I Was Lost, But Now I'm Found

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"I love you"

"Y yo te amó con todo me corazón, mi amor." I smile as I listen to the sweet sounds of Spanish rolling off the tongue of the man I love. The water rains over us as we enjoy the new rainfall shower head. He wraps his arms around my waist and picks me up, I wrap my legs around him as he walks us to the wall.

I let out a gasp as the cold wall hits my back. "Oh, I love it when you talk dirty to me." I giggle as he smashes his lips to mine.

"I love you."


I'm sitting on the island, my hair wrapped in a towel, looking over my paperwork drinking my hot chocolate. I scrunched my face when I look at the labs. "What's wrong baby?" I look up to see Owen walking up drying out his hair I put down the papers and jump down running into his arms.

"Nothing just looking over some labs." I smile up at him and make a kissy face. He chuckles and lays a gentle kiss on my lips.

"Are you almost ready to go?" Looks at the top of my head and then down at my legs due to the fact that I had my very short silk shorts on and fluffy socks.

"Yeah I'm going like this to work. Why? You don't like it?" I pose for him and do a little twirl.

He laughs and spins me and pulls me in. I smile as my back lays flushed against his chest. He leans down and whispers in my ear. "I always love what you wear or don't wear." His hand trails down my stomach and pass my hip and grips my thigh. "But I don't think the hospital will really appreciate how much I like it when I take you right there, in front of everyone." I clear my throat with that thought. "Now be my good little pet and go and change." I look over my shoulder and nod. He kisses my cheek and smacks my ass as I start to walk up the stairs to our room just as someone knocks on the door.

Now you may be thinking 'Isabella are you really going to let him call you Pet?' Yes, yes I am. Because I may or may not have read some spicy reading materials about a certain god, and I could have told Owen that I wanted him to call and do the things that the book talked about. What can I say everyone should have their Wattpad moment. After putting my curling creams and putting on some work appropriate clothing I walk down to the living room where I see Owen standing by the open door just staring out. I slowly walk up to him and I notice that his face is distant and pale. I don't want to scare him so I don't touch him just gently call out to him. "Owen." Nothing he just stands their empty. This time I gently hold his hand. "Amor?" He quickly snaps out of it and grips my hand hard. "Ow, Owen!" I try to pull away but his grip is too strong. I watch as he starts to breathe heavily and gasping for air. "Hey, hey, hey. Breathe amor. Breathe." He finally looks at me and looks down at our hands that I am still trying to have him release. He finally let's go and pulls me into a hug. "Mi vida you're scaring me so I need you to talk please." He holds me tighter as I rake my fingers through his hair. I feel a mixture of his breath and tears on my neck.

"They found her. She's Alive."


I asked him if we should call off, or if we should make calls and find out more.  But, no he didn't. He told me that he needed to get to work. He was distant and cold. So I let it be, I didn't know what else to do. So we went to work the car ride was silent. The walk to the hospital silent, even if he held my hand he wasn't there. And I for the first time I am clueless about what to do. I quickly get page to the ER by April and the Chief for an emergent patient that crashed her car down a cliff. "Lower extremity deformity with a large hematoma." April states as she checks over the patient's leg. "Can't find a pedal pulse."

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