I am Isabella De La Rosa Sloan-Pascal

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~In Sunday school I learn about a story in the Bible about two women that both claim to be the mother of the same child.~

Arizona and Callie sit in their own lawyers office who are on the phone with each other deciding the best offers for the custody of Sophia. Lucinda Gamble, Arizona's lawyer, speaks through the phone's speaker. "My client is prepared to offer scheduled visitation every other weekend."

~King Solomon a man that asked God himself for great wisdom had to choose.~


Callie stops her pacing and looks at her lawyer Michelle Carpio as she quickly mutes the phone. "That is ridiculous, and she knows it. Sofia cannot take a six-hour flight by herself twice a month."

Carpio nods. "That would be a hard no."


~Two mothers. Only one gets the kid.~

"Hold, please." Gamble puts them on hold an looks at Arizona. "We knew they'd shoot that down."

"They are shooting everything down because they're being unreasonable." She shouts at her.

"They have the luxury of being unreasonable right now. We have less than 12 hours to try to settle. Their witness lineup is better, and they know it."

Arizona looks at her and deadpans. "We have Richard Webber." Gamble gives her a look telling her that it's basically nothing. "S... Ok... Maybe we should put April on the stand."

"Kepner? No. We're not calling a witness you just fired as a patient."

"But she's seen me with Sofia more than anyone, and she's a good person. She'll tell the truth."

"No, she's a wild card. It's too risky."

"Webber's good." She desperately tells Gamble.

"He better be." She in mutes the phone. "What is your client prepared to offer as an alternative?"


~King Solomon came up with a plan. He proposed a 50/50 split~

Carpio writes down the offer on a pice of papper and shows Callie. She hesitantly nods her head. "Visitation rights for Dr. Robbins on school breaks and summers."


Arizona shakes her head no and Gamble agrees. "That puts us right back where we started. "


~Literally, He offered to cut the bebe in half~

Carpio looks at the phone. "It's a reasonable compromise."


Arizona gets mad. "Yeah, well, you can take your compromise and shove it up your..." Gamble quickly mutes them.


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