The names Sloan.. Chief Sloan.

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It a new day for some new drama. Jackson is present at the staff meeting, handing out sheets to the attendings. While I am sitting down eating one of the amazing pastries that the chief has set out for us. "'Excellence is not an act, but a habit, ' Aristotle" Avery, what is Aristotle doing in our staff meeting, and why are you even in here handing these out?" Bailey questions Jackson.

"You mean when I could be practicing medicine or studying for my boards? Yeah, I've asked myself that same question." I giggle at the older man's attitude. He gives me a glare.

I send him a wink when he walks up to me. "Don't look at me like that this is our husbands fault." I whisper to him and take the papers from his hands. He rolls his eyes at my comment but still smiles as he walks behind me, but not before stealing the piece of bread from my hand and shoves it into his mouth with a proud grin. I jab him on his side and laugh as he doubles over.

"Mmm. Mmm. This is delicious. When did hunt bump up the doughnut budget?" Arizona ask as she savors the donut and with that incomes the chief with a dramatic entrance.

"As chief, I'm a firm believer that a nice variety of baked goods is the right way to start any meeting." Mark sends me a wink as he walks towards me to sit at the head of the table. And with that a storm a questions.

"As chief?" "What are you talking about?" "Seriously?" "Seriously?"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait. What happened?" Dereks shock rings louder than everyone else and that made me chuckle.

"Okay, calm down, everyone. Dr. Hunt is down with the flu. I'll be acting chief in his absence. Could be a day. Could be a week. What do we got for today?"

Their is a long pause before Bailey speaks up again."Let me get this straight. Dr. Hunt asked you to fill in as chief ... You, Mark Sloan, by name?"

"Yes, he did. Any other questions?" He says as we both smile towards all the doctors with our Sloan smiles.


I am currently overseeing a cardio catheter procedure being done by Lexie for Mr. Arnold. "The trick is to envision the artery like a spaghetti noodle...pliable, but not too fragile. You see that?"

"It's a blockage, left main coronary artery. It's totally closed off." She tells with a sad tone.

"There's no way I'm getting a stent in there. We're gonna have to open him up." and in that moment the monitor's alarm goes off.

"B.P.'S dropping to 58 over 20."

"His heart's racing and his temp's rising. Muscles are rigid. All right, let's bring him off anesthesia and start him on 100% o-2. He's got malignant hypothermia."

"So he's allergic to the anesthesia?" Lexie questions

"He'll never be able to endure the cabg."

"So what are our options?" She looks at me.

"I don't know." I look down at Mr. Arnold.

We are in Mr.Arnold's room after he wakes up. We had just explained to him everything that happened. "That's just, uh...I mean, it sounds like you're telling're not actually telling me I'm... I'm gonna die?" He asked us with sad eyes it honestly hurts knowing that there's nothing for me to do. Especially with some one who is so full of life and has goals. He really wants to see that Ivory-Billed Woodpecker.

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