It's spooky szn

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It's my favorite season and I decided to do a family photo shoot including Xavier and Owen. I decided that we should all be a ghost family and have the shoot in the woods behind the house. "Sophia, don't pull your brother's hair!" I turn as Callie runs up to the kids as they both giggle as she yanks his hair back. I couldn't help but laugh at the two as their giggles fill the room. I take out the sheets from the dryer and ball them up to give it a more aged look to them.

"Déjalos chula they are having fun worry when they go quite." She looks at me with a serious look and shakes her head and walks into the kitchen. I laugh and turn to the living room and throw the sheets in the air over our babies, they abrupt into giggles as the warm sheets cover them. The door swings open and two white boys come in with coffees and one hot chocolate.

"Hola pendejas!" Xavier walks into the house as he does a quick little spin. He looks over to the laughing two rustling in the sheets "Oh look at my babies... what happened to their hair?" He stares daggers at Callie and I. She was quick to point a finger at me, I looked at her in disbelief and betrayal

"In my defense they haven't seen each other in three days so they have some amor to give each other. I will fix their hair when the time comes." I walk over to him and take my cup of hot chocolate and kiss him on the cheek. Owen chuckles and subtly grazed my hand as he walks over to the babies. No one no knows about us yet. We were planing to tell Callie and Xavier today in the photoshoot. My phone pings and I walk over to check it. "Andrea says that he and his team will be here in five minutes." The house erupts into chaos as we all get ready for the team to arrive, and set up.

We have a blast as a ghost family the kids where running around, well more like waddling around and bumping into things. It came down to the final pictures and this is where we will tell them about Owen and I.

"Ok bella I want you and Owen to stare davanti and the mama holding her bambina to the right and Xavier and the bambino to the left. Ok on the count of three do your poses." as he counts down Owen holds my waist and dips me and when he says one we kiss each other through the sheets.

"What?!?" Callie and Xavier shout and the babies let out a little yelp and then giggle at the sudden shout. I smile into the kiss and Owen pulls me up. We turn to the two adults and we all remove the sheets.

"How long has this been going on?" Callie ask as she sets down Sophia and jumps up to me squeezing me into a big hug.

I look over to Owen and he smiles. "Well Isabella and I have been together for almost six months. We wanted to keep it for us just for a while until Bella was ready and she wanted you two to be the ones to know first.

"Oh amor I'm am so happy for you. Both of you." She looks over to Owen and brings him into our hug then Xavier and the babies where also joining us. This makes me so happy that they were both happy for me. Now I just need to tell Derek hopefully he reacts the same way as they did.


Bailey and I are on our way to Richard's room. I am still not happy with her about what she said about the settlement and then what she said to tio when the whole CDC debacle happened but I am a professional and she is the doctor on his case. When we walk in we only catch the last of their conversations "That is amazing." Wilson exclaims.

"What's amazing?" Bailey and I announced as we walk in. I walk over to tío and give him a hug and kiss on the head.

Stephanie looks over to Bailey with her big goggled face. "Dr. Webber wants one of us to do his surgery today." I look at her then over to tío with a questionable look.

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