinji hated the fact that their parents spent very little time with them. He hated the fact that they were shinobi. He was always grumpy whenever his mother would drop him in Sasuke's house along with Sarada. He never showed anyone that he was upset about that except for Sarada ofcourse.

Sarada and Shinji got along pretty well. The Uchiha female could relate to Shinji well since her mother Sakura was also barely home. Sarada learned to cook by herself since Sakura was at work most of the time and taught her skills to Shinji too. Both Shinji and Sarada could hardly remember Sasuke's face. Shinji barely remembers meeting him when he was 4 years old.

Compared to Sarada, Shinji was grateful that he atleast get to meet his parents daily. But that didnt change the fact that he was unhappy about the lack of attention he was getting from them. It also didnt help that his elder brother Shisui always goes on rambling about how he was going to become the strongest shinobi alive.

It wasnt until 2 years ago, Shinji actually understood why his parents are doing what they are doing. The Uchiha family went on a short vacation a couple years ago. After a week of spending some quality time in Hoshigakure, they faced a situation were several rougues attacked the small village.

Shinji was a boy who grew up in a peaceful village and as a result, seeing so much chaos and blood threw him offguard. That was when he witnessed what the Crimson Flash of Konoha and Itachi of the Sharingan were capable of. He watched in awe as his father bravely fought those people and his mother healed several people saving their lives.

It was then he decided that maybe it wouldnt be too bad to become a shinobi. He could save lives too. He decided to become a shinobi strong enough to save as many lives as he was capable of. After he came to that decision Shinji began noticing how his mother, despite looking so exhausted always manages to make delicious meals to feed them.

Despite being a shinobi, they always find ways to spend time with their family. The joy and happiness that danced in their eyes whenever all of them were together was proof that his parents would do anything for the 3 of them. After that Shinji appreciated the time they spent together instead of being grumpy about the time they dont.

In the family of five, spending time with Shisui is the most draining task for Shinji. His loud mouth and unlimited energy always leaves him drained. He could never understand how his brother can be so loud even after training a lot with their dad. Shisui is most probably the second loudest mouth next to their uncle Naruto, not to mention that Shisui considers the blonde Uzumaki to be his role model.

Honestly, Shinji was jealous of Shisui since he gets to spend more time with Itachi just because he has the sharingan. Now, Shinji knew that the love their parents have for them is unbiased and also he loves his brother so much and would definitely do anything for him. But he cant help but feel a pang of jealousy whenever he finds Shisui and Itachi talking about training.

Ever since he decided to become a shinobi he was determined to learn medical ninjutsu and Inora trains him on chakra control whenever she can. Physical training with Inora is practically useless. Shinji was aware that his mother was strong but whenever he asked her to train him pyschically she just couldnt bring herself to hit him making her hold back a lot.

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