58. The Red Head Uchiha

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"You stubborn little Uchiha, come out already!" Inora screamed. "Dont be stubborn like your idiot father dammit!". "You need to push a little more Inora." Sakura said earning a glare from the redhead. "What the hell to do you think I have been doing all this time?" She yelled in pain. "You can do this Inora come on." Her husband comforted her while holding her hands.

Inora has been in this room for 4 hours and the baby Uchiha showed no signs of coming out. But the pain was getting worse. A lot has happened in these 9 months. Sasuke and Sakura started dating. Naruto and Shikamaru got married. Inora and Itachi found out they were having a boy. Today was Neji's marriage with Tenten. Right after the marriage Inora's water broke and Itachi rushed with her to the hospital.

"Easy for you to say. This is all your fault you damn Uchiha. AAHHHHHH!" Inora was sure she broke several bones in Itachi's hands from how hard she has been squeezing but the male doesnt bother with that.

Sasuke and Naruto were outside the hospital room freaking out along with the Sixth Hokage. "Is she going to be okay? Is the baby out yet?" Naruto questioned every 2 minutes. Shizune had enough of this. "I will inform you if the baby is out. Now shut your mouths for God's sake." She said making the jinchuriki zip his mouth.

Soon the 3 of them heard the cries of a baby. "Finally!" Inora said weakly. Itachi gently wiped her tears. Sakura cleaned the baby from all the blood and gently wrapped the little Uchiha in a cotton blanket. "He is a healthy baby boy. Did you choose the name yet?" Sakura asked handing the baby to the father. Itachi gently carried his son in his arms.

It reminded him of carrying his brother while he was a baby. His son reminded him so much of Sasuke. He sat on Inora's bed allowing her to see his son for the first time. "This isnt fair at all. He looks nothing like me." Inora pouted but her eyes brimmed with tears looking at his son. She gently carried the baby from Itachi. They never really discussed on baby names but Inora had a perfect name in mind.

"Shisui. Shisui Uchiha." She whispered looking at her son who was sleeping peacefully in her arms.


Shisui looked exactly like Itachi with raven hair and black onyx eyes. Anyone could tell that he was an Uchiha by just looking at him. But he was nothing like Itachi. The 2 year old boy was an exact replica of his mother in terms of personality.

Inora was in the Hyuga compound with Tenten and her daughter Yara Hyuga. Yara was a year old and both of them were having a play date. Yara was a carbon copy of Neji Hyuga. "How is Neji?" Inora asked tenten who was preparing tea for the both of them.

"He is doing fine. He became extremely busy eversince he became the clan leader but he makes sure to spend time with me and Yara." Tenten replies with a smile. The Hyuga clan has changed drastically. There was no more main family and branch family. Everybody was treated as an equal.

"How about you and Itachi?" She asked the redhead. "Same thing. But Sai is a big help. So that puts Itachi at ease." Inora replied. Inora took a break from being a shinobi after giving birth to Shisui. Yumi is now taking care of the Anbu medical unit in her absence. Inora makes sure to visit once in a while to help Yumi.

Their conversation was interrupted when Inora felt Naruto's chakra rushing towards them. It was a shadow clone. "Inora...!" He exclaimed panting heavily. "Hinata is..". Inora didnt need to hear anymore, she understood what he was trying to say. Hinata was 9 months pregnant with a baby boy and Sakura was with Sasuke ever since they found out she was pregnant.

After a couple hours Inora handed over the blonde baby, her nephew Boruto to his brother. She was the one who took care of Hinata's labour. Shisui was with Tenten and Yara. She came out to see a worried Hiashi, Hanabi and Neji. "Is my grandchild alright?" Hiashi asked concerned. "Your grandchild and daughter are perfectly fine. You can go see them." She replied softly. She suddenly felt dizzy, before she could faint Neji caught her.

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