Bonus 6: Murderer's Son

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Itachi, Shisui and Shinji made their way towards their home and was greeted by the cheerful voice of Inora.

"Welcome ho.." Inora paused as she noticed her kids' bloodshot eyes and tear stained cheeks. She looked at Itachi in extreme worry but a look of understanding passed through her features when their eyes met.

He told them everything.

"Oh kids! Come here." She reached as she engulfed the boys in a comforting hug. Soon the sobs of her elder son reached her ears making her heart clench in pain. She could tell that Shinji was crying too but silently. Itachi left them as he knew his sons needed some time alone with their mother.

He was a little anxious. Who the fuck is he kidding, he is actually freaking out. Neither of the boys said anything after he finished telling them everything except crying. Shisui did mumble some words but he wasnt able to make out what it was since he was hugging him in an attempt to comfort him.

The boys let him hug them, that meant something right? It meant they understood why he did what he did right? That meant they didnt see him as a monster that killed his own blood right? His mind was racing with million thoughts per minute. But he knew Inora was better at handling this more than him. She was always better at handling such situations.

He cant even begin to imagine what his life would have become if Inora wasnt there for him. Despite everything that happened, she never gave up on him. Never once did he thought he would be able to step foot in Konoha after what he did, let alone continue being a Konoha shinobi.

But now he is the commander of Anbu Black Ops and the father of 3 kids and the husband of Inora, his Inora. He sighed as he sat on the bed of their shared bedroom trying hard not to use his shinobi skills to eavesdrop on the conversation between mother and sons.

He knew that his sons were ovewhelmed by all things he said and showed. His rational side advicing him to stay calm but his emotional side which he once believed to have buried under huge walls until Inora came into his life again crashing them down like a Tsunami, freaking out because his own kids could possibly see him as a monster

He then thought about his daughter Mito, she was a kind hearted soul who considered hurting someone to be an absolute sin. Now that he told both his sons the truth, he knew it wont be long before he had to tell her too. He can only pray that his kids wont hate him.


Inora didnt say anything besides rubbing their backs as both Shisui and Shinji were curled up on either side of her. The pair of siblings seemed to have calmed down a bit since Shisui opened his mouth to ask questions.

"Why? Why did the village hate the Uchiha so much?" Shisui asked as he got sat up on the couch and Shinji did the same. "It wasnt the entire village. Many people had no idea what was going on. But it was rather the village elders. People fear what they cant completely understand. The Sharingan is one of the most powerful dojutsus awakened due to hightened emotions." Inora explained.

"Dad said that it all started with Lord Second placing the Uchiha in the village borders as the Leaf police force." Shinji spoke up for the first time. "That is true. Lord Tobirama wasnt a very big fan of the Uchiha due to Madara's Uchiha's betrayal. So he came up with what he thought was the best solution for everyone by distancing the Uchiha from the village's main affairs.

But the villagers themselves were friendly and things were going good until the third great ninja war. When Lord third resigned his position, Fugaku-san wasnt even recommended for the Hokage position despite being a key figure for winning the war. My dad was chosen without any other nominations by the elders and that left a bad taste in their mouths." Inora continued.

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