El Stado de Amor y Confianza

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Season 06x13

~When you realize that you are, and always have been, the SECOND CHOICE. "First you take a drink, then the drink takes a drink, then the drink takes you." - F. Scott Fitzgerald "The Great Gatsby"~

We are all currently standing by the stairs in the 3rd floor nurses station when Owen joins Callie, Cristina and I. When we see Derek standing on the stairs wearing a tie and his lab coat looking I wanna say almost like a (dick)tator.

"What the hell is he wearing?" Cristina asks with a disgusted look on her face.

"He looks like an undertaker." Callie said sarcastically I couldn't hold in my laugh on time I laughed so hard that everyone was looking at me so I waved them off.

"I promised him we'd clap." I say after I had the chance to stop laughing

"Oh. Now?" She sarcastically says as she raises her hands about to clap hard

I stop her, well more like I powered jump to be able to stop her before she could. "No." I shake my head at her. And they say I'm the child.

Derek calls our attention. "Ahem. I want to thank you all for being here. I know you're busy, so I'll try to make this quick. As you may have heard, I have been appointed the new interim chief of surgery. It's my personal goal to make this transition the new interim smooth as possible. I know we've had a rocky few months." He goes on and on that I just tuned him out as I think about the torta that I packed for lunch today. Wrapped up. Safe. Just waiting for me to-

My train of thought was cut off by the whispering of Dr. Webbers name I look up to see Richard and Larry Jennings join the crowd, which throws Derek off his game. "Check it out. Chief webber." Notes Callie

"And, um ... What I meant ... Uh, by that is- what I'm trying to say is, I want to thank you for your support in advance. Uh, that's all. Okay, let's get back to work."

I start clapping and mind you I am the ONLY one clapping that I slowly stop and decide to walk towards my resident. "Avery, I need you to round up my charts and bring 'em to room 22-14."

"Oh, Yang, usually comes in early to do that. I'm sure- "

"Yang's not on my service today. You are. I wanna see what you got. I'm giving you a chance here don't mess it up."

"Uhh.. y-yes um thank you ma'am" he walks away I laugh watching him all jittery.

I'm walking down the catwalk when Cristina walks up to me. "Dr. De La Rosa, uh, I noticed you have Avery assigned to all your surgeries this morning."

"I do."

"Um, so there's no room ... For me on your service?"

I smile at her. "Well, you've been on every one of my cases. And this is a teaching hospital. So it's only fair I give other residents a chance to be able to rise from under you. Your an amazing surgeon but others need the chance to see if they are too."

"Yes. Yes, of course. I-I- I understand. Um ... Do you think you'll have room on your service tomorrow or the next day?"

"Of course."

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