Child please...

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A  week has passed since my episode and Owen has been a big help to my recovery. I can finally hold Pablo and I'm back at work. This morning I had a surprise waiting at me door. A very sad but upset woman is looking at me. "Nina?"

"Hi baby." Catherine give me a hug.

"What are you doing here?" She walks in with her driver he has bags in his hands. I say hi to him. He smiles and hands me the bags and walks himself back to the car.

"Well I was on a business trip and a little birds told me that you were having a rough time. I mad that you didn't call me, so I decided that I was going to visit you and see my grand baby where is he?"

"Dammit Owen, I didn't want you to worry I know you talk to mami and papi. And you know how they like to over react and they don't even know what happened or I hope they don't." I what as she walks over to Pablo and he does grabby hands at her. "Where was your trip."

"California. So I also brought you some Thai food from that little restaurant that you like." I smile and open the bag and begin to eat. "Does Jackson know?"

"About what how I know you or about my episode?" I look up to her as I eat my noodles.

"Well both." She gives me that iconic Avery smile.

"Not the first one but he does know about my episode he came one night to take care of me and Pablo when Owen got stuck in surgery. But I told him that he couldn't tell anyone. I've wanted to tell him when ever you came to visit so I just walk up to you and just hug you and surprise everyone. You know I like to be dramatic."

"Ohh honey don't I know it. So what are you doing to day? Do you work?"

"No today is my day off the sitter is coming in an hour to help me with Pablo Dr. McKenna tells me to not rush into taking care of Pablo by myself. She tells me it's gonna take some time for everything to go back as it was and Xavier has been amazing and understanding."

"That's good sweet girl. How have your parents been? And my boys?"

"They are all good Angel and Luis are still sad that Mark is not here any more. They liked having a big brother they came to visit for the funeral and stayed a week. But they are good. Papi didn't want to leave us here, he wanted us to go home with them but mami convince him otherwise. How about you how have you been with... Tío."

She looks at me shock. "How do you know about that?"

"My sister wife told me when he came one night and he couldn't hold it in any more telling me how his mom and my tío where caught in the same hotel room during his boards. That was the first time that I fully laugh."

"That damn boy. Well if you must know its been amazing I actually called him on my way over that I'm in town and he says that he has a surprise for me later today at the hospital. You should come with take a break from the baby and work and stay with me I'm sure Xavier wouldn't mind."

"Xavier wouldn't mind what?" He asked as he walks into the house hot chocolates in hand. "What did I miss hun." He kisses my head and hands me the hot chocolate. "Well hello Dr. Avery I have heard so much about you."

"Well I hope all good things."

"Well more scandalous fun things you got this little one to do, like I don't know maybe took her out to get her first tattoo?" He snickers at the thought.

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