Let it Snow... Let it Snow... Then Let Them Go

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My eyes are still closed as I gently rub patterns on his back, I gently rake my nails against his skin and smile as he hums in bliss against my chest as he snuggles deep against me. I wrap my leg over his waist and cuddle him deeper into me. I feel his grip around my waist tighten as light kisses butterfly all over my chest. "Buenos días amor."

"Good morning amor." His deep, gravelly, morning voice sends a jolt through me making my thighs squeeze together trapping him in between. "Well someone's excited." He chuckles between my breast.

I laugh and smack the top of his head. "Well I wouldn't be if you would control the morning voice." I say as I flip him on his back and straddle him. "Tu sais exactement ce que me fais, mon amour." His hips buck at the language change.

"My God, I love it when you talk French." He pulls me into a rough kiss. "Do it again."

"Je veux que tu me fasses des choses impies ici et maintenant." I growl into his ear.

"Fucking hell, Flor." He moans and in a blink of an eye he flips me on my back and starts to leave a trail of markings down my chest to my thighs, I close my eyes as I take in the delicious attention to my core. I can feel him start to kiss me through my lace, and just as he is about to pull them off. I here loud laughing and tiny little feet running up to our door. My eyes snap open as Owen's lips detached from me and we both look at each other. "We are going to have to put this on hold."

"Oh my gods, this is how you guys feel when I do this huh?" I look at him in disbelief. "This is karma." Owen laughs at my misery

"Yup." Was all he said as he got up and walked to the bathroom. I let out a quite scream and quickly run to the dresser to put on one of Owen's shirts. Just as I get it over my head the door busts open and Pablo ,Sofia, Zola, and Bailey come running in.

"It's snowing." They all yell out as they run to the bed and start jumping. I look at them weirdly.

"What are you guys talking about?" I walk over to Bailey and pick him up. "My goodness papito you are getting so big." He giggles at me. "What has mama been feeding you?"

"Ice cream!" He shouts. I laugh at him and walk over to the window where the kids have all moved to.

"Tía Bell I don't think that's snow." Zola says as we look out at all the white falling. I feel Owen's hand lay on the small on my back.

"No, baby... it's not."


Tío and I enter Bailey's office. I watch as she is looking for something on the bookshelf. "Is it what I think it is?" Tío asks Bailey

"Uh-huh. Just got the call. It's all coming here." She walks to the center table and open the binder she pulled out.

"Okay. How many are we looking at?"I ask her as I walk over to the window.

"Over 40. Where's the protocol for this?"


"Got to be some guidelines."

"Look, i-it's your first crisis. You'll be fine."

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