So it Begins

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I am sitting at the maternity floor nurses station typing very fast and annoyed. When I feel a presence next to me I don't even look up. "What up your ass chica?" I turn to see Nichole Herman standing next to me.

"Nothing. How can I help you my very, very, very, tall glass of fine wine." I wink at her my mood instantly getting better.

"I have a double situation that will involve your brooding chief boy toy." She gives me a mischievous smile.

"What did you do?"

"I added a last minute surgery after I told him and Shepherd it was going to be the last. And I also stole the attending's lounge sofa." I laugh at this.

"Well I am very upset with him today so, I will give you the best thing to get him to bend to your will. Flirt with him. The redheaded himbo gets so confused and flustered you can get away with anything. Trust me that's how I get away with a lot of things." I wink at her and start to walk away from her.

"You dirty dirty girl." She lets out a loud hearty laugh. "I love it. Thank you my dear."


Alex and I are going up in the elevator. I have been jumping around him and punching his arm for the pass three floors. He kept smacking my head, trying to calm me down. It's his fault for giving me a triple shot caramel macchiato even though I don't drink coffee and when I say caramel it was covered in it. It's honestly the only reason I drank it. When we arrive on the fifth floor Alex was holding me in a head lock that was surprisingly comfortable we see Pierce, Callie, and Mer standing in front waiting to come in.

Pierce looks at us weirdly while the other two didn't cast a second glance. "Uhh, what's happening?"

Alex ignores the questions and just smiles at Meredith. "Hey, look who's back."

Callie spoke up first. "Meredith was just about to tell us about her weekend with Derek."

"Good. Tell me now so you don't show up in my bed tonight. It's a good thing you didn't walk in on this morning." He tells Mer as I slip way from his hold.

"Same." I respond and we both give each other a fist bump and a smack on the ass. Our little hand shake.

Callie gives a loud sigh. "Oh. Everyone's getting freaky but me."

"Amor all you have to do is ask and I'm all yours." I seductively walk up to her and kiss her cheek.

"Hot." Alex states with a smirk and we do our handshake. The look on Pierce's face is priceless.

"Well, actually, I was just... actually remembered I-I have to, uh... yeah." Meredith gets off the elevator. We all lean to watch her leave.

"They totally got freaky." Callie says, I couldn't help but laugh.


Alex, Pierce, and I walk into the attending's lounge. "So, you and Meredith are getting pretty tight, huh?" Alex asked her as I walk into the fridge to steal Owen's cookies that I know he has for lunch, mostly because it was my turn to pack our lunch today.

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