Por un Amor

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~~~3rd Person POV~~~

Meredith, Derek, Callie, Cristina and Owen are gathered in a conference room with their representative and a representative from the airline. The Doctor Rep was the first to present "Derek Shepherd... multiple hand fractures with a median nerve injury. Arizona Robbins... open femur fracture with resultant above-knee amputation. Lexie Grey... deceased. Mark Sloan... deceased. This doesn't include extreme trama that they or the families had to endure during this horrible time."

Doc Rep speaks up looking at everyone of them."Bayview Airlines would wish for me to extend their deepest condolences."

Derek looks at the Rep. "How is... how is the investigation going?

"Have they found what caused the crash?" Cristina cuts in.

"The investigation could take years. That's why we want to help you put this tragedy behind you."

Doc Rep was quick to speak. "I think you mean, your clients would like to put it behind them."

"So I am authorized at this time to propose a onetime settlement. Bayview aeronautics takes your loss seriously. Now the settlement agreement must be unanimous, and it releases Bayview aeronautics from any and all other claims, known or unknown, but ... most important, it will allow you to put this painful time behind you and move on with your lives." He slightly smiles as he gives Derek a paper with the amount of money. Derek passes it along to the others. They are all shocked to see the amount they were given.

~~~Isabella's POV~~~

It's been a month since Mark's passing and I was doing fine working hard, taking care of my baby, talking to others. Living normally even after my heart was ripped away from me. Until three nights ago everything changed. It happed so quick.


I put Pablo down for his bedtime and I walked out to ou- my. My room. And I was numb. I couldn't feel anymore and for a slight moment it felt amazing no pain, no sorrow, no sadness. I hated that it felt good, I hated me. Next thing I know I'm stripping myself down leaving me only in my underwear I walked over to Marks closet and pulling out one of his shirts. I walk out of the room and over to the bar in the living room to get a bottle of tequila I open my phone and play one song on repeat.

~Ay, corazón. No sufras más~

I sit on the floor in front of the fireplace and just stare into it. I watch the fire dance in front of me. And I finally break. Everything that I have been pushing down, being strong for Callie, Derek, and Pablo. Pablo, he doesn't deserve this, a father he is never going to see again, never going to remember, and a mother that can't even hold it together. It hurts to hold him he reminds me to much of Mark.

~En mi vida dejo para siempre amargo dolor. Pobre de mi, esta vida es mejor que se acabe no es para mi. Pobre de mi.~

Every time I stare into those blue eyes I see Mark everything about this baby screams Mark. A perfect copy of him, except the hair that's my black-chocolate curls. He is going to be a heartthrob just like his papa. A papa that he will never see again.

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