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Isabella sits at her lakeside home watching the rain fall one beautiful Seattle night finishing her final paperwork for her new job at as cardio chief at Seattle Grace Hospital. She was fully focused on what she was doing when the sudden buzz of her phone pulls her out of her train of thought. Her Parents Hugo and Selena De La Rosa Pascal both surgeons. Her mother was a plastics and ENT surgeon and her father was a cardio surgeon.

"Hola Mi amor, how are you settling in?" my mom said excitedly as I put her on speaker and continue on working on my paper work. I smile at her enthusiasm.

"I'm good Ma just finishing up on my paper work and I finished settling in yesterday afternoon. So everything should be set for Monday. How's everything back home?" As if on cue I heard yelling, my mom screaming, crying, the dogs barking and my dad laughing.

"You know how it is mija your brothers making a mess and mama getting mad very crazy at the house like always." Says my papa with a laugh. I laugh with him as well. "You know mi frijole," I playfully roll my eyes at the nickname, "We are so excited for your position but did you have to go allllll the way to Seattle to do it couldn't you have found something over here at home, the Familia misses you."

"I know papi but this is my chance to make a name for myself and you know Dr. Webber you said it yourself he's one of the best, and he is giving me chief of cardio, LA was not giving me anything worthwhile I've worked to hard to be stuck under arrogant men trying to one up me here I'm worth something."There's a long pause. "Papi?"

"Thats all I wanted to hear mija I'm proud of you go make a big entrance and show them what the De La Rosa's are made of!"

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