It's a...

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~ The best things in life are the people we love, the places we've been, and the memories made along the way. Where life begins and love never ends the people you love with live for and love forever.~

Let me set the mood for you. Fairy lights everywhere, candles scattered around. The "backyard" is now looks like the enchanted forest. Mark went WAY overboard to say the least but he told me that it was perfect and for me not to worry about it. Puse, ok then I'm going back to my cajetilla and pan. I am currently seven months and showing. Nothing fits me and I am always hungry. And mad. Mark loves it he coddles me every chance he gets always has Owen, Derek and Callie checking up on me whenever he can't. I have even caught Avery trying to be stealthy and keep tabs on me they think I don't know, but I do I'm like the latina Baliey I know everything. I watch as everyone runs around putting up the final touches and Mark giving out the orders. Everyone is coming all of our friends from the hospital some of my family from the states and some from Mexico and Guatemala. Mark was very adamant to have them all come over it was very funny to watch him talk to them in Spanish he has been brushing up on it everyone loves him so much when ever I call them up they always ask, "doné está mi muchacho guapo." I'm 100% positive that they are going to steal him from me when they get the chance. We are currently wearing all white and the color that represents the gender of the baby. I'm wearing forest green for a boy and he is wearing gold for a girl. Tonight's going to be amazing.

Full house everyone is having fun, eating, drinking, and laughing pure joy. As predicted my tias have kidnapped my man and currently stuffing him with the foods that they brought over from their homes its truly a sight to see. People playing games it's truly a sight to see Derek with a balloon stuffed into his shirt as Luis wraps the toilet paper around his stomach. While my mama, papi, and Callie try and guess the baby food. I am currently sipping on my 5th glass of very expensive Martinelli's (gotta keep it classy) with Dr. Webber and Owen the latter drinking it for and I quote "support", but in reality I guilted him into drinking it telling him that as the godfather of my baby it is his duty to support me and not drink in my presence or it will result in tears. "So did you my handsome men cast your gender votes yet?"

"Yes I did Isabella and I expect to win I don't like losing." Dr. Webber tells me with his brow raised.

I laugh at his antics, "Time will tell tío but I think that you maybe right." I answer smugly as we clink and raise our glass with a knowing look. Owen laughs at us. I pat them both an the lap and try... keyword try to gracefully get up but let's be honest when has a pregnant woman with a whole ass watermelon gotten up gracefully. I walk over to Mark, "Mi Amor, I think it's time." I look at him suggestively and then turn to my tias. "Hola tias perdón pero te lo voy a robar." They all talk over each other telling me no and that they want to be with him longer I smile and start to pull him away from his fan club.

"No se preocupan ahorita regreso." He tells them with his most charming smile and we walk away.

"Wow should I be worry that you might run off with one of my tias because you still have time." I tell him teasingly.

He laughs at me and shakes his head. "No Amor you are stuck with me." We laugh and he kisses my temple. We walk to a pathway that has been closed of to the rest and Mark grabs everyone's attention. "First of I want to thank everyone for coming to celebrate our blessing that is our child." I roll my eyes as everyone laughs at his wording. "But what all of you may not know except a selective few, we are here to also celebrate something else very important to us as a family so without further a do please follow us to the secret garden." We open the walkway and everyone walks in gasps and giggles can be heard as our friends and family walk in to our wedding.

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